Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
 * Copyright (c) 2023 Andrey Semashev
 * \file scope/scope_exit.hpp
 * This header contains definition of \c scope_exit template.


#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/scope/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/is_not_like.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/compact_storage.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/move_or_copy_construct_ref.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/is_nonnull_default_constructible.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/conjunction.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/is_invocable.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/type_traits/is_nothrow_invocable.hpp>
#include <boost/scope/detail/header.hpp>

#pragma once

namespace boost {
namespace scope {

template< typename Func, typename Cond >
class scope_exit;

namespace detail {

// Workaround for clang < 5.0 which can't pass scope_exit as a template template parameter from within scope_exit definition
template< typename T >
using is_not_like_scope_exit = detail::is_not_like< T, scope_exit >;

//! The scope guard used to invoke the condition and action functions in case of exception during scope guard construction
template< typename Func, typename Cond >
class init_guard
    Func& m_func;
    Cond& m_cond;
    bool m_active;

    init_guard(Func& func, Cond& cond, bool active) noexcept :

    init_guard(init_guard const&) = delete;
    init_guard& operator= (init_guard const&) = delete;

            detail::is_nothrow_invocable< Func& >,
            detail::is_nothrow_invocable< Cond& >
        if (m_active && m_cond())

    Func&& get_func() noexcept
        return static_cast< Func&& >(m_func);

    Cond&& get_cond() noexcept
        return static_cast< Cond&& >(m_cond);

    void deactivate() noexcept
        m_active = false;

} // namespace detail

 * \brief A predicate that always returns \c true.
 * This predicate can be used as the default condition function object for
 * \c scope_exit and similar scope guards.
class always_true
    //! Predicate result type
    using result_type = bool;

     * **Throws:** Nothing.
     * \returns \c true.
    result_type operator()() const noexcept
        return true;

 * \brief Scope exit guard that conditionally invokes a function upon leaving the scope.
 * The scope guard wraps two function objects: the scope guard action and
 * a condition for invoking the action. Both function objects must be
 * callable with no arguments and can be one of:
 * \li A user-defined class with a public `operator()`.
 * \li An lvalue reference to such class.
 * \li An lvalue reference or pointer to function taking no arguments.
 * The condition function object `operator()` must return a value
 * contextually convertible to \c true, if the action function object
 * is allowed to be executed, and \c false otherwise. Additionally,
 * the condition function object `operator()` must not throw, as
 * otherwise the action function object may not be called.
 * The condition function object is optional, and if not specified in
 * template parameters, the scope guard will operate as if the condition
 * always returns \c true.
 * The scope guard can be in either active or inactive state. By default,
 * the constructed scope guard is active. When active, and condition
 * function object returns \c true, the scope guard invokes the wrapped
 * action function object on destruction. Otherwise, the scope guard
 * does not call the wrapped action function object.
 * The scope guard can be made inactive by moving-from the scope guard
 * or calling `set_active(false)`. An inactive scope guard can be made
 * active by calling `set_active(true)`. If a moved-from scope guard
 * is active on destruction, the behavior is undefined.
 * \tparam Func Scope guard action function object type.
 * \tparam Cond Scope guard condition function object type.
template< typename Func, typename Cond = always_true >
class scope_exit
//! \cond
    struct func_holder :
        public detail::compact_storage< Func >
        using func_base = detail::compact_storage< Func >;

            typename F,
            typename C,
            typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< Func, F >::value >::type
        explicit func_holder(F&& func, C&& cond, bool active, std::true_type) noexcept :
            func_base(static_cast< F&& >(func))

            typename F,
            typename C,
            typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< Func, F >::value >::type
        explicit func_holder(F&& func, C&& cond, bool active, std::false_type) :
            func_holder(detail::init_guard< F, C >(func, cond, active))

        template< typename F, typename C >
        explicit func_holder(detail::init_guard< F, C >&& init) :

    struct cond_holder :
        public detail::compact_storage< Cond >
        using cond_base = detail::compact_storage< Cond >;

            typename C,
            typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< Cond, C >::value >::type
        explicit cond_holder(C&& cond, Func& func, bool active, std::true_type) noexcept :
            cond_base(static_cast< C&& >(cond))

