// Copyright (C) 2020 T. Zachary Laine
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/parser/detail/text/trie.hpp>
#include <boost/parser/detail/stl_interfaces/reverse_iterator.hpp>
namespace boost::parser::detail { namespace text {
template<typename Key, typename Value>
struct trie_map_iterator;
template<typename Key, typename Value>
struct const_trie_map_iterator;
template<typename Key, typename Value>
using reverse_trie_map_iterator =
stl_interfaces::reverse_iterator<trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>>;
template<typename Key, typename Value>
using const_reverse_trie_map_iterator =
stl_interfaces::reverse_iterator<const_trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>>;
/** A range type returned by certain operations on a trie_map or
trie_set. */
template<typename Iter>
struct trie_range
using iterator = Iter;
iterator first;
iterator last;
iterator begin() const { return first; }
iterator end() const { return last; }
friend bool operator==(trie_range const & lhs, trie_range const & rhs)
return lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.last == rhs.last;
friend bool operator!=(trie_range const & lhs, trie_range const & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
/** A constant range type returned by certain operations on a trie_map or
trie_set. */
template<typename Iter>
struct const_trie_range
using const_iterator = Iter;
const_iterator first;
const_iterator last;
const_iterator begin() const { return first; }
const_iterator end() const { return last; }
friend bool
operator==(const_trie_range const & lhs, const_trie_range const & rhs)
return lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.last == rhs.last;
friend bool
operator!=(const_trie_range const & lhs, const_trie_range const & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
/** The result type of insert() operations on a trie_map or trie_set. */
template<typename Iter>
struct trie_insert_result
using iterator = Iter;
trie_insert_result() : iter(), inserted(false) {}
trie_insert_result(iterator it, bool ins) : iter(it), inserted(ins) {}
iterator iter;
bool inserted;
friend bool operator==(
trie_insert_result const & lhs, trie_insert_result const & rhs)
return lhs.iter == rhs.iter && lhs.inserted == rhs.inserted;
friend bool operator!=(
trie_insert_result const & lhs, trie_insert_result const & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
namespace detail {
struct index_within_parent_t
index_within_parent_t() : value_(-1) {}
std::size_t value() const { return value_; }
typename Key,
typename Value,
typename Iter,
std::size_t KeySize>
void insert_at(
KeySize>> const & child,
std::ptrdiff_t offset,
Iter it,
Iter end)
child->index_within_parent_.value_ = offset;
for (; it != end; ++it) {
template<typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t KeySize>
void insert_ptr(std::unique_ptr<trie_node_t<
KeySize>> const & child)
child->index_within_parent_.value_ = 0;
template<typename Iter>
void erase(Iter it, Iter end)
for (; it != end; ++it) {
std::size_t value_;
template<typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t KeySize = 0>
struct trie_iterator_state_t
trie_node_t<index_within_parent_t, Key, Value, KeySize> const *
std::size_t index_;
template<typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t KeySize>
trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value, KeySize>
parent_state(trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value, KeySize> state)
return {state.parent_->parent(),
template<typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t KeySize>
Key reconstruct_key(trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value, KeySize> state)
Key retval;
while (state.parent_->parent()) {
retval.insert(retval.end(), state.parent_->key(state.index_));
state = parent_state(state);
std::reverse(retval.begin(), retval.end());
return retval;
template<typename Key, typename Value, std::size_t KeySize>
trie_node_t<index_within_parent_t, Key, Value, KeySize> const *
to_node(trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value, KeySize> state)
if (state.index_ < state.parent_->size())
return state.parent_->child(state.index_);
return nullptr;
/** An associative container similar to std::map, built upon a trie, or
prefix-tree. A trie_map contains a set of keys, each of which is a
sequence, and a set of values, each associated with some key. Each
node in the trie_map represents some prefix found in at least one
member of the set of values contained in the trie_map. If a certain
node represents the end of one of the keys, it has an associated
value. Such a node may or may not have children.
Complexity of lookups is always O(M), where M is the size of the Key
being lookep up. Note that this implies that lookup complexity is
independent of the size of the trie_map.
\param Key The key-type; must be a sequence of values comparable via
Compare()(x, y).
\param Value The value-type.
