* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Andrey Semashev
* \file scope/unique_resource.hpp
* This header contains definition of \c unique_resource template.
#include <new> // for placement new
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/core/addressof.hpp>
#include <boost/core/invoke_swap.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/unique_resource_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/compact_storage.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/move_or_copy_assign_ref.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/move_or_copy_construct_ref.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/is_nonnull_default_constructible.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/is_swappable.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/is_nothrow_swappable.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/is_nothrow_invocable.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/negation.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/conjunction.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/disjunction.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/header.hpp>
#pragma once
namespace boost {
namespace scope {
* \brief Simple resource traits for one or more unallocated resource values.
* This class template generates resource traits for `unique_resource` that specify
* one or more unallocated resource values. The first value, specified in the \c DefaultValue
* non-type template parameter, is considered the default. The other values, listed in
* \c UnallocatedValues, are optional. Any resource values other than \c DefaultValue
* or listed in \c UnallocatedValues are considered as allocated.
* In order for the generated resource traits to enable optimized implementation of
* `unique_resource`, the resource type must support non-throwing construction and assignment
* from, and comparison for (in)equality with \c DefaultValue or any of the resource
* values listed in \c UnallocatedValues.
template< auto DefaultValue, auto... UnallocatedValues >
struct unallocated_resource
//! Returns the default resource value
static decltype(DefaultValue) make_default() noexcept
return DefaultValue;
//! Tests if \a res is an allocated resource value
template< typename Resource >
static bool is_allocated(Resource const& res) noexcept
static_assert(noexcept(res != DefaultValue && (... && (res != UnallocatedValues))),
"Invalid unallocated resource value types: comparing resource values with the unallocated values must be noexcept");
return res != DefaultValue && (... && (res != UnallocatedValues));
struct default_resource_t { };
//! Keyword representing default, unallocated resource argument
BOOST_INLINE_VARIABLE constexpr default_resource_t default_resource = { };
namespace detail {
// The type trait indicates whether \c T is a possibly qualified \c default_resource_t type
template< typename T >
struct is_default_resource : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_default_resource< default_resource_t > : public std::true_type { };
template< >
struct is_default_resource< const default_resource_t > : public std::true_type { };
template< >
struct is_default_resource< volatile default_resource_t > : public std::true_type { };
template< >
struct is_default_resource< const volatile default_resource_t > : public std::true_type { };
template< typename T >
struct is_default_resource< T& > : public is_default_resource< T >::type { };
// Lightweight reference wrapper
template< typename T >
class ref_wrapper
T* m_value;
ref_wrapper(T& value) noexcept :
ref_wrapper& operator= (T& value) noexcept
m_value = boost::addressof(value);
return *this;
ref_wrapper(T&&) = delete;
ref_wrapper& operator= (T&&) = delete;
operator T& () const noexcept
return *m_value;
template< typename... Args >
void operator() (Args&&... args) const noexcept(detail::is_nothrow_invocable< T&, Args&&... >::value)
(*m_value)(static_cast< Args&& >(args)...);
template< typename T >
struct wrap_reference
using type = T;
template< typename T >
struct wrap_reference< T& >
using type = ref_wrapper< T >;
template< typename Resource, bool UseCompactStorage >
class resource_holder :
public detail::compact_storage< typename wrap_reference< Resource >::type >
using resource_type = Resource;
using internal_resource_type = typename wrap_reference< resource_type >::type;
using resource_base = detail::compact_storage< internal_resource_type >;
bool Requires = std::is_default_constructible< internal_resource_type >::value,
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
constexpr resource_holder() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< internal_resource_type >::value) :
typename R,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value >::type
explicit resource_holder(R&& res) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value) :
resource_base(static_cast< R&& >(res))
typename R,
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value >::type
explicit resource_holder(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value) :
resource_holder(static_cast< R&& >(res), static_cast< D&& >(del), allocated, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_type, R >::type())
resource_type& get() noexcept
return resource_base::get();
resource_type const& get() const noexcept
return resource_base::get();
internal_resource_type& get_internal() noexcept
return resource_base::get();
internal_resource_type const& get_internal() const noexcept
return resource_base::get();
void move_from(internal_resource_type&& that) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< internal_resource_type >::value)
resource_base::get() = static_cast< internal_resource_type&& >(that);
template< typename R, typename D >
explicit resource_holder(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated, std::true_type) noexcept :
resource_base(static_cast< R&& >(res))
template< typename R, typename D >
explicit resource_holder(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated, std::false_type) try :
catch (...)
