Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of boost. Click here for the latest Boost documentation.

Struct template implementation_defined



// In header: <boost/heap/skew_heap.hpp>

template<typename T, typename A0 = boost::parameter::void_, 
         typename A1 = boost::parameter::void_, 
         typename A2 = boost::parameter::void_, 
         typename A3 = boost::parameter::void_, 
         typename A4 = boost::parameter::void_, 
         typename A5 = boost::parameter::void_, 
         typename A6 = boost::parameter::void_> 
struct implementation_defined {
  // types
  typedef T                                                      value_type;         
  typedef base_maker::compare_argument                           value_compare;      
  typedef base_maker::allocator_type                             allocator_type;     
  typedef base_maker::node_type                                  node;               
  typedef boost::allocator_pointer< allocator_type >::type       node_pointer;       
  typedef boost::allocator_const_pointer< allocator_type >::type const_node_pointer; 
  typedef unspecified                                            value_extractor;    
  typedef boost::array< node_pointer, 2 >                        child_list_type;    
  typedef child_list_type::iterator                              child_list_iterator;
  typedef unspecified                                            iterator;           
  typedef iterator                                               const_iterator;     
  typedef unspecified                                            ordered_iterator;   
  typedef unspecified                                            reference;          
  typedef unspecified                                            handle_type;        