\param Compare The type of the comparison object used to compare
elements of the key-type.
template<typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare>
struct trie_map
using node_t =
detail::trie_node_t<detail::index_within_parent_t, Key, Value>;
using iter_state_t = detail::trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value>;
using key_type = Key;
using mapped_type = Value;
using value_type = trie_element<Key, Value>;
using key_compare = Compare;
using key_element_type = typename Key::value_type;
using reference = value_type &;
using const_reference = value_type const &;
using iterator = trie_map_iterator<key_type, mapped_type>;
using const_iterator = const_trie_map_iterator<key_type, mapped_type>;
using reverse_iterator =
reverse_trie_map_iterator<key_type, mapped_type>;
using const_reverse_iterator =
const_reverse_trie_map_iterator<key_type, mapped_type>;
using size_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using range = trie_range<iterator>;
using const_range = const_trie_range<const_iterator>;
using insert_result = trie_insert_result<iterator>;
using match_result = trie_match_result;
trie_map() : size_(0) {}
trie_map(Compare const & comp) : size_(0), comp_(comp) {}
template<typename Iter, typename Sentinel>
trie_map(Iter first, Sentinel last, Compare const & comp = Compare()) :
insert(first, last);
template<typename Range>
explicit trie_map(Range r, Compare const & comp = Compare()) :
insert(detail::begin(r), detail::end(r));
template<std::size_t KeySize>
explicit trie_map(
parser::detail::text::trie<Key, Value, Compare, KeySize> const &
trie) :
Key key;
from_trie_impl(trie.header_, key);
trie_map(std::initializer_list<value_type> il) : size_(0)
trie_map & operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> il)
for (auto const & x : il) {
return *this;
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
size_type size() const { return size_; }
size_type max_size() const { return PTRDIFF_MAX; }
const_iterator begin() const
iter_state_t state{&header_, 0};
if (size_) {
while (!state.parent_->min_value()) {
state.parent_ = state.parent_->min_child();
return const_iterator(state);
const_iterator end() const
iter_state_t state{&header_, 0};
if (size_) {
node_t const * node = nullptr;
while ((node = to_node(state))) {
state.parent_ = node;
state.index_ = state.parent_->size() - 1;
state.parent_ = state.parent_->parent();
state.index_ = state.parent_->size();
return const_iterator(state);
const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator{end()};
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return const_reverse_iterator{begin()};
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return rbegin(); }
const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return rend(); }
#define BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD(rtype, func) \
template<typename Char, std::size_t N> \
rtype func(Char const(&chars)[N]) \
{ \
static_assert( \
std::is_same<Char, key_element_type>::value, \
"Only well-formed when Char is Key::value_type."); \
return func(detail::char_range<Char const>{chars, chars + N - 1}); \
#define BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(rtype, func, quals) \
template<typename Char, std::size_t N> \
rtype func(Char const(&chars)[N]) quals \
{ \
static_assert( \
std::is_same<Char, key_element_type>::value, \
"Only well-formed when Char is Key::value_type."); \
return func(detail::char_range<Char const>{chars, chars + N - 1}); \
/** Returns true if `key` is found in *this. */
template<typename KeyRange>
bool contains(KeyRange const & key) const
return find(key) != end();
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(bool, contains, const)
/** Returns the iterator pointing to the key/value pair associated
with `key`, if `key` is found in *this. Returns end()
otherwise. */
template<typename KeyRange>
const_iterator find(KeyRange const & key) const
auto first = detail::begin(key);
auto const last = detail::end(key);
auto match = longest_match_impl(first, last);
if (first == last && match.match) {
return const_iterator(iter_state_t{
return this->end();
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(const_iterator, find, const)
/** Returns the iterator pointing to the first key/value pair whose
key is not less than `key`. Returns end() if no such key can be
found. */
template<typename KeyRange>
const_iterator lower_bound(KeyRange const & key) const
return bound_impl<true>(key);
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(const_iterator, lower_bound, const)
/** Returns the iterator pointing to the first key/value pair whose
key is not greater than `key`. Returns end() if no such key can
be found. */
template<typename KeyRange>
const_iterator upper_bound(KeyRange const & key) const
return bound_impl<false>(key);
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(const_iterator, upper_bound, const)
/** Returns the `const_range(lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key))`.*/
template<typename KeyRange>
const_range equal_range(KeyRange const & key) const
return {lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key)};
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(const_range, equal_range, const)
/** Returns the longest subsequence of `[first, last)` found in *this,
whether or not it is a match. */
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
