Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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Class template pattern_replacer



// In header: <boost/log/expressions/formatters/char_decorator.hpp>

template<typename CharT> 
class pattern_replacer {
  // types
  typedef void                           result_type;  // Result type. 
  typedef CharT                          char_type;    // Character type. 
  typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;  // String type. 

  // member classes/structs/unions

  // Lengths of source pattern and replacement.

  struct string_lengths {

    // public data members
    unsigned int from_len;
    unsigned int to_len;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  template<typename RangeT> explicit pattern_replacer(RangeT const &);
  template<typename FromRangeT, typename ToRangeT> 
    pattern_replacer(FromRangeT const &, ToRangeT const &);
  pattern_replacer(pattern_replacer const &);

  // public member functions
  result_type operator()(string_type &, typename string_type::size_type = 0) const;

  // private static functions
  static char_type * string_begin(char_type *);
  static const char_type * string_begin(const char_type *);
  template<typename RangeT> 
    static range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type string_begin(RangeT const &);
  static char_type * string_end(char_type *);
  static const char_type * string_end(const char_type *);
  template<typename RangeT> 
    static range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type string_end(RangeT const &);


A simple character decorator implementation. This implementation replaces string patterns in the source string with the fixed replacements. Source patterns and replacements can be specified at the object construction.

pattern_replacer public construct/copy/destruct

  1. template<typename RangeT> 
      explicit pattern_replacer(RangeT const & decorations);

    Initializing constructor. Creates a pattern replacer with the specified decorations. The provided decorations must be a sequence of std::pair of strings. The first element of each pair is the source pattern, and the second one is the corresponding replacement.

  2. template<typename FromRangeT, typename ToRangeT> 
      pattern_replacer(FromRangeT const & from, ToRangeT const & to);

    Initializing constructor. Creates a pattern replacer with decorations specified in form of two same-sized string sequences. Each i'th decoration will be from[i] -> to[i].

  3. pattern_replacer(pattern_replacer const & that);
    Copy constructor.

pattern_replacer public member functions

  1. result_type operator()(string_type & str, 
                           typename string_type::size_type start_pos = 0) const;
    Applies string replacements starting from the specified position.

pattern_replacer private static functions

  1. static char_type * string_begin(char_type * p);
  2. static const char_type * string_begin(const char_type * p);
  3. template<typename RangeT> 
      static range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type string_begin(RangeT const & r);
  4. static char_type * string_end(char_type * p);
  5. static const char_type * string_end(const char_type * p);
  6. template<typename RangeT> 
      static range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type string_end(RangeT const & r);