if (allocated)
template< typename Resource >
class resource_holder< Resource, false >
using resource_type = Resource;
using internal_resource_type = typename wrap_reference< resource_type >::type;
// Note: Not using compact_storage since we will need to reuse storage for this complete object in move_from
internal_resource_type m_resource;
bool Requires = std::is_default_constructible< internal_resource_type >::value,
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
constexpr resource_holder() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< internal_resource_type >::value) :
typename R,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value >::type
explicit resource_holder(R&& res) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value) :
m_resource(static_cast< R&& >(res))
typename R,
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value >::type
explicit resource_holder(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, R >::value) :
resource_holder(static_cast< R&& >(res), static_cast< D&& >(del), allocated, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_type, R >::type())
resource_type& get() noexcept
return m_resource;
resource_type const& get() const noexcept
return m_resource;
internal_resource_type& get_internal() noexcept
return m_resource;
internal_resource_type const& get_internal() const noexcept
return m_resource;
void move_from(internal_resource_type&& that)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >::value)
internal_resource_type* p = boost::addressof(m_resource);
new (p) internal_resource_type(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >(that));
template< typename R, typename D >
explicit resource_holder(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated, std::true_type) noexcept :
m_resource(static_cast< R&& >(res))
template< typename R, typename D >
explicit resource_holder(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated, std::false_type) try :
catch (...)
if (allocated)
template< typename Resource, typename Deleter >
class deleter_holder :
public detail::compact_storage< typename wrap_reference< Deleter >::type >
using resource_type = Resource;
using deleter_type = Deleter;
using internal_deleter_type = typename wrap_reference< deleter_type >::type;
using deleter_base = detail::compact_storage< internal_deleter_type >;
bool Requires = detail::is_nonnull_default_constructible< internal_deleter_type >::value,
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
constexpr deleter_holder() noexcept(detail::is_nothrow_nonnull_default_constructible< internal_deleter_type >::value) :
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< internal_deleter_type, D >::value >::type
explicit deleter_holder(D&& del) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, D >::value) :
deleter_base(static_cast< D&& >(del))
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< internal_deleter_type, D >::value >::type
explicit deleter_holder(D&& del, resource_type& res, bool allocated) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, D >::value) :
deleter_holder(static_cast< D&& >(del), res, allocated, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, D >::type())
deleter_type& get() noexcept
return deleter_base::get();
deleter_type const& get() const noexcept
return deleter_base::get();
internal_deleter_type& get_internal() noexcept
return deleter_base::get();
internal_deleter_type const& get_internal() const noexcept
return deleter_base::get();
template< typename D >
explicit deleter_holder(D&& del, resource_type& res, bool allocated, std::true_type) noexcept :
deleter_base(static_cast< D&& >(del))
template< typename D >
explicit deleter_holder(D&& del, resource_type& res, bool allocated, std::false_type) try :
catch (...)
if (BOOST_LIKELY(allocated))
* This metafunction indicates whether \c resource_holder should use \c compact_storage
* to optimize storage for the resource object. Its definition must be coherent with
* `resource_holder::move_from` definition and move constructor implementation in
* \c unique_resource_data.
* There is one tricky case with \c unique_resource move constructor, when the resource move
* constructor is noexcept and deleter's move and copy constructors are not. It is possible
* that \c unique_resource_data move constructor moves the resource into the object being
* constructed but fails to construct the deleter. In this case we want to move the resource
* back to the original \c unique_resource_data object (which is guaranteed to not throw since
* the resource's move constructor is non-throwing).
* However, if we use the move constructor to move the resource back, we need to use placement
* new, and this only lets us create a complete object of the resource type, which prohibits
* the use of \c compact_storage, as it may create the resource object as a base subobject of
* \c compact_storage. Using placement new on a base subobject may corrupt data that is placed
* in the trailing padding bits of the resource type.
* To work around this limitation, we also test if move assignment of the resource type is
* also non-throwing (which is reasonable to expect, given that the move constructor is
* non-throwing). If it is, we can avoid having to destroy and move-construct the resource and
* use move-assignment instead. This doesn't require a complete object of the resource type
* and allows us to use \c compact_storage. If move assignment is not noexcept then we have
* to use the move constructor and disable the \c compact_storage optimization.
* So this trait has to detect (a) whether we are affected by this tricky case of the
* \c unique_resource move constructor in the first place and (b) whether we can use move
* assignment to move the resource back to the original \c unique_resource object. If we're
* not affected or we can use move assignment then we enable \c compact_storage.