match_result longest_subsequence(KeyIter first, Sentinel last) const
return longest_match_impl(first, last);
/** Returns the longest subsequence of `key` found in *this, whether
or not it is a match. */
template<typename KeyRange>
match_result longest_subsequence(KeyRange const & key) const
return longest_subsequence(detail::begin(key), detail::end(key));
match_result, longest_subsequence, const)
/** Returns the longest matching subsequence of `[first, last)` found
in *this. */
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
match_result longest_match(KeyIter first, Sentinel last) const
auto const retval = longest_match_impl(first, last);
return back_up_to_match(retval);
/** Returns the longest matching subsequence of `key` found in
*this. */
template<typename KeyRange>
match_result longest_match(KeyRange const & key) const
return longest_match(detail::begin(key), detail::end(key));
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD_QUALS(match_result, longest_match, const)
/** Returns the result of extending `prev` by one element, `e`. */
template<typename KeyElementT>
match_result extend_subsequence(match_result prev, KeyElementT e) const
auto e_ptr = &e;
return extend_subsequence_impl(prev, e_ptr, e_ptr + 1);
/** Returns the result of extending `prev` by the longest subsequence
of `[first, last)` found in *this. */
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
match_result extend_subsequence(
match_result prev, KeyIter first, Sentinel last) const
return extend_subsequence_impl(prev, first, last);
/** Returns the result of extending `prev` by one element, `e`, if
that would form a match, and `prev` otherwise. `prev` must be a
match. */
template<typename KeyElementT>
match_result extend_match(match_result prev, KeyElementT e) const
auto e_ptr = &e;
auto const retval = extend_subsequence_impl(prev, e_ptr, e_ptr + 1);
return back_up_to_match(retval);
/** Returns the result of extending `prev` by the longest subsequence
of `[first, last)` found in *this, if that would form a match, and
`prev` otherwise. `prev` must be a match. */
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
extend_match(match_result prev, KeyIter first, Sentinel last) const
auto const retval = extend_subsequence_impl(prev, first, last);
return back_up_to_match(retval);
/** Writes the sequence of elements that would advance `prev` by one
element to `out`, and returns the final value of `out` after the
writes. */
template<typename OutIter>
OutIter copy_next_key_elements(match_result prev, OutIter out) const
auto node = to_node_ptr(prev.node);
return std::copy(node->key_begin(), node->key_end(), out);
/** Returns an optional reference to the const value associated with
`key` in *this (if any). */
template<typename KeyRange>
optional_ref<mapped_type const> operator[](KeyRange const & key) const
auto it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return {};
return it->value;
optional_ref<mapped_type const>, operator[], const)
/** Returns an optional reference to the const value associated with
`match` in *this (if any). */
optional_ref<mapped_type const> operator[](match_result match) const
if (!match.match)
return {};
return *to_node_ptr(match.node)->value();
iterator begin() { return iterator(const_this()->begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(const_this()->end()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator{end()}; }
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator{begin()}; }
void clear()
header_ = node_t();
size_ = 0;
/** Returns the iterator pointing to the key/value pair associated
with `key`, if `key` is found in *this. Returns end()
otherwise. */
template<typename KeyRange>
iterator find(KeyRange const & key)
return iterator(const_this()->find(key));
/** Returns the iterator pointing to the first key/value pair whose
key is not less than `key`. Returns end() if no such key can be
found. */
template<typename KeyRange>
iterator lower_bound(KeyRange const & key)
return iterator(const_this()->lower_bound(key));
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD(iterator, lower_bound)
/** Returns the iterator pointing to the first key/value pair whose
key is not greater than `key`. Returns end() if no such key can
be found. */
template<typename KeyRange>
iterator upper_bound(KeyRange const & key)
return iterator(const_this()->upper_bound(key));
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD(iterator, upper_bound)
/** Returns the `const_range(lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key))`.*/
template<typename KeyRange>
range equal_range(KeyRange const & key)
return {lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key)};
BOOST_TRIE_MAP_C_STR_OVERLOAD(range, equal_range)
/** Returns an optional reference to the value associated with `key`
in *this (if any). */
template<typename KeyRange>
optional_ref<mapped_type> operator[](KeyRange const & key)
auto it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return {};
return it->value;
optional_ref<mapped_type>, operator[])
/** Returns an optional reference to the value associated with `match`
in *this (if any). */
optional_ref<mapped_type> operator[](match_result match)
if (!match.match)
return {};
return *const_cast<node_t *>(to_node_ptr(match.node))->value();
/** Inserts the key/value pair `[first, last)`, `value` into *this.
