Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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connection::start_statement_execution (2 of 4 overloads)

Starts a statement execution as a multi-function operation.

    class FieldLikeTuple,
    class EnableIf = detail::enable_if_field_like_tuple<FieldLikeTuple>>
    const statement& stmt,
    const FieldLikeTuple& params,
    execution_state& st);

Writes the execute request and reads the initial server response and the column metadata, but not the generated rows, if any. After this operation completes, st will have execution_state::meta populated, and may become execution_state::complete if the operation did not generate any rows (e.g. it was an UPDATE). Metadata will be populated according to this->meta_mode().

If the operation generated any rows, these must be read (by using read_some_rows) before engaging in any further operation involving server communication. Otherwise, the results are undefined.

The statement actual parameters (params) are passed as a std::tuple of elements. String parameters should be encoded using the connection's character set.


stmt.valid() == true