template< typename Resource, typename Deleter >
using use_resource_compact_storage = detail::disjunction<
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< typename wrap_reference< Resource >::type >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< typename wrap_reference< Deleter >::type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Deleter >::type >,
detail::negation< std::is_nothrow_constructible< typename wrap_reference< Resource >::type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Resource >::type > >
template< typename Resource, typename Deleter, typename Traits >
class unique_resource_data :
public detail::resource_holder< Resource, use_resource_compact_storage< Resource, Deleter >::value >,
public detail::deleter_holder< Resource, Deleter >
using resource_type = Resource;
using deleter_type = Deleter;
using traits_type = Traits;
using resource_holder = detail::resource_holder< resource_type, use_resource_compact_storage< resource_type, deleter_type >::value >;
using deleter_holder = detail::deleter_holder< resource_type, deleter_type >;
using result_of_make_default = decltype(traits_type::make_default());
using internal_resource_type = typename resource_holder::internal_resource_type;
using internal_deleter_type = typename deleter_holder::internal_deleter_type;
static_assert(noexcept(traits_type::make_default()), "Invalid unique_resource resource traits: make_default must be noexcept");
static_assert(std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, result_of_make_default >::value,
"Invalid unique_resource resource traits: resource must be nothrow-assignable from the result of make_default");
static_assert(noexcept(traits_type::is_allocated(std::declval< resource_type const& >())), "Invalid unique_resource resource traits: is_allocated must be noexcept");
bool Requires = detail::conjunction<
std::is_constructible< resource_holder, result_of_make_default >,
std::is_default_constructible< deleter_holder >
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
constexpr unique_resource_data()
std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_holder, result_of_make_default >,
std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< deleter_holder >
>::value) :
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data const&) = delete;
unique_resource_data& operator= (unique_resource_data const&) = delete;
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >
>::value) :
static_cast< unique_resource_data&& >(that),
typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >::type(),
typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >::type()
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
std::is_constructible< resource_holder, result_of_make_default >,
std::is_constructible< deleter_holder, D >
>::value >::type
explicit unique_resource_data(default_resource_t, D&& del)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_holder, result_of_make_default >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< deleter_holder, D >
>::value) :
deleter_holder(static_cast< D&& >(del))
typename R,
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
detail::negation< detail::is_default_resource< R > >,
std::is_constructible< resource_holder, R, D, bool >,
std::is_constructible< deleter_holder, D, resource_type&, bool >
>::value >::type
explicit unique_resource_data(R&& res, D&& del)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_holder, R, D, bool >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< deleter_holder, D, resource_type&, bool >
>::value) :
unique_resource_data(static_cast< R&& >(res), static_cast< D&& >(del), traits_type::is_allocated(res)) // don't forward res to is_allocated to make sure res is not moved-from on resource construction
// Since res may not be of the resource type, the is_allocated call made above may require a type conversion or pick a different overload.
// We still require it to be noexcept, as we need to know whether we should deallocate it. Otherwise we may leak the resource.
static_assert(noexcept(traits_type::is_allocated(res)), "Invalid unique_resource resource traits: is_allocated must be noexcept");
bool Requires = detail::conjunction<
std::is_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_assignable< internal_deleter_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >
typename std::enable_if< Requires, unique_resource_data& >::type operator= (unique_resource_data&& that)
std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_deleter_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >
assign(static_cast< unique_resource_data&& >(that), typename std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< internal_deleter_type >::type());
return *this;
resource_type& get_resource() noexcept
return resource_holder::get();
resource_type const& get_resource() const noexcept
return resource_holder::get();
internal_resource_type& get_internal_resource() noexcept
return resource_holder::get_internal();
internal_resource_type const& get_internal_resource() const noexcept
return resource_holder::get_internal();
deleter_type& get_deleter() noexcept
return deleter_holder::get();
deleter_type const& get_deleter() const noexcept
return deleter_holder::get();
internal_deleter_type& get_internal_deleter() noexcept
return deleter_holder::get_internal();
internal_deleter_type const& get_internal_deleter() const noexcept
return deleter_holder::get_internal();
bool is_allocated() const noexcept
return traits_type::is_allocated(get_resource());
void set_unallocated() noexcept
get_internal_resource() = traits_type::make_default();
template< typename R >
void assign_resource(R&& res) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, R >::value)
get_internal_resource() = static_cast< R&& >(res);
bool Requires = detail::conjunction<
detail::is_swappable< internal_resource_type >,
detail::is_swappable< internal_deleter_type >,
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >,
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_deleter_type >
typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type swap(unique_resource_data& that)
noexcept(detail::conjunction< detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >, detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_deleter_type > >::value)
std::integral_constant< bool, detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >::value >(),
std::integral_constant< bool, detail::conjunction<
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >,
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_deleter_type >
>::value >()
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::true_type, std::true_type) noexcept :
resource_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter()))
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::false_type, std::true_type) :
resource_holder(static_cast< resource_type const& >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter()))
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::true_type, std::false_type) try :
resource_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< deleter_type const& >(that.get_deleter()))
catch (...)