The `inserted` field of the result will be true if the operation
resulted in a new insertion, or false otherwise. */
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
insert_result insert(KeyIter first, Sentinel last, Value value)
if (empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<node_t> new_node(new node_t(&header_));
auto match = longest_match_impl(first, last);
if (first == last && match.match) {
return {iterator(iter_state_t{
auto node = create_children(
const_cast<node_t *>(to_node_ptr(match.node)), first, last);
node->value() = std::move(value);
return {iterator(iter_state_t{node->parent(), 0}), true};
/** Inserts the key/value pair `key`, `value` into *this. The
`inserted` field of the result will be true if the operation
resulted in a new insertion, or false otherwise. */
template<typename KeyRange>
insert_result insert(KeyRange const & key, Value value)
return insert(detail::begin(key), detail::end(key), std::move(value));
template<typename Char, std::size_t N>
insert_result insert(Char const (&chars)[N], Value value)
std::is_same<Char, key_element_type>::value,
"Only well-formed when Char is Key::value_type.");
return insert(
detail::char_range<Char const>{chars, chars + N - 1},
/** Inserts the key/value pair `e` into *this. The `inserted` field
of the result will be true if the operation resulted in a new
insertion, or false otherwise. */
insert_result insert(value_type e)
return insert(
detail::begin(e.key), detail::end(e.key), std::move(e.value));
/** Inserts the sequence of key/value pairs `[first, last)` into
*this. The `inserted` field of the result will be true if the
operation resulted in a new insertion, or false otherwise. */
template<typename Iter, typename Sentinel>
void insert(Iter first, Sentinel last)
for (; first != last; ++first) {
insert(first->key, first->value);
/** Inserts the sequence of key/value pairs `r` into *this. The
`inserted` field of the result will be true if the operation
resulted in a new insertion, or false otherwise. */
template<typename Range>
insert_result insert(Range const & r)
return insert(detail::begin(r), detail::end(r));
/** Inserts the sequence of key/value pairs `il` into this. The
`inserted` field of the result will be true if the operation
resulted in a new insertion, or false otherwise. */
void insert(std::initializer_list<value_type> il)
for (auto const & x : il) {
/** Inserts the key/value pair `[first, last)`, `value` into *this, or
assigns `value` over the existing value associated with `[first,
last)`, if this key is already found in *this. The `inserted`
field of the result will be true if the operation resulted in a
new insertion, or false otherwise. */
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
insert_or_assign(KeyIter first, Sentinel last, Value value)
auto it = first;
auto match = longest_match_impl(it, last);
if (it == last && match.match) {
const_cast<Value &>(*to_node_ptr(match.node)->value()) =
return insert_result{
return insert(first, last, std::move(value));
/** Inserts the key/value pair `key`, `value` into *this, or assigns
`value` over the existing value associated with `key`, if `key` is
already found in *this. The `inserted` field of the result will
be true if the operation resulted in a new insertion, or false
otherwise. */
template<typename KeyRange>
insert_result insert_or_assign(KeyRange const & key, Value value)
return insert_or_assign(
detail::begin(key), detail::end(key), std::move(value));
template<typename Char, std::size_t N>
insert_result insert_or_assign(Char const (&chars)[N], Value value)
std::is_same<Char, key_element_type>::value,
"Only well-formed when Char is Key::value_type.");
return insert_or_assign(
detail::char_range<Char const>{chars, chars + N - 1},
/** Erases the key/value pair associated with `key` from
*this. Returns true if the key is found in *this, false
otherwise. */
template<typename KeyRange>
bool erase(KeyRange const & key)
auto it = find(key);
if (it == end())
return false;
return true;
/** Erases the key/value pair pointed to by `it` from *this. Returns
an iterator to the next key/value pair in this. */
iterator erase(iterator it)
auto state = it.it_.state_;
auto node =
const_cast<node_t *>(state.parent_->child(state.index_));
if (!node->empty()) {
// node has a value, but also children. Remove the value and
// return the next-iterator.
node->value() = std::optional<Value>();
return it;
// node has a value, *and* no children. Remove it and all its
// singular predecessors.
