* Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* \file formatters/char_decorator.hpp
* \author Andrey Semashev
* \date 17.11.2012
* The header contains implementation of a character decorator.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
#include <boost/range/size.hpp>
#include <boost/range/const_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/range/value_type.hpp>
#include <boost/move/core.hpp>
#include <boost/move/utility_core.hpp>
#include <boost/core/addressof.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/actor.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/meta_grammar.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/terminal_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/is_nullary.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/core/environment.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/support/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/at_c.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/custom_terminal_spec.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/deduce_char_type.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/sfinae_tools.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/formatting_ostream.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
#pragma once
namespace boost {
namespace expressions {
namespace aux {
template< typename RangeT >
struct string_const_iterator : range_const_iterator< RangeT > {};
template< >
struct string_const_iterator< char* > { typedef char* type; };
template< >
struct string_const_iterator< const char* > { typedef const char* type; };
template< >
struct string_const_iterator< wchar_t* > { typedef wchar_t* type; };
template< >
struct string_const_iterator< const wchar_t* > { typedef const wchar_t* type; };
} // namespace aux
* A simple character decorator implementation. This implementation replaces string patterns in the source string with
* the fixed replacements. Source patterns and replacements can be specified at the object construction.
template< typename CharT >
class pattern_replacer
//! Result type
typedef void result_type;
//! Character type
typedef CharT char_type;
//! String type
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;
//! Lengths of source pattern and replacement
struct string_lengths
unsigned int from_len, to_len;
//! List of the decorations to apply
typedef std::vector< string_lengths > string_lengths_list;
//! Characters of the interleaved source patterns and replacements
string_type m_decoration_chars;
//! List of the decorations to apply
string_lengths_list m_string_lengths;
* Initializing constructor. Creates a pattern replacer with the specified \a decorations.
* The provided decorations must be a sequence of \c std::pair of strings. The first element
* of each pair is the source pattern, and the second one is the corresponding replacement.
template< typename RangeT >
explicit pattern_replacer(RangeT const& decorations
// This is needed for a workaround against an MSVC-10 and older bug in constructor overload resolution
, typename boost::enable_if_has_type< typename range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type, boost::log::aux::sfinae_dummy >::type = boost::log::aux::sfinae_dummy()
typedef typename range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type iterator;
for (iterator it = boost::begin(decorations), end_ = boost::end(decorations); it != end_; ++it)
string_lengths lens;
typedef typename aux::string_const_iterator< typename range_value< RangeT >::type::first_type >::type first_iterator;
first_iterator b = string_begin(it->first), e = string_end(it->first);
lens.from_len = static_cast< unsigned int >(std::distance(b, e));
m_decoration_chars.append(b, e);
typedef typename aux::string_const_iterator< typename range_value< RangeT >::type::second_type >::type second_iterator;
second_iterator b = string_begin(it->second), e = string_end(it->second);
lens.to_len = static_cast< unsigned int >(std::distance(b, e));
m_decoration_chars.append(b, e);
* Initializing constructor. Creates a pattern replacer with decorations specified
* in form of two same-sized string sequences. Each <tt>i</tt>'th decoration will be
* <tt>from[i]</tt> -> <tt>to[i]</tt>.
template< typename FromRangeT, typename ToRangeT >
pattern_replacer(FromRangeT const& from, ToRangeT const& to)
typedef typename range_const_iterator< FromRangeT >::type iterator1;
typedef typename range_const_iterator< ToRangeT >::type iterator2;
iterator1 it1 = boost::begin(from), end1 = boost::end(from);
iterator2 it2 = boost::begin(to), end2 = boost::end(to);
for (; it1 != end1 && it2 != end2; ++it1, ++it2)
string_lengths lens;
typedef typename aux::string_const_iterator< typename range_value< FromRangeT >::type >::type from_iterator;
from_iterator b = string_begin(*it1), e = string_end(*it1);
lens.from_len = static_cast< unsigned int >(std::distance(b, e));
m_decoration_chars.append(b, e);
typedef typename aux::string_const_iterator< typename range_value< ToRangeT >::type >::type to_iterator;
to_iterator b = string_begin(*it2), e = string_end(*it2);
lens.to_len = static_cast< unsigned int >(std::distance(b, e));
m_decoration_chars.append(b, e);
// Both sequences should be of the same size
BOOST_ASSERT(it1 == end1);
BOOST_ASSERT(it2 == end2);
//! Copy constructor
pattern_replacer(pattern_replacer const& that) : m_decoration_chars(that.m_decoration_chars), m_string_lengths(that.m_string_lengths)
//! Applies string replacements starting from the specified position
result_type operator() (string_type& str, typename string_type::size_type start_pos = 0) const
typedef typename string_type::size_type size_type;
const char_type* from_chars = m_decoration_chars.c_str();
for (typename string_lengths_list::const_iterator it = m_string_lengths.begin(), end = m_string_lengths.end(); it != end; ++it)
const unsigned int from_len = it->from_len, to_len = it->to_len;
const char_type* const to_chars = from_chars + from_len;
for (size_type pos = str.find(from_chars, start_pos, from_len); pos != string_type::npos; pos = str.find(from_chars, pos, from_len))
str.replace(pos, from_len, to_chars, to_len);
pos += to_len;
from_chars = to_chars + to_len;
static char_type* string_begin(char_type* p)
return p;
static const char_type* string_begin(const char_type* p)
return p;
template< typename RangeT >
static typename range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type string_begin(RangeT const& r)
return boost::begin(r);
static char_type* string_end(char_type* p)
return p + std::char_traits< char_type >::length(p);
static const char_type* string_end(const char_type* p)
return p + std::char_traits< char_type >::length(p);
template< typename RangeT >
static typename range_const_iterator< RangeT >::type string_end(RangeT const& r)
return boost::end(r);
namespace aux {
//! Character decorator stream output terminal
template< typename LeftT, typename SubactorT, typename ImplT >
class char_decorator_output_terminal
//! Self type
typedef char_decorator_output_terminal< LeftT, SubactorT, ImplT > this_type;
//! Internal typedef for type categorization
typedef void _is_boost_log_terminal;
//! Implementation type
typedef ImplT impl_type;
//! Character type
typedef typename impl