// Since only the deleter's constructor could have thrown an exception here, move the resource back
// to the original unique_resource. This is guaranteed to not throw.
that.resource_holder::move_from(static_cast< internal_resource_type&& >(resource_holder::get_internal()));
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::false_type, std::false_type) :
resource_holder(static_cast< resource_type const& >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< deleter_type const& >(that.get_deleter()))
typename R,
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
std::is_constructible< resource_holder, R, D, bool >,
std::is_constructible< deleter_holder, D, resource_type&, bool >
>::value >::type
explicit unique_resource_data(R&& res, D&& del, bool allocated)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_holder, R, D, bool >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< deleter_holder, D, resource_type&, bool >
>::value) :
resource_holder(static_cast< R&& >(res), static_cast< D&& >(del), allocated),
deleter_holder(static_cast< D&& >(del), resource_holder::get(), allocated)
void assign(unique_resource_data&& that, std::true_type)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >::value)
get_internal_resource() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource());
get_internal_deleter() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter());
void assign(unique_resource_data&& that, std::false_type)
get_internal_deleter() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter());
get_internal_resource() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource());
void swap_impl(unique_resource_data& that, std::true_type, std::true_type) noexcept
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_resource(), that.get_internal_resource());
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_deleter(), that.get_internal_deleter());
void swap_impl(unique_resource_data& that, std::true_type, std::false_type)
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_deleter(), that.get_internal_deleter());
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_resource(), that.get_internal_resource());
void swap_impl(unique_resource_data& that, std::false_type, std::false_type)
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_resource(), that.get_internal_resource());
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_deleter(), that.get_internal_deleter());
template< typename Resource, typename Deleter >
class unique_resource_data< Resource, Deleter, void > :
public detail::resource_holder< Resource, use_resource_compact_storage< Resource, Deleter >::value >,
public detail::deleter_holder< Resource, Deleter >
using resource_type = Resource;
using deleter_type = Deleter;
using traits_type = void;
using resource_holder = detail::resource_holder< resource_type, use_resource_compact_storage< resource_type, deleter_type >::value >;
using deleter_holder = detail::deleter_holder< resource_type, deleter_type >;
using internal_resource_type = typename resource_holder::internal_resource_type;
using internal_deleter_type = typename deleter_holder::internal_deleter_type;
bool m_allocated;
bool Requires = detail::conjunction< std::is_default_constructible< resource_holder >, std::is_default_constructible< deleter_holder > >::value,
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
constexpr unique_resource_data()
noexcept(detail::conjunction< std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< resource_holder >, std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< deleter_holder > >::value) :
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data const&) = delete;
unique_resource_data& operator= (unique_resource_data const&) = delete;
bool Requires = detail::conjunction<
std::is_constructible< internal_resource_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_constructible< internal_deleter_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >
>::value) :
static_cast< unique_resource_data&& >(that),
typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_resource_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >::type(),
typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< internal_deleter_type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >::type()
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
std::is_default_constructible< resource_holder >,
std::is_constructible< deleter_holder, D >
>::value >::type
explicit unique_resource_data(default_resource_t, D&& del)
std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< resource_holder >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< deleter_holder, D >
>::value) :
deleter_holder(static_cast< D&& >(del)),
typename R,
typename D,
typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
detail::negation< detail::is_default_resource< R > >,
std::is_constructible< resource_holder, R, D, bool >,
std::is_constructible< deleter_holder, D, resource_type&, bool >
>::value >::type
explicit unique_resource_data(R&& res, D&& del)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< resource_holder, R, D, bool >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< deleter_holder, D, resource_type&, bool >
>::value) :
resource_holder(static_cast< R&& >(res), static_cast< D&& >(del), true),
deleter_holder(static_cast< D&& >(del), resource_holder::get(), true),
bool Requires = detail::conjunction<
std::is_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_assignable< internal_deleter_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >
typename std::enable_if< Requires, unique_resource_data& >::type operator= (unique_resource_data&& that)
std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >,
std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_deleter_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >
assign(static_cast< unique_resource_data&& >(that), typename std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< internal_deleter_type >::type());
return *this;
resource_type& get_resource() noexcept
return resource_holder::get();
resource_type const& get_resource() const noexcept
return resource_holder::get();
internal_resource_type& get_internal_resource() noexcept
return resource_holder::get_internal();
internal_resource_type const& get_internal_resource() const noexcept
return resource_holder::get_internal();
deleter_type& get_deleter() noexcept
return deleter_holder::get();
deleter_type const& get_deleter() const noexcept
return deleter_holder::get();
internal_deleter_type& get_internal_deleter() noexcept
return deleter_holder::get_internal();
internal_deleter_type const& get_internal_deleter() const noexcept
return deleter_holder::get_internal();
bool is_allocated() const noexcept
return m_allocated;
void set_unallocated() noexcept
m_allocated = false;
template< typename R >
void assign_resource(R&& res) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, R >::value)
get_internal_resource() = static_cast< R&& >(res);
m_allocated = true;
bool Requires = detail::conjunction<
detail::is_swappable< internal_resource_type >,
detail::is_swappable< internal_deleter_type >,
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >,
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_deleter_type >
typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type swap(unique_resource_data& that)
noexcept(detail::conjunction< detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >, detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_deleter_type > >::value)
std::integral_constant< bool, detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >::value >(),
std::integral_constant< bool, detail::conjunction<
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_resource_type >,
detail::is_nothrow_swappable< internal_deleter_type >
>::value >()
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::true_type, std::true_type) noexcept :
resource_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter())),
that.m_allocated = false;
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::false_type, std::true_type) :
resource_holder(static_cast< resource_type const& >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter())),
that.m_allocated = false;
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::true_type, std::false_type) try :
resource_holder(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< deleter_type const& >(that.get_deleter())),
that.m_allocated = false;
catch (...)
