Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


// Copyright (C) 2018 Robert N. Steagall
// Copyright (C) 2019 T. Zachary Laine
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/parser/detail/text/in_out_result.hpp>
#include <boost/parser/detail/text/transcode_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/parser/detail/text/unpack.hpp>
#include <algorithm>

#include <boost/parser/config.hpp>

namespace boost::parser::detail { namespace text {

    /** An alias for `in_out_result` returned by algorithms that perform a
        transcoding copy. */
    template<typename Iter, typename OutIter>
    using transcode_result = in_out_result<Iter, OutIter>;

    namespace detail {
        template<typename OutIter>
        constexpr OutIter read_into_utf8_iter(uint32_t cp, OutIter out)
            if (cp < 0x80) {
                *out = static_cast<char>(cp);
            } else if (cp < 0x800) {
                *out = static_cast<char>(0xC0 + (cp >> 6));
                *out = static_cast<char>(0x80 + (cp & 0x3f));
            } else if (cp < 0x10000) {
                *out = static_cast<char>(0xe0 + (cp >> 12));
                *out = static_cast<char>(0x80 + ((cp >> 6) & 0x3f));
                *out = static_cast<char>(0x80 + (cp & 0x3f));
            } else {
                *out = static_cast<char>(0xf0 + (cp >> 18));
                *out = static_cast<char>(0x80 + ((cp >> 12) & 0x3f));
                *out = static_cast<char>(0x80 + ((cp >> 6) & 0x3f));
                *out = static_cast<char>(0x80 + (cp & 0x3f));
            return out;

        template<typename OutIter>
        constexpr OutIter read_into_utf16_iter(uint32_t cp, OutIter out)
            uint16_t const high_surrogate_base = 0xd7c0;
            uint16_t const low_surrogate_base = 0xdc00;

            if (cp < 0x10000) {
                *out = static_cast<uint16_t>(cp);
            } else {
                *out = static_cast<uint16_t>(cp >> 10) + high_surrogate_base;
                *out = static_cast<uint16_t>(cp & 0x3ff) + low_surrogate_base;
            return out;

            bool UseN,
            typename InputIter,
            typename Sentinel,
            typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<InputIter, OutIter> transcode_utf_8_to_16(
            InputIter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out,
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); --n) {
                unsigned char const c = *first;
                if (c < 0x80) {
                    *out = *first;
                } else {
                    auto const cp = detail::advance(first, last);
                    out = detail::read_into_utf16_iter(cp, out);
            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_utf_8_to_16(
            Iter first,
            Iter last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out,
            return transcode_utf_8_to_16<UseN>(
                first, last, n, out, std::input_iterator_tag{});

            bool UseN,
            typename InputIter,
            typename Sentinel,
            typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<InputIter, OutIter> transcode_utf_8_to_32(
            InputIter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out,
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); --n) {
                unsigned char const c = *first;
                if (c < 0x80) {
                    *out = *first;
                } else {
                    *out = detail::advance(first, last);
            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_utf_8_to_32(
            Iter first,
            Iter last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out,
            return transcode_utf_8_to_32<UseN>(
                first, last, n, out, std::input_iterator_tag{});

        template<format Tag>
        struct tag_t

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_8(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, ++out) {
                *out = *first;
            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_16(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            return detail::transcode_utf_8_to_16<UseN>(
                typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category{});

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_32(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            return detail::transcode_utf_8_to_32<UseN>(
                typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category{});

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_8(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            uint32_t const high_surrogate_max = 0xdbff;
            uint16_t const high_surrogate_base = 0xd7c0;
            uint16_t const low_surrogate_base = 0xdc00;

            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, --n) {
                uint32_t const hi = *first;
                if (surrogate(hi)) {
                    if (hi <= high_surrogate_max) {
                        if (first == last) {
                            uint32_t const cp = replacement_character;
                            out = detail::read_into_utf8_iter(cp, out);
                            return {first, out};
                        uint32_t const lo = *first;
                        if (low_surrogate(lo)) {
                            uint32_t const cp =
                                ((hi - high_surrogate_base) << 10) +
                                (lo - low_surrogate_base);
                            out = detail::read_into_utf8_iter(cp, out);
                    out = detail::read_into_utf8_iter(
                        replacement_character, out);
                } else {
                    out = detail::read_into_utf8_iter(hi, out);

