Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


// Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Official repository:


#include <boost/json/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/json/string_view.hpp>
#include <iosfwd>

namespace boost {
namespace json {

/** Constants for identifying the type of a value

    These values are returned from @ref value::kind
// Order matters
enum class kind : unsigned char
    /// The null value.

    /// A `bool`.

    /// A `std::int64_t`

    /// A `std::uint64_t`

    /// A `double`.

    /// A @ref string.

    /// An @ref array.

    /// An @ref object.

/** Return a string representing a kind.

    This provides a human-readable string
    representing a @ref kind. This may be
    useful for diagnostics.

    @returns The string.

    @param k The kind.
to_string(kind k) noexcept;

/** Format a kind to an output stream.

    This allows a @ref kind to be formatted as
    a string, typically for diagnostics.

    @returns The output stream.

    @param os The output stream to format to.

    @param k The kind to format.
operator<<(std::ostream& os, kind k);

/** A tag type used to select a @ref value constructor overload.

    The library provides the constant @ref array_kind
    which may be used to select the @ref value constructor
    that creates an empty @ref array.

    @see @ref array_kind
struct array_kind_t

/** A tag type used to select a @ref value constructor overload.

    The library provides the constant @ref object_kind
    which may be used to select the @ref value constructor
    that creates an empty @ref object.

    @see @ref object_kind
struct object_kind_t

/** A tag type used to select a @ref value constructor overload.

    The library provides the constant @ref string_kind
    which may be used to select the @ref value constructor
    that creates an empty @ref string.

    @see @ref string_kind
struct string_kind_t

/** A constant used to select a @ref value constructor overload.

    The library provides this constant to allow efficient
    construction of a @ref value containing an empty @ref array.

    @par Example
    storage_ptr sp;
    value jv( array_kind, sp ); // sp is an optional parameter

    @see @ref array_kind_t
BOOST_JSON_INLINE_VARIABLE(array_kind, array_kind_t);

/** A constant used to select a @ref value constructor overload.

    The library provides this constant to allow efficient
    construction of a @ref value containing an empty @ref object.

    @par Example
    storage_ptr sp;
    value jv( object_kind, sp ); // sp is an optional parameter

    @see @ref object_kind_t
BOOST_JSON_INLINE_VARIABLE(object_kind, object_kind_t);

/** A constant used to select a @ref value constructor overload.

    The library provides this constant to allow efficient
    construction of a @ref value containing an empty @ref string.

    @par Example
    storage_ptr sp;
    value jv( string_kind, sp ); // sp is an optional parameter

    @see @ref string_kind_t
BOOST_JSON_INLINE_VARIABLE(string_kind, string_kind_t);

} // namespace json
} // namespace boost