// Since only the deleter's constructor could have thrown an exception here, move the resource back
// to the original unique_resource. This is guaranteed to not throw.
that.resource_holder::move_from(static_cast< internal_resource_type&& >(resource_holder::get_internal()));
unique_resource_data(unique_resource_data&& that, std::false_type, std::false_type) :
resource_holder(static_cast< resource_type const& >(that.get_resource())),
deleter_holder(static_cast< deleter_type const& >(that.get_deleter())),
that.m_allocated = false;
void assign(unique_resource_data&& that, std::true_type)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >::value)
get_internal_resource() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource());
get_internal_deleter() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter());
m_allocated = that.m_allocated;
that.m_allocated = false;
void assign(unique_resource_data&& that, std::false_type)
get_internal_deleter() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< deleter_type >::type >(that.get_deleter());
get_internal_resource() = static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< resource_type >::type >(that.get_resource());
m_allocated = that.m_allocated;
that.m_allocated = false;
void swap_impl(unique_resource_data& that, std::true_type, std::true_type) noexcept
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_resource(), that.get_internal_resource());
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_deleter(), that.get_internal_deleter());
boost::core::invoke_swap(m_allocated, that.m_allocated);
void swap_impl(unique_resource_data& that, std::true_type, std::false_type)
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_deleter(), that.get_internal_deleter());
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_resource(), that.get_internal_resource());
boost::core::invoke_swap(m_allocated, that.m_allocated);
void swap_impl(unique_resource_data& that, std::false_type, std::false_type)
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_resource(), that.get_internal_resource());
boost::core::invoke_swap(get_internal_deleter(), that.get_internal_deleter());
boost::core::invoke_swap(m_allocated, that.m_allocated);
template< typename T >
struct is_dereferenceable_impl
template< typename U, typename R = decltype(*std::declval< U const& >()) >
static std::true_type _is_dereferenceable_check(int);
template< typename U >
static std::false_type _is_dereferenceable_check(...);
using type = decltype(is_dereferenceable_impl::_is_dereferenceable_check< T >(0));
template< typename T >
struct is_dereferenceable : public is_dereferenceable_impl< T >::type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< void* > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const void* > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< volatile void* > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const volatile void* > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< void*& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const void*& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< volatile void*& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const volatile void*& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< void* const& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const void* const& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< volatile void* const& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const volatile void* const& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< void* volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const void* volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< volatile void* volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const volatile void* volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< void* const volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const void* const volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< volatile void* const volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< >
struct is_dereferenceable< const volatile void* const volatile& > : public std::false_type { };
template< typename T, bool = detail::is_dereferenceable< T >::value >
struct dereference_traits { };
template< typename T >
struct dereference_traits< T, true >
using result_type = decltype(*std::declval< T const& >());
static constexpr bool is_noexcept = noexcept(*std::declval< T const& >());
} // namespace detail
* \brief RAII wrapper for automatically reclaiming arbitrary resources.
* A \c unique_resource object exclusively owns wrapped resource and invokes
* the deleter function object on it on destruction. The wrapped resource can have
* any type that is:
* \li Move-constructible, where the move constructor is marked as `noexcept`, or
* \li Copy-constructible, or
* \li An lvalue reference to an object type.
* The deleter must be a function object type that is callable on an lvalue
* of the resource type. The deleter must be copy-constructible.
* An optional resource traits template parameter may be specified. Resource
* traits can be used to optimize \c unique_resource implementation when
* the following conditions are met:
* \li There is at least one value of the resource type that is considered
* unallocated (that is, no allocated resource shall be equal to one of
* the unallocated resource values). The unallocated resource values need not
* be deallocated using the deleter.
* \li One of the unallocated resource values can be considered the default.