            typename C,
            typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< Cond, C >::value >::type
        explicit cond_holder(C&& cond, Func& func, bool active, std::false_type) :
            cond_holder(detail::init_guard< Func&, C >(func, cond, active))

        template< typename C >
        explicit cond_holder(detail::init_guard< Func&, C >&& init) :

    struct data :
        public func_holder,
        public cond_holder
        bool m_active;

            typename F,
            typename C,
            typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
                std::is_constructible< func_holder, F, C, bool, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< Func, F >::type >,
                std::is_constructible< cond_holder, C, Func&, bool, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< Cond, C >::type >
            >::value >::type
        explicit data(F&& func, C&& cond, bool active)
            noexcept(detail::conjunction< std::is_nothrow_constructible< Func, F >, std::is_nothrow_constructible< Cond, C > >::value) :
            func_holder(static_cast< F&& >(func), static_cast< C&& >(cond), active, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< Func, F >::type()),
            cond_holder(static_cast< C&& >(cond), func_holder::get(), active, typename std::is_nothrow_constructible< Cond, C >::type()),

        Func& get_func() noexcept
            return func_holder::get();

        Func const& get_func() const noexcept
            return func_holder::get();

        Cond& get_cond() noexcept
            return cond_holder::get();

        Cond const& get_cond() const noexcept
            return cond_holder::get();

        bool deactivate() noexcept
            bool active = m_active;
            m_active = false;
            return active;

    data m_data;

//! \endcond
     * \brief Constructs a scope guard with a given callable action function object.
     * **Requires:** \c Func is constructible from \a func. \c Cond is nothrow default-constructible
     *               and is not a pointer to function.
     * \note The requirement for \c Cond default constructor to be non-throwing is to allow for
     *       the condition function object to be called in case if constructing either function
     *       object throws.
     * **Effects:** Constructs the scope guard as if by calling
     *              `scope_exit(std::forward< F >(func), Cond(), active)`.
     * **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of the function objects throw.
     * \param func The callable action function object to invoke on destruction.
     * \param active Indicates whether the scope guard should be active upon construction.
     * \post `this->active() == active`
        typename F
        //! \cond
        , typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
            detail::is_nothrow_nonnull_default_constructible< Cond >,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< F, Func >::type,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Cond >::type,
            detail::is_not_like_scope_exit< F >
        >::value >::type
        //! \endcond
    explicit scope_exit(F&& func, bool active = true)
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< F, Func >::type,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Cond >::type,
        )) :
            static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< F, Func >::type >(func),
            static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Cond >::type >(Cond()),

     * \brief Constructs a scope guard with a given callable action and condition function objects.
     * **Requires:** \c Func is constructible from \a func. \c Cond is constructible from \a cond.
     * **Effects:** If \c Func is nothrow constructible from `F&&` then constructs \c Func from
     *              `std::forward< F >(func)`, otherwise constructs from `func`. If \c Cond is
     *              nothrow constructible from `C&&` then constructs \c Cond from
     *              `std::forward< C >(cond)`, otherwise constructs from `cond`.
     *              If \c Func or \c Cond construction throws and \a active is \c true, invokes
     *              \a cond and, if it returns \c true, \a func before returning with the exception.
     * **Throws:** Nothing, unless construction of the function objects throw.
     * \param func The callable action function object to invoke on destruction.
     * \param cond The callable condition function object.
     * \param active Indicates whether the scope guard should be active upon construction.
     * \post `this->active() == active`
        typename F,
        typename C
        //! \cond
        , typename = typename std::enable_if< detail::conjunction<
            detail::is_invocable< C const& >,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< F, Func >::type,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< C, Cond >::type,
        >::value >::type
        //! \endcond
    explicit scope_exit(F&& func, C&& cond, bool active = true)
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< F, Func >::type,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< C, Cond >::type,
        )) :
            static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< F, Func >::type >(func),
            static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< C, Cond >::type >(cond),