const_cast<node_t *>(state.parent_)->erase(state.index_);
while (state.parent_->parent() && state.parent_->empty() &&
!state.parent_->value()) {
state = parent_state(state);
const_cast<node_t *>(state.parent_)->erase(state.index_);
if (state.parent_->parent())
state = parent_state(state);
auto retval = iterator(state);
if (!empty())
return retval;
/** Erases the sequence of key/value pairs pointed to by `[first,
last)` from *this. Returns an iterator to the next key/value pair
in *this. */
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
auto retval = last;
if (first == last)
return retval;
while (last != first) {
return retval;
void swap(trie_map & other)
std::swap(size_, other.size_);
std::swap(comp_, other.comp_);
friend bool operator==(trie_map const & lhs, trie_map const & rhs)
return lhs.size() == rhs.size() &&
std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
friend bool operator!=(trie_map const & lhs, trie_map const & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
trie_map const * const_this()
return const_cast<trie_map const *>(this);
static node_t const * to_node_ptr(void const * ptr)
return static_cast<node_t const *>(ptr);
template<std::size_t KeySize>
void from_trie_impl(
KeySize> const & node,
Key & key,
bool root = true)
// TODO: Use an iterative approach instead?
if (!!node.value()) {
insert(key, *node.value());
std::vector<key_element_type> next_elements;
for (auto const & e : next_elements) {
auto const * n = node.child(e, comp_);
if (!root)
key.insert(key.end(), e);
from_trie_impl(*n, key, false);
if (!root)
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
match_result longest_match_impl(KeyIter & first, Sentinel last) const
return extend_subsequence_impl(
match_result{&header_, 0, false, true}, first, last);
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
match_result extend_subsequence_impl(
match_result prev, KeyIter & first, Sentinel last) const
if (to_node_ptr(prev.node) == &header_) {
if (header_.empty())
return prev;
prev.node = header_.child(0);
if (first == last) {
prev.match = !!to_node_ptr(prev.node)->value();
prev.leaf = to_node_ptr(prev.node)->empty();
return prev;
node_t const * node = to_node_ptr(prev.node);
size_type size = prev.size;
while (first != last) {
auto const it = node->find(*first, comp_);
if (it == node->end())
node = it->get();
return match_result{node, size, !!node->value(), node->empty()};
static match_result back_up_to_match(match_result retval)
auto node = to_node_ptr(retval.node);
while (node->parent() && !node->value()) {
retval.node = node = node->parent();
if (!!node->value())
retval.match = true;
return retval;
template<typename KeyIter, typename Sentinel>
node_t * create_children(node_t * node, KeyIter first, Sentinel last)
auto retval = node;
for (; first != last; ++first) {
std::unique_ptr<node_t> new_node(new node_t(retval));
retval =
retval->insert(*first, comp_, std::move(new_node))->get();
return retval;
template<bool LowerBound, typename KeyRange>
const_iterator bound_impl(KeyRange const & key) const
auto first = detail::begin(key);
auto const last = detail::end(key);
auto match = longest_match_impl(first, last);
if (first == last && match.match) {
auto retval = const_iterator(iter_state_t{
if (!LowerBound)
return retval;
auto node = to_node_ptr(match.node);
if (node->before_child_subtree(*first)) {
// If the next element of the key would be before this node's
// children, use the successor of this node; let
// const_iterator::operator++() figure out for us which node
// that is.
return ++const_iterator(
iter_state_t{node->parent(), node->index_within_parent()});
auto const it = node->lower_bound(*first, comp_);
if (it == node->end()) {
// Find the max value in this subtree, and go one past that.
do {
node = to_node_ptr(node->max_child());
} while (!node->value());
return ++const_iterator(
iter_state_t{node->parent(), node->parent()->size() - 1});
// Otherwise, find the min value within the child found above.
