// MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
# pragma once
// Copyright 2023 Peter Dimov
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Utilities needed to implement serialization support
// without including a Boost.Serialization header
#include <boost/core/nvp.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
namespace boost
namespace serialization
// Forward declarations (needed for specializations)
template<class T> struct version;
class access;
// Our own version_type replacement. This has to be in
// the `serialization` namespace, because its only purpose
// is to add `serialization` as an associated namespace.
struct core_version_type
unsigned int version_;
core_version_type( unsigned int version ): version_( version ) {}
operator unsigned int () const { return version_; }
} // namespace serialization
namespace core
// nvp
using serialization::nvp;
using serialization::make_nvp;
// split_free
namespace detail
template<bool IsSaving> struct load_or_save_f;
template<> struct load_or_save_f<true>
template<class A, class T> void operator()( A& a, T& t, unsigned int v ) const
save( a, t, serialization::core_version_type( v ) );
template<> struct load_or_save_f<false>
template<class A, class T> void operator()( A& a, T& t, unsigned int v ) const
load( a, t, serialization::core_version_type( v ) );
} // namespace detail
template<class A, class T> inline void split_free( A& a, T& t, unsigned int v )
detail::load_or_save_f< A::is_saving::value >()( a, t, v );
// split_member
namespace detail
template<bool IsSaving, class Access = serialization::access> struct load_or_save_m;
template<class Access> struct load_or_save_m<true, Access>
template<class A, class T> void operator()( A& a, T const& t, unsigned int v ) const
Access::member_save( a, t, v );
template<class Access> struct load_or_save_m<false, Access>
template<class A, class T> void operator()( A& a, T& t, unsigned int v ) const
Access::member_load( a, t, v );
} // namespace detail
template<class A, class T> inline void split_member( A& a, T& t, unsigned int v )
detail::load_or_save_m< A::is_saving::value >()( a, t, v );
// load_construct_data_adl
template<class Ar, class T> void load_construct_data_adl( Ar& ar, T* t, unsigned int v )
load_construct_data( ar, t, serialization::core_version_type( v ) );
// save_construct_data_adl
template<class Ar, class T> void save_construct_data_adl( Ar& ar, T const* t, unsigned int v )
save_construct_data( ar, t, serialization::core_version_type( v ) );
} // namespace core
} // namespace boost