Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


Struct template bt_iterator_traits<T[N], true>

boost::unit_test::bt_iterator_traits<T[N], true>


// In header: <boost/test/utils/is_forward_iterable.hpp>

template<typename T, std::size_t N> 
struct bt_iterator_traits<T[N], true> {
  // types
  typedef boost::add_const< T >::type         T_const;       
  typedef boost::add_pointer< T_const >::type const_iterator;
  typedef T                                   value_type;    

  // public static functions
  static const_iterator begin(T_const(&));
  static const_iterator end(T_const(&));
  static std::size_t size(T_const(&));


bt_iterator_traits public static functions

  1. static const_iterator begin(T_const(&) array);
  2. static const_iterator end(T_const(&) array);
  3. static std::size_t size(T_const(&));