            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_16(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, ++out, --n) {
                *out = *first;
            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_32(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            uint32_t const high_surrogate_max = 0xdbff;
            uint16_t const high_surrogate_base = 0xd7c0;
            uint16_t const low_surrogate_base = 0xdc00;

            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, --n) {
                uint32_t const hi = *first;
                if (surrogate(hi)) {
                    if (hi <= high_surrogate_max) {
                        if (first == last) {
                            *out = replacement_character;
                            return {first, out};
                        uint32_t const lo = *first;
                        if (low_surrogate(lo)) {
                            uint32_t const cp =
                                ((hi - high_surrogate_base) << 10) +
                                (lo - low_surrogate_base);
                            *out = cp;
                    *out = replacement_character;
                } else {
                    *out = hi;

            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_8(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, --n) {
                out = detail::read_into_utf8_iter(*first, out);
            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_16(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, --n) {
                out = detail::read_into_utf16_iter(*first, out);
            return {first, out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
        transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_32(
            Iter first,
            Sentinel last,
            std::ptrdiff_t n,
            OutIter out)
            for (; first != last && (!UseN || n); ++first, ++out, --n) {
                *out = *first;
            return {first, out};

#if 0
    /** Copies the code points in the range [first, last) to out, changing the
        encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-32.  */
    template<typename InputIter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<InputIter, OutIter> transcode_utf_8_to_32_take_n(
        InputIter first, Sentinel last, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
        auto const r = detail::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        return detail::transcode_to_32<true>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, n, out);

    /** Copies the first `n` code points in the range [first, last) to out,
        changing the encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-32.  */
    template<typename InputIter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<InputIter, OutIter> transcode_utf_8_to_32_take_n(
        InputIter first, Sentinel last, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
        auto const r = detail::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        return detail::transcode_to_32<true>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, n, out);

    /** Copies the first `n` code points in the range [first, last) to out,
        changing the encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-32.  */
    template<typename InputIter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<InputIter, OutIter>
    transcode_utf_8_to_32_take_n(Range && r, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
        return detail::transcode_utf_8_to_32_dispatch<true, Range, OutIter>::
            call(r, n, out)


namespace boost::parser::detail { namespace text { BOOST_PARSER_DETAIL_TEXT_NAMESPACE_V1 {


    // -> utf8

    /** Copies the code points in the range `[first, last)` to `out`, changing
        the encoding to UTF-8. */
        std::input_iterator I,
        std::sentinel_for<I> S,
        std::output_iterator<uint8_t> O>
        utf16_code_unit<std::iter_value_t<I>> ||
    transcode_result<I, O> transcode_to_utf8(I first, S last, O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the range `[p, null_sentinel)` to `out`,
        changing the encoding to UTF-8.  */
    template<typename Ptr, std::output_iterator<uint8_t> O>
    requires(utf16_pointer<Ptr> || utf32_pointer<Ptr>)
    transcode_result<Ptr, O> transcode_to_utf8(Ptr p, O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the array `arr` to `out`, changing the
        encoding to UTF-8.  */
    template<std::size_t N, typename Char, std::output_iterator<uint8_t> O>
    requires (utf16_code_unit<Char> || utf32_code_unit<Char>)
    transcode_result<Char *, O> transcode_to_utf8(Char (&arr)[N], O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the range `r` to `out`, changing the
        encoding to UTF-8.  */
    template<std::ranges::input_range R, std::output_iterator<uint8_t> O>
    requires (utf16_code_unit<std::ranges::range_value_t<R>> ||
    transcode_result<std::ranges::borrowed_iterator_t<R>, O>
    transcode_to_utf8(R && r, O out);

    // -> utf16

    /** Copies the code points in the range `[first, last)` to `out`, changing
        the encoding to UTF-16. */
        std::input_iterator I,
        std::sentinel_for<I> S,
        std::output_iterator<char16_t> O>
    requires (utf8_code_unit<std::iter_value_t<I>> ||
    transcode_result<I, O> transcode_to_utf16(I first, S last, O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the range `[p, null_sentinel)` to `out`,
        changing the encoding to UTF-16.  */
    template<typename Ptr, std::output_iterator<char16_t> O>
    requires (utf8_pointer<Ptr> || utf32_pointer<Ptr>)
    transcode_result<Ptr, O> transcode_to_utf16(Ptr p, O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the array `arr` to `out`, changing the
        encoding to UTF-16.  */
    template<std::size_t N, typename Char, std::output_iterator<char16_t> O>
    requires (utf8_code_unit<Char> || utf32_code_unit<Char>)
    transcode_result<Char *, O> transcode_to_utf16(Char (&arr)[N], O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the range `r` to `out`, changing the
        encoding to UTF-16.  */
    template<std::ranges::input_range R, std::output_iterator<cjar16_t> O>
    requires (utf8_code_unit<std::ranges::range_value_t<R>> ||
    transcode_result<std::ranges::borrowed_iterator_t<R>, O>
    transcode_to_utf16(R && r, O out);

