Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

Boost.Flyweight Factories reference


Factories and factory specifiers

Given a type Key and an MoveConstructible type Entry implicitly convertible to const Key&, a factory of Entry elements (implicitly associated to Key) is a DefaultConstructible entity able to store and retrieve immutable elements of type Entry. A factory is governed by an associated equivalence relation defined on Key so that no two Entry objects convertible to equivalent Keys can be stored simultaneously in the factory. Different factory types can use different equivalence relations.

In the following table, Factory is a factory of elements of type Entry, f denotes an object of type Factory, x denotes a non-const rvalue of type Entry and h is a value of Factory::handle_type.

Factory requirements.
expression return type assertion/note
Factory::handle_type handle to elements of type T
stored in the factory
handle_type is CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable
and its copy and assignment operations never throw an exception.
f.insert(x); handle_type Inserts a copy of x if there is no equivalent entry in f;
returns a handle to the inserted or equivalent element.
f.erase(h); void Erases the element associated to h.
This operation does not throw.
f.entry(h); const Entry& Returns a reference to the element associated to h.
This operation does not throw.

Additionally to the basic thread safety guarantee which is implicitly assumed for most classes including the majority of components of the C++ standard library, it is required that the member function entry can be invoked simultaneously from different threads, even in the presence of concurrent accesses to insert and erase (as long as the entry returned by entry is not the one which is being erased).

A type S is said to be a factory specifier if:

  1. One of the following conditions is satisfied:
    1. is_factory<S>::type is boost::mpl::true_,
    2. S is of the form factory<S'>.
  2. S, or S' if (b) applies, is an MPL Lambda Expression such that invoking it with types (Entry, Key) resolves to a factory type of Entry elements (implicitly associated to Key).

Header "boost/flyweight/factory_tag.hpp" synopsis

namespace boost{

namespace flyweights{

struct factory_marker;

template<typename T>
struct is_factory;

template<typename T>
struct factory;

} // namespace boost::flyweights

} // namespace boost

Class template is_factory

Unless specialized by the user, is_factory<T>::type is boost::mpl::true_ if T is derived from factory_marker, and it is boost::mpl::false_ otherwise.

Class template factory

factory<T> is a syntactic construct meant to indicate that T is a factory specifier without resorting to the mechanisms provided by the is_factory class template.

Header "boost/flyweight/hashed_factory_fwd.hpp" synopsis

namespace boost{

namespace flyweights{

  typename Entry,typename Key,
  typename Hash=implementation defined,
  typename Pred=implementation defined,
  typename Allocator=implementation defined
class hashed_factory_class;

  typename Hash=implementation defined,
  typename Pred=implementation defined,
  typename Allocator=implementation defined
struct hashed_factory;

} // namespace boost::flyweights

} // namespace boost

hashed_factory_fwd.hpp forward declares the class templates hashed_factory_class and hashed_factory.

Header "boost/flyweight/hashed_factory.hpp" synopsis

Class template hashed_factory_class

hashed_factory_class is a Factory implemented with a hashed container.

  typename Entry,typename Key,
  typename Hash,typename Pred,typename Allocator
class hashed_factory_class
  typedef implementation defined handle_type;
  handle_type  insert(Entry&& x);
  void         erase(handle_type h);
  const Entry& entry(handle_type h);

Hash is a DefaultConstructible Hash function object for arguments of type Key. Pred is a DefaultConstructible BinaryPredicate inducing an equivalence relation on elements of Key. It is required that a Hash object return the same value for objects equivalent under Pred. The equivalence relation on Key associated to the factory is that induced by Pred. The default arguments for Hash and Pred are boost::hash<Key> and std::equal_to<Key>, respectively. Allocator must be an Allocator of Entry objects. The default argument is std::allocator<Entry>. The internal hashed container upon which hashed_factory_class is based is constructed with default initialized objects of type Hash, Pred and Allocator.

Class template hashed_factory

Factory Specifier for hashed_factory_class.

template<typename Hash,typename Pred,typename Allocator>
struct hashed_factory;

hashed_factory<Hash,Pred,Allocator> is an MPL Metafunction Class such that the type


is the same as


This implies that Hash, Pred and Allocator can be MPL Placeholder Expressions resolving to the actual types used by hashed_factory_class.

Header "boost/flyweight/concurrent_factory_fwd.hpp" synopsis

namespace boost{

namespace flyweights{

  typename Entry,typename Key,
  typename Hash=implementation defined,
  typename Pred=implementation defined,
  typename Allocator=implementation defined
class concurrent_factory_class;

  typename Hash=implementation defined,
  typename Pred=implementation defined,
  typename Allocator=implementation defined
struct concurrent_factory;

} // namespace boost::flyweights

} // namespace boost

concurrent_factory_fwd.hpp forward declares the class templates concurrent_factory_class and concurrent_factory.

