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Upgrade from version 1.34

Boost version 1.35 introduced some larger refactorings of the library:

  1. Direct support for character arrays was abandoned in favor of uniform treatment of all arrays. Instead string algorithms can use the new function as_literal().
  2. size now requires a Random Access Range. The old behavior is provided as distance().
  3. range_size<T>::type has been completely removed in favor of range_difference<T>::type
  4. boost_range_begin() and boost_range_end() have been renamed range_begin() and range_end() respectively.
  5. range_result_iterator<T>::type and range_reverse_result_iterator<T>::type have been renamed range_iterator<T>::type and range_reverse_iterator<T>::type.
  6. The procedure that makes a custom type work with the library has been greatly simplified. See Extending the library for UDTs for details.