* Constructing the default resource value and assigning it to a resource
* object (whether allocated or not) shall not throw exceptions.
* \li Resource objects can be tested for being unallocated. Such a test shall
* not throw exceptions.
* If specified, the resource traits must be a class type that has the following
* public static members:
* \li `R make_default() noexcept` - must return the default resource value such
* that `std::is_constructible< Resource, R >::value &&
* std::is_nothrow_assignable< Resource&, R >::value` is \c true.
* \li `bool is_allocated(Resource const& res) noexcept` - must return \c true
* if \c res is not one of the unallocated resource values and \c false
* otherwise.
* Note that `is_allocated(make_default())` must always return \c false.
* When resource traits satisfying the above requirements are specified,
* \c unique_resource will be able to avoid storing additional indication of
* whether the owned resource object needs to be deallocated with the deleter
* on destruction. It will use the default resource value to initialize the owned
* resource object when \c unique_resource is not in the allocated state.
* Additionally, it will be possible to construct \c unique_resource with
* unallocated resource values, which will create \c unique_resource objects in
* unallocated state (the deleter will not be called on unallocated resource
* values).
* \tparam Resource Resource type.
* \tparam Deleter Resource deleter function object type.
* \tparam Traits Optional resource traits type.
template< typename Resource, typename Deleter, typename Traits BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC(= void) >
class unique_resource
//! Resource type
using resource_type = Resource;
//! Deleter type
using deleter_type = Deleter;
//! Resource traits
using traits_type = Traits;
//! \cond
using data = detail::unique_resource_data< resource_type, deleter_type, traits_type >;
using internal_resource_type = typename data::internal_resource_type;
using internal_deleter_type = typename data::internal_deleter_type;
data m_data;
//! \endcond
* \brief Constructs an unallocated unique resource guard.
* **Requires:** Default \c Resource value can be constructed. \c Deleter is default-constructible
* and is not a pointer to function.
* **Effects:** Initializes the \c Resource object with the default resource value. Default-constructs
* the \c Deleter object.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws.
* \post `this->allocated() == false`
//! \cond
bool Requires = std::is_default_constructible< data >::value,
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
//! \endcond
constexpr unique_resource() noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< data >::value))
* \brief Constructs an unallocated unique resource guard with the given deleter.
* **Requires:** Default \c Resource value can be constructed and \c Deleter is constructible from \a del.
* **Effects:** Initializes the \c Resource value with the default resource value. If \c Deleter is nothrow
* constructible from `D&&` then constructs \c Deleter from `std::forward< D >(del)`,
* otherwise constructs from `del`.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws.
* \param res A tag argument indicating default resource value.
* \param del Resource deleter function object.
* \post `this->allocated() == false`
typename D
//! \cond
, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_constructible< data, default_resource_t, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< D, deleter_type >::type >::value
//! \endcond
unique_resource(default_resource_t res, D&& del)
typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< D, deleter_type >::type
)) :
static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< D, deleter_type >::type >(del)
* \brief Constructs a unique resource guard with the given resource and a default-constructed deleter.
* **Requires:** \c Resource is constructible from \a res. \c Deleter is default-constructible and
* is not a pointer to function.
* **Effects:** Constructs the unique resource object as if by calling
* `unique_resource(std::forward< R >(res), Deleter())`.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws.
* \param res Resource object.
typename R
//! \cond
, typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
detail::is_nothrow_nonnull_default_constructible< deleter_type >,
std::is_constructible< data, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< R, resource_type >::type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >,
detail::disjunction< detail::negation< std::is_reference< resource_type > >, std::is_reference< R > > // prevent binding lvalue-reference resource to an rvalue
>::value >::type
//! \endcond
explicit unique_resource(R&& res)
typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< R, resource_type >::type,
typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type
)) :
static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< R, resource_type >::type >(res),
static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< deleter_type >::type >(deleter_type())
* \brief Constructs a unique resource guard with the given resource and deleter.
* **Requires:** \c Resource is constructible from \a res and \c Deleter is constructible from \a del.
* **Effects:** If \c Resource is nothrow constructible from `R&&` then constructs \c Resource
* from `std::forward< R >(res)`, otherwise constructs from `res`. If \c Deleter
* is nothrow constructible from `D&&` then constructs \c Deleter from
* `std::forward< D >(del)`, otherwise constructs from `del`.
* If construction of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws and \a res is not an unallocated resource
* value, invokes \a del on \a res (if \c Resource construction failed) or the constructed
* \c Resource object (if \c Deleter construction failed).
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws.
* \param res Resource object.
* \param del Resource deleter function object.
