Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


Copyright 2019 Glen Joseph Fernandes

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

This functionality is now in <boost/core/allocator_access.hpp>.
#include <boost/core/noinit_adaptor.hpp>

namespace boost {

template<class A, class T>
inline void
alloc_destroy(A& a, T* p)
    boost::allocator_destroy(a, p);

template<class A, class T>
inline void
alloc_destroy_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n)
    boost::allocator_destroy_n(a, p, n);

template<class A, class T>
inline void
alloc_construct(A& a, T* p)
    boost::allocator_construct(a, p);

template<class A, class T, class U, class... V>
inline void
alloc_construct(A& a, T* p, U&& u, V&&... v)
    boost::allocator_construct(a, p, std::forward<U>(u),
template<class A, class T, class U>
inline void
alloc_construct(A& a, T* p, U&& u)
    boost::allocator_construct(a, p, std::forward<U>(u));
template<class A, class T, class U>
inline void
alloc_construct(A& a, T* p, const U& u)
    boost::allocator_construct(a, p, u);

template<class A, class T, class U>
inline void
alloc_construct(A& a, T* p, U& u)
    boost::allocator_construct(a, p, u);

template<class A, class T>
inline void
alloc_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n)
    boost::allocator_construct_n(a, p, n);

template<class A, class T>
inline void
alloc_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n, const T* l, std::size_t m)
    boost::allocator_construct_n(a, p, n, l, m);

template<class A, class T, class I>
inline void
alloc_construct_n(A& a, T* p, std::size_t n, I b)
    boost::allocator_construct_n(a, p, n, b);

} /* boost */