    // -> utf32

    /** Copies the code points in the range `[first, last)` to `out`, changing
        the encoding to UTF-32. */
        std::input_iterator I,
        std::sentinel_for<I> S,
        std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
    requires (utf8_code_unit<std::iter_value_t<I>> ||
    transcode_result<I, O> transcode_to_utf32(I first, S last, O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the range `[p, null_sentinel)` to `out`,
        changing the encoding to UTF-32.  */
    template<typename Ptr, std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
    requires (utf8_pointer<Ptr> || utf16_pointer<Ptr>)
    transcode_result<Ptr, O> transcode_to_utf32(Ptr p, O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the array `arr` to `out`, changing the
        encoding to UTF-32.  */
    template<std::size_t N, typename Char, std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
    requires (utf8_code_unit<Char> || utf16_code_unit<Char>)
    transcode_result<Char *, O> transcode_to_utf32(Char (&arr)[N], O out);

    /** Copies the code points in the range `r` to `out`, changing the
        encoding to UTF-32.  */
    template<std::ranges::input_range R, std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
    requires (utf8_code_unit<std::ranges::range_value_t<R>> ||
    transcode_result<std::ranges::borrowed_iterator_t<R>, O>
    transcode_to_utf32(R && r, O out);


    namespace dtl {
            bool UseN,
            typename Range,
            typename OutIter,
            bool _16Ptr = detail::is_16_ptr_v<Range>,
            bool CPPtr = detail::is_cp_ptr_v<Range>>
        struct transcode_to_8_dispatch
            static constexpr auto
            call(Range && r, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                -> transcode_result<decltype(detail::begin(r)), OutIter>
                auto const u = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(
                    detail::begin(r), detail::end(r));
                auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_8<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<u.format_tag>{}, u.first, u.last, n, out);
                return {u.repack(, unpacked.out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Ptr, typename OutIter>
        struct transcode_to_8_dispatch<UseN, Ptr, OutIter, true, false>
            static constexpr auto
            call(Ptr p, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                return detail::transcode_to_8<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<format::utf16>{}, p, null_sentinel, n, out);

        template<bool UseN, typename Ptr, typename OutIter>
        struct transcode_to_8_dispatch<UseN, Ptr, OutIter, false, true>
            static constexpr auto
            call(Ptr p, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                return detail::transcode_to_8<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<format::utf32>{}, p, null_sentinel, n, out);

            bool UseN,
            typename Range,
            typename OutIter,
            bool CharPtr = detail::is_char_ptr_v<Range>,
            bool CPPtr = detail::is_cp_ptr_v<Range>>
        struct transcode_to_16_dispatch
            static constexpr auto
            call(Range && r, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                -> transcode_result<decltype(detail::begin(r)), OutIter>
                auto const u = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(
                    detail::begin(r), detail::end(r));
                auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_16<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<u.format_tag>{}, u.first, u.last, n, out);
                return {u.repack(, unpacked.out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Ptr, typename OutIter>
        struct transcode_to_16_dispatch<UseN, Ptr, OutIter, true, false>
            static constexpr auto
            call(Ptr p, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                return detail::transcode_to_16<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<format::utf8>{}, p, null_sentinel, n, out);

        template<bool UseN, typename Ptr, typename OutIter>
        struct transcode_to_16_dispatch<UseN, Ptr, OutIter, false, true>
            static constexpr auto
            call(Ptr p, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                return detail::transcode_to_16<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<format::utf32>{}, p, null_sentinel, n, out);

            bool UseN,
            typename Range,
            typename OutIter,
            bool CharPtr = detail::is_char_ptr_v<Range>,
            bool _16Ptr = detail::is_16_ptr_v<Range>>
        struct transcode_to_32_dispatch
            static constexpr auto
            call(Range && r, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                -> transcode_result<decltype(detail::begin(r)), OutIter>
                auto const u = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(
                    detail::begin(r), detail::end(r));
                auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_32<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<u.format_tag>{}, u.first, u.last, n, out);
                return {u.repack(, unpacked.out};