* \post If \a res is an unallocated resource value then `this->allocated() == false`, otherwise
* `this->allocated() == true`.
typename R,
typename D
//! \cond
, typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
std::is_constructible< data, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< R, resource_type >::type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< D, deleter_type >::type >,
detail::disjunction< detail::negation< std::is_reference< resource_type > >, std::is_reference< R > > // prevent binding lvalue-reference resource to an rvalue
>::value >::type
//! \endcond
unique_resource(R&& res, D&& del)
typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< R, resource_type >::type,
typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< D, deleter_type >::type
)) :
static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< R, resource_type >::type >(res),
static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< D, deleter_type >::type >(del)
unique_resource(unique_resource const&) = delete;
unique_resource& operator= (unique_resource const&) = delete;
* \brief Move-constructs a unique resource guard.
* **Requires:** \c Resource and \c Deleter are move-constructible.
* **Effects:** If \c Resource is nothrow move-constructible then move-constructs \c Resource,
* otherwise copy-constructs. If \c Deleter is nothrow move-constructible then move-constructs
* \c Deleter, otherwise copy-constructs. Deactivates the moved-from unique resource object.
* If an exception is thrown during construction, \a that is left in its original state.
* \note This logic ensures that in case of exception the resource is not leaked and remains owned by the
* move source.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws.
* \param that Move source.
* \post Let \c allocated be equal to `that.allocated()` prior to the operation. Then
* `this->allocated() == allocated` and `that.allocated() == false`.
//! \cond
bool Requires = std::is_move_constructible< data >::value,
typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
//! \endcond
unique_resource(unique_resource&& that) noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< data >::value)) :
m_data(static_cast< data&& >(that.m_data))
* \brief Move-assigns a unique resource guard.
* **Requires:** \c Resource and \c Deleter are move-assignable.
* **Effects:** Calls `this->reset()`. Then, if \c Deleter is nothrow move-assignable, move-assigns
* the \c Deleter object first and the \c Resource object next. Otherwise, move-assigns
* the objects in reverse order. Lastly, deactivates the moved-from unique resource object.
* If an exception is thrown, \a that is left in its original state.
* \note The different orders of assignment ensure that in case of exception the resource is not leaked
* and remains owned by the move source.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless assignment of \c Resource or \c Deleter throws.
* \param that Move source.
* \post Let \c allocated be equal to `that.allocated()` prior to the operation. Then
* `this->allocated() == allocated` and `that.allocated() == false`.
template< bool Requires = std::is_move_assignable< data >::value >
typename std::enable_if< Requires, unique_resource& >::type
operator= (unique_resource&& that)
noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< data >::value))
m_data = static_cast< data&& >(that.m_data);
return *this;
* \brief If the resource is allocated, calls the deleter function on it. Destroys the resource and the deleter.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless invoking the deleter throws.
~unique_resource() noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(detail::is_nothrow_invocable< deleter_type&, resource_type& >::value))
if (BOOST_LIKELY(m_data.is_allocated()))
* \brief Returns \c true if the resource is allocated and to be reclaimed by the deleter, otherwise \c false.
* \note This method does not test the value of the resource.
* **Throws:** Nothing.
explicit operator bool () const noexcept
return m_data.is_allocated();
* \brief Returns \c true if the resource is allocated and to be reclaimed by the deleter, otherwise \c false.
* **Throws:** Nothing.
bool allocated() const noexcept
return m_data.is_allocated();
* \brief Returns a reference to the resource object.
* **Throws:** Nothing.
resource_type const& get() const noexcept
return m_data.get_resource();
* \brief Returns a reference to the deleter object.
* **Throws:** Nothing.
deleter_type const& get_deleter() const noexcept
return m_data.get_deleter();
* \brief Marks the resource as unallocated. Does not call the deleter if the resource was previously allocated.
* **Throws:** Nothing.
* \post `this->allocated() == false`
void release() noexcept
* \brief If the resource is allocated, calls the deleter function on it and marks the resource as unallocated.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless invoking the deleter throws.
* \post `this->allocated() == false`
void reset() noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(detail::is_nothrow_invocable< deleter_type&, resource_type& >::value))
if (BOOST_LIKELY(m_data.is_allocated()))
* \brief Assigns a new resource object to the unique resource wrapper.
* **Effects:** Calls `this->reset()`. Then, if \c Resource is nothrow assignable from `R&&`,
* assigns `std::forward< R >(res)` to the stored resource object, otherwise assigns
* `res`.
* If \a res is not an unallocated resource value and an exception is thrown during the operation,
* invokes the stored deleter on \a res before returning with the exception.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless invoking the deleter throws.
* \param res Resource object to assign.
