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boost::log::expressions::attribute_keyword — This class implements an expression template keyword.
// In header: <boost/log/expressions/keyword.hpp> template<typename DescriptorT, template< typename > class ActorT> struct attribute_keyword { // types typedef attribute_keyword this_type; // Self type. typedef DescriptorT descriptor_type; // Attribute descriptor type. typedef descriptor_type::value_type value_type; // Attribute value type. typedef attribute_actor< value_type, fallback_to_none, descriptor_type, ActorT > or_none_result_type; // Expression with cached attribute name. typedef attribute_actor< value_type, fallback_to_throw, descriptor_type, ActorT > or_throw_result_type; // Expression with cached attribute name. // public static functions static attribute_name get_name(); static or_none_result_type or_none(); static or_throw_result_type or_throw(); template<typename DefaultT> static attribute_actor< value_type, fallback_to_default< DefaultT >, descriptor_type, ActorT > or_default(DefaultT const &); };
This class implements an expression template keyword. It is used to start template expressions involving attribute values.
public static functionsstatic attribute_name get_name();Returns attribute name.
static or_none_result_type or_none();Generates an expression that extracts the attribute value or a default value.
static or_throw_result_type or_throw();Generates an expression that extracts the attribute value or throws an exception.
template<typename DefaultT> static attribute_actor< value_type, fallback_to_default< DefaultT >, descriptor_type, ActorT > or_default(DefaultT const & def_val);Generates an expression that extracts the attribute value or a default value.