     * \brief Move-constructs a scope guard.
     * **Requires:** \c Func and \c Cond are nothrow move-constructible or copy-constructible.
     * **Effects:** If \c Func is nothrow move-constructible then move-constructs \c Func from
     *              a member of \a that, otherwise copy-constructs \c Func. If \c Cond is nothrow
     *              move-constructible then move-constructs \c Cond from a member of \a that,
     *              otherwise copy-constructs \c Cond.
     *              If \c Func or \c Cond construction throws and ` == true`, invokes
     *              \c Cond object stored in \a that and, if it returns \c true, \a Func object
     *              (either the newly constructed one, if its construction succeeded, or the original
     *              one stored in \a that) before returning with the exception.
     *              If the construction succeeds, marks \a that as inactive.
     * **Throws:** Nothing, unless move-construction of the function objects throw.
     * \param that Move source.
     * \post ` == false`
    //! \cond
        bool Requires = std::is_constructible<
            typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Func >::type,
            typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Cond >::type,
        typename = typename std::enable_if< Requires >::type
    //! \endcond
    scope_exit(scope_exit&& that)
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Func >::type,
                typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Cond >::type,
        )) :
            static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Func >::type >(that.m_data.get_func()),
            static_cast< typename detail::move_or_copy_construct_ref< Cond >::type >(that.m_data.get_cond()),

    scope_exit& operator= (scope_exit&&) = delete;

    scope_exit(scope_exit const&) = delete;
    scope_exit& operator= (scope_exit const&) = delete;

     * \brief If `active() == true`, and invoking the condition function object returns \c true, invokes
     *        the wrapped callable action function object. Destroys the function objects.
     * **Throws:** Nothing, unless invoking a function object throws.
                detail::is_nothrow_invocable< Func& >,
                detail::is_nothrow_invocable< Cond& >
        if (BOOST_LIKELY(m_data.m_active && m_data.get_cond()()))

     * \brief Returns \c true if the scope guard is active, otherwise \c false.
     * \note This method does not call the condition function object specified on construction.
     * **Throws:** Nothing.
    bool active() const noexcept
        return m_data.m_active;

     * \brief Activates or deactivates the scope guard.
     * **Throws:** Nothing.
     * \param active The active status to set.
     * \post `this->active() == active`
    void set_active(bool active) noexcept
        m_data.m_active = active;

template< typename Func >
explicit scope_exit(Func) -> scope_exit< Func >;

template< typename Func >
explicit scope_exit(Func, bool) -> scope_exit< Func >;

template< typename Func, typename Cond >
explicit scope_exit(Func, Cond) -> scope_exit< Func, Cond >;

template< typename Func, typename Cond >
explicit scope_exit(Func, Cond, bool) -> scope_exit< Func, Cond >;
#endif // !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX17_DEDUCTION_GUIDES)

 * \brief Creates a scope guard with a given action function object.
 * **Effects:** Constructs a scope guard as if by calling
 *              `scope_exit< std::decay_t< F > >(std::forward< F >(func), active)`.
 * \param func The callable action function object to invoke on destruction.
 * \param active Indicates whether the scope guard should be active upon construction.
template< typename F >
inline scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type > make_scope_exit(F&& func, bool active = true)
        scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type >,
    return scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type >(static_cast< F&& >(func), active);

 * \brief Creates a conditional scope guard with given callable function objects.
 * **Effects:** Constructs a scope guard as if by calling
 *              `scope_exit< std::decay_t< F >, std::decay_t< C > >(
 *              std::forward< F >(func), std::forward< C >(cond), active)`.
 * \param func The callable action function object to invoke on destruction.
 * \param cond The callable condition function object.
 * \param active Indicates whether the scope guard should be active upon construction.
template< typename F, typename C >
typename std::enable_if<
        scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type, typename std::decay< C >::type >,
    scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type, typename std::decay< C >::type >
scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type, typename std::decay< C >::type >
make_scope_exit(F&& func, C&& cond, bool active = true)
        scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type, typename std::decay< C >::type >,
    return scope_exit< typename std::decay< F >::type, typename std::decay< C >::type >(static_cast< F&& >(func), static_cast< C&& >(cond), active);

} // namespace scope
} // namespace boost

#include <boost/scope/detail/footer.hpp>