* \post `this->allocated() == false`
template< typename R >
typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
std::is_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< R, resource_type >::type >,
detail::disjunction< detail::negation< std::is_reference< resource_type > >, std::is_reference< R > > // prevent binding lvalue-reference resource to an rvalue
>::value >::type
reset(R&& res)
detail::is_nothrow_invocable< deleter_type&, resource_type& >,
std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< R, resource_type >::type >
static_cast< R&& >(res),
typename detail::conjunction<
detail::is_nothrow_invocable< deleter_type&, resource_type& >,
std::is_nothrow_assignable< internal_resource_type&, typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< R, resource_type >::type >
* \brief Invokes indirection on the resource object.
* **Requires:** \c Resource is dereferenceable.
* **Effects:** Returns a reference to the resource object as if by calling `get()`.
* \note If \c Resource is not a pointer type, the compiler will invoke its `operator->`.
* Such call sequence will continue until a pointer is obtained.
* **Throws:** Nothing. Note that any implicit subsequent calls to other `operator->`
* functions that are caused by this call may have different throw conditions.
template< bool Requires = detail::is_dereferenceable< resource_type >::value >
typename std::enable_if< Requires, resource_type const& >::type
resource_type const&
operator-> () const noexcept
return get();
* \brief Dereferences the resource object.
* **Requires:** \c Resource is dereferenceable.
* **Effects:** Returns the result of dereferencing the resource object as if by calling `*get()`.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless dereferencing the resource object throws.
template< bool Requires = detail::is_dereferenceable< resource_type >::value >
typename detail::dereference_traits< resource_type, Requires >::result_type
operator* () const
noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(detail::dereference_traits< resource_type, Requires >::is_noexcept))
return *get();
* \brief Swaps two unique resource wrappers.
* **Requires:** \c Resource and \c Deleter are swappable. At least one of \c Resource and \c Deleter
* is nothrow swappable.
* **Effects:** Swaps the resource objects and deleter objects stored in `*this` and \a that
* as if by calling unqualified `swap` in a context where `std::swap` is
* found by overload resolution.
* If an exception is thrown, and the failed swap operation supports strong exception
* guarantee, both `*this` and \a that are left in their original states.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless swapping the resource objects or deleters throw.
* \param that Unique resource wrapper to swap with.
template< bool Requires = detail::is_swappable< data >::value >
typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
swap(unique_resource& that)
noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(detail::is_nothrow_swappable< data >::value))
* \brief Swaps two unique resource wrappers.
* **Effects:** As if `left.swap(right)`.
template< bool Requires = detail::is_swappable< data >::value >
friend typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
friend void
swap(unique_resource& left, unique_resource& right)
noexcept(BOOST_SCOPE_DETAIL_DOC_HIDDEN(detail::is_nothrow_swappable< data >::value))
//! \cond
//! Assigns a new resource object to the unique resource wrapper.
template< typename R >
void reset_impl(R&& res, std::true_type) noexcept
m_data.assign_resource(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< R, resource_type >::type >(res));
//! Assigns a new resource object to the unique resource wrapper.
template< typename R >
void reset_impl(R&& res, std::false_type)
m_data.assign_resource(static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_assign_ref< R, resource_type >::type >(res));
catch (...)
m_data.get_deleter()(static_cast< R&& >(res));
//! \endcond
typename Resource,
typename Deleter,
typename = typename std::enable_if< !detail::is_default_resource< Resource >::value >::type
unique_resource(Resource, Deleter) -> unique_resource< Resource, Deleter >;
#endif // !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX17_DEDUCTION_GUIDES)
* \brief Checks if the resource is valid and creates a \c unique_resource wrapper.
* **Effects:** If the resource \a res is not equal to \a invalid, creates a unique resource wrapper
* that is in allocated state and owns \a res. Otherwise creates a unique resource wrapper
* in unallocated state.
* \note This function does not call \a del if \a res is equal to \a invalid.
* **Throws:** Nothing, unless \c unique_resource constructor throws.
* \param res Resource to wrap.
* \param invalid An invalid value for the resource.
* \param del A deleter to invoke on the resource to free it.
template< typename Resource, typename Deleter, typename Invalid >
inline unique_resource< typename std::decay< Resource >::type, typename std::decay< Deleter >::type >
make_unique_resource_checked(Resource&& res, Invalid const& invalid, Deleter&& del)
std::is_nothrow_constructible< typename std::decay< Resource >::type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Resource, typename std::decay< Resource >::type >::type >,
std::is_nothrow_constructible< typename std::decay< Deleter >::type, typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Deleter, typename std::decay< Deleter >::type >::type >
using unique_resource_type = unique_resource< typename std::decay< Resource >::type, typename std::decay< Deleter >::type >;
if (!(res == invalid))
return unique_resource_type(static_cast< Resource&& >(res), static_cast< Deleter&& >(del));
return unique_resource_type(default_resource_t(), static_cast< Deleter&& >(del));
} // namespace scope
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/scope/detail/footer.hpp>