std::size_t parent_index = it - node->begin();
node = to_node_ptr(it->get());
while (!node->value()) {
node = to_node_ptr(node->min_child());
parent_index = 0;
return const_iterator(iter_state_t{node->parent(), parent_index});
node_t header_;
size_type size_;
key_compare comp_;
template<typename Key, typename Compare>
struct trie_set;
template<typename Key>
struct const_trie_set_iterator;
template<typename Key, typename Value>
struct const_trie_map_iterator : stl_interfaces::iterator_interface<
const_trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value const &>>
using state_t = detail::trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value>;
state_t state_;
using ref_type = trie_element<Key, Value const &>;
using ptr_type = stl_interfaces::proxy_arrow_result<ref_type>;
const_trie_map_iterator() : state_{nullptr, 0} {}
const_trie_map_iterator(trie_match_result match_result)
auto node = static_cast<detail::trie_node_t<
Value> const *>(match_result.node);
state_.parent_ = node->parent();
state_.index_ = node->index_within_parent();
ref_type operator*() const
return ref_type{detail::reconstruct_key(state_),
ptr_type operator->() const
ref_type && deref_result = **this;
return ptr_type(
ref_type{std::move(deref_result.key), deref_result.value});
const_trie_map_iterator & operator++()
auto node = to_node(state_);
if (node && !node->empty()) {
state_.parent_ = node;
state_.index_ = 0;
} else {
// Try the next sibling node.
auto const first_state = state_;
while (state_.parent_->parent() &&
state_.parent_->parent()->parent() &&
state_.parent_->size() <= state_.index_) {
state_ = parent_state(state_);
// If we went all the way up, incrementing indices, and they
// were all at size() for each node, the first increment above
// must have taken us to the end; use that.
if ((!state_.parent_->parent() ||
!state_.parent_->parent()->parent()) &&
state_.parent_->size() <= state_.index_) {
state_ = first_state;
return *this;
node = state_.parent_->child(state_.index_);
while (!node->value()) {
auto i = 0u;
node = node->child(i);
state_ = state_t{node->parent(), i};
return *this;
const_trie_map_iterator & operator--()
// Decrement-from-end case.
if (state_.index_ == state_.parent_->size()) {
return *this;
// Back up one node at a time until we find an ancestor with a
// value or a previous sibling.
while (state_.parent_->parent() && state_.index_ == 0) {
state_ = parent_state(state_);
if (state_.parent_->child(state_.index_)->value())
return *this;
// If we get found no value above, go down the maximum subtree of
// the previous sibling.
if (state_.index_)
auto node = state_.parent_->child(state_.index_);
while (!node->empty()) {
auto i = node->size() - 1;
node = node->child(i);
state_ = state_t{node->parent(), i};
return *this;
friend bool operator==(
const_trie_map_iterator lhs, const_trie_map_iterator rhs)
return lhs.state_.parent_ == rhs.state_.parent_ &&
lhs.state_.index_ == rhs.state_.index_;
using base_type = stl_interfaces::iterator_interface<
const_trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value const &>>;
using base_type::operator++;
using base_type::operator--;
explicit const_trie_map_iterator(state_t state) : state_(state) {}
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename Compare>
friend struct trie_map;
template<typename KeyT, typename Compare>
friend struct trie_set;
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
friend struct trie_map_iterator;
template<typename KeyT>
friend struct const_trie_set_iterator;
template<typename Key, typename Value>
struct trie_map_iterator : stl_interfaces::iterator_interface<
trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value &>>
const_trie_map_iterator<Key, Value> it_;
using ref_type = trie_element<Key, Value &>;
using ptr_type = stl_interfaces::proxy_arrow_result<ref_type>;
trie_map_iterator() {}
trie_map_iterator(trie_match_result match_result) :
trie_map_iterator(const_trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>(match_result))
ref_type operator*() const
return ref_type{detail::reconstruct_key(it_.state_),
ptr_type operator->() const
ref_type && deref_result = **this;
return ptr_type(
ref_type{std::move(deref_result.key), deref_result.value});
trie_map_iterator & operator++()
return *this;
trie_map_iterator & operator--()
return *this;
friend bool
operator==(trie_map_iterator lhs, trie_map_iterator rhs)
return lhs.it_ == rhs.it_;
using base_type = stl_interfaces::iterator_interface<
trie_map_iterator<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value>,
trie_element<Key, Value &>>;
using base_type::operator++;
using base_type::operator--;
explicit trie_map_iterator(
detail::trie_iterator_state_t<Key, Value> state) :
explicit trie_map_iterator(const_trie_map_iterator<Key, Value> it) :
template<typename KeyT, typename ValueT, typename Compare>
friend struct trie_map;
template<typename KeyT, typename Compare>
friend struct trie_set;
namespace std::ranges {
template<typename Iter>
inline constexpr bool
enable_borrowed_range<boost::parser::detail::text::trie_range<Iter>> =
template<typename Iter>
inline constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<
boost::parser::detail::text::const_trie_range<Iter>> = true;