Header "boost/flyweight/concurrent_factory.hpp" synopsis

Class template concurrent_factory_class

concurrent_factory_class is a Factory implemented with a concurrent hash container. This factory does not require external locking, even in a multithreaded scenarios. It does not require any tracking mechanism either: values no longer referenced by any flyweight are not erased deterministically, but rather they are removed periodically by an internal garbage collector running in a dedicated thread.

  typename Entry,typename Key,
  typename Hash,typename Pred,typename Allocator
class concurrent_factory_class
  typedef implementation defined handle_type;
  handle_type  insert(Entry&& x);
  void         erase(handle_type h);
  const Entry& entry(handle_type h);

Hash is a Hash function object for arguments of type Key. Pred is a DefaultConstructible BinaryPredicate inducing an equivalence relation on elements of Key. It is required that a Hash object return the same value for objects equivalent under Pred. The equivalence relation on Key associated to the factory is that induced by Pred. The default arguments for Hash and Pred are boost::hash<Key> and std::equal_to<Key>, respectively. Allocator must be an Allocator of Entry objects. The default argument is std::allocator<Entry>. The internal concurrent container upon which concurrent_factory_class is based is constructed with default initialized objects of type Hash, Pred and Allocator.

Class template concurrent_factory

Factory Specifier for concurrent_factory_class.

template<typename Hash,typename Pred,typename Allocator>
struct concurrent_factory;

concurrent_factory<Hash,Pred,Allocator> is an MPL Metafunction Class such that the type


is the same as


This implies that Hash, Pred and Allocator can be MPL Placeholder Expressions resolving to the actual types used by concurrent_factory_class.

Header "boost/flyweight/set_factory_fwd.hpp" synopsis

namespace boost{

namespace flyweights{

  typename Entry,typename Key,
  typename Compare=implementation defined,
  typename Allocator=implementation defined
class set_factory_class;

  typename Compare=implementation defined,
  typename Allocator=implementation defined
struct set_factory;

} // namespace boost::flyweights

} // namespace boost

set_factory_fwd.hpp forward declares the class templates set_factory_class and set_factory.

Header "boost/flyweight/set_factory.hpp" synopsis

Class template set_factory_class

set_factory_class is a Factory implemented on top of an orderded associative container.

  typename Entry,typename Key,
  typename Compare,typename Allocator
class set_factory_class
  typedef implementation defined handle_type;
  handle_type  insert(Entry&& x);
  void         erase(handle_type h);
  const Entry& entry(handle_type h);

Compare is a DefaultConstructible BinaryPredicate inducing a strict weak ordering on values of Key. Two Keys x and y are considered equivalent if !c(x,y)&&!c(y,x) for c of type Compare. The default argument of Compare is std::less<Key>. Allocator must be an Allocator of Entry objects. The default argument is std::allocator<Entry>. The internal container upon which set_factory_class is based is constructed with default initialized objects of type Compare and Allocator.

Class template set_factory

Factory Specifier for set_factory_class.

template<typename Compare,typename Allocator>
struct set_factory;

set_factory<Compare,Allocator> is an MPL Metafunction Class such that the type


is the same as


This implies that Compare and Allocator can be MPL Placeholder Expressions resolving to the actual types used by set_factory_class.

Header "boost/flyweight/assoc_container_factory_fwd.hpp" synopsis

namespace boost{

namespace flyweights{

template<typename Container>
class assoc_container_factory_class;

template<typename ContainerSpecifier>
struct assoc_container_factory;

} // namespace boost::flyweights

} // namespace boost

assoc_container_factory_fwd.hpp forward declares the class templates assoc_container_factory_class and assoc_container_factory.

Header "boost/flyweight/assoc_container_factory.hpp" synopsis

Class template assoc_container_factory_class

assoc_container_factory_class wraps a suitable associative container to provide a Factory interface.

template<typename Container>
class assoc_container_factory_class
  typedef typename Container::iterator handle_type;
  handle_type insert(typename Container::value_type&& x);
  void        erase(handle_type h);
  const typename Container::value_type& entry(handle_type h);

Container must be an (ordered or unordered) associative container such that

  1. Container::key_type is the same as Container::value_type (which is the entry type associated to the factory).
  2. Unique keys (rather than equivalent keys) are supported.
  3. Container is stable, i.e. its iterators are not invalidated upon insert or erase operations.
The equivalence relation associated to assoc_container_factory_class is the one induced by Container. If equivalence of elements of Container::value_type is determined solely on the basis of a type value_type' to which value_type is implicitly convertible, then assoc_container_factory_class is a factory of entries of type value_type implicitly associated to value_type'. For example, the instantiation

  std::set<derived,std::less<base> > // derived inherits from base

is a factory of derived elements implicitly associated to base.

Class template assoc_container_factory

Factory Specifier for assoc_container_factory_class.

template<typename ContainerSpecifier>
struct assoc_container_factory;

ContainerSpecifier must be an MPL Lambda Expression resolving, when invoked with (Entry, Key), to a type Container such that assoc_container_factory_class<Container> is a factory of Entry elements implicitly associated to Key.

Revised September 27th 2024

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