        template<bool UseN, typename Ptr, typename OutIter>
        struct transcode_to_32_dispatch<UseN, Ptr, OutIter, true, false>
            static constexpr auto
            call(Ptr p, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                return detail::transcode_to_32<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<format::utf8>{}, p, null_sentinel, n, out);

        template<bool UseN, typename Ptr, typename OutIter>
        struct transcode_to_32_dispatch<UseN, Ptr, OutIter, false, true>
            static constexpr auto
            call(Ptr p, std::ptrdiff_t n, OutIter out)
                return detail::transcode_to_32<UseN>(
                    detail::tag_t<format::utf16>{}, p, null_sentinel, n, out);

    template<typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_utf8(
        Iter first, Sentinel last, OutIter out)
        auto const r = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_8<false>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, -1, out);
        return {r.repack(, unpacked.out};

    template<typename Range, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<detail::iterator_t<Range>, OutIter>
    transcode_to_utf8(Range && r, OutIter out)
        return dtl::transcode_to_8_dispatch<false, Range, OutIter>::call(
            r, -1, out);

    template<typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_utf16(
        Iter first, Sentinel last, OutIter out)
        auto const r = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_16<false>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, -1, out);
        return {r.repack(, unpacked.out};

    template<typename Range, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<detail::iterator_t<Range>, OutIter>
    transcode_to_utf16(Range && r, OutIter out)
        return dtl::transcode_to_16_dispatch<false, Range, OutIter>::call(
            r, -1, out);

    template<typename Iter, typename Sentinel, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<Iter, OutIter> transcode_to_utf32(
        Iter first, Sentinel last, OutIter out)
        auto const r = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_32<false>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, -1, out);
        return {r.repack(, unpacked.out};

    template<typename Range, typename OutIter>
    transcode_result<detail::iterator_t<Range>, OutIter>
    transcode_to_utf32(Range && r, OutIter out)
        return dtl::transcode_to_32_dispatch<false, Range, OutIter>::call(
            r, -1, out);



namespace boost::parser::detail { namespace text { BOOST_PARSER_DETAIL_TEXT_NAMESPACE_V2 {

    // -> utf8

        std::input_iterator I,
        std::sentinel_for<I> S,
        std::output_iterator<uint8_t> O>
            utf16_code_unit<std::iter_value_t<I>> ||
    transcode_result<I, O> transcode_to_utf8(I first, S last, O out)
        auto const r = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_8<false>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, -1, out);
        return {r.repack(, unpacked.out};

    template<typename R, std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
        requires(utf16_range<R> || utf32_range<R>)
    transcode_result<dtl::uc_result_iterator<R>, O> transcode_to_utf8(
        R && r, O out)
        return text::transcode_to_utf8(
            std::ranges::begin(r), std::ranges::end(r), out);

    // -> utf16

        std::input_iterator I,
        std::sentinel_for<I> S,
        std::output_iterator<char16_t> O>
            utf8_code_unit<std::iter_value_t<I>> ||
    transcode_result<I, O> transcode_to_utf16(I first, S last, O out)
        auto const r = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_16<false>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, -1, out);
        return {r.repack(, unpacked.out};

    template<typename R, std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
        requires(utf8_range<R> || utf32_range<R>)
    transcode_result<dtl::uc_result_iterator<R>, O> transcode_to_utf16(
        R && r, O out)
        return text::transcode_to_utf16(
            std::ranges::begin(r), std::ranges::end(r), out);

    // -> utf32

        std::input_iterator I,
        std::sentinel_for<I> S,
        std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
            utf8_code_unit<std::iter_value_t<I>> ||
    transcode_result<I, O> transcode_to_utf32(I first, S last, O out)
        auto const r = text::unpack_iterator_and_sentinel(first, last);
        auto unpacked = detail::transcode_to_32<false>(
            detail::tag_t<r.format_tag>{}, r.first, r.last, -1, out);
        return {r.repack(, unpacked.out};

    template<typename R, std::output_iterator<uint32_t> O>
        requires(utf8_range<R> || utf16_range<R>)
    transcode_result<dtl::uc_result_iterator<R>, O> transcode_to_utf32(
        R && r, O out)
        return text::transcode_to_utf32(
            std::ranges::begin(r), std::ranges::end(r), out);


