Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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Class typed_value_base



// In header: <boost/program_options/value_semantic.hpp>

class typed_value_base {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  virtual ~typed_value_base();

  // public member functions
  virtual const std::type_info & value_type() const = 0;


Base class for all option that have a fixed type, and are willing to announce this type to the outside world. Any 'value_semantics' for which you want to find out the type can be dynamic_cast-ed to typed_value_base. If conversion succeeds, the 'type' method can be called.

typed_value_base public construct/copy/destruct

  1. virtual ~typed_value_base();

typed_value_base public member functions

  1. virtual const std::type_info & value_type() const = 0;
