Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards



Determine if T should be treated as a described enum.


Defined in header <boost/json/conversion.hpp>

    class T>
struct is_described_enum

Described enums are serialised as strings when their value equals to a described enumerator, and as integers otherwise. The reverse operation does not convert numbers to enums values, though, and instead produces an error.

If boost::describe::has_describe_enumerators<T>::value is true, then the trait provides the member constant value that is equal to true. Otherwise, value is equal to false.

Users can specialize the trait for their own enums if they don't want them to be treated as described enums. For example:

namespace boost {
namespace json {

template <>
struct is_described_enum<your::described_enum> : std::false_type
{ };

} // namespace boost
} // namespace json
See Also


Convenience header <boost/json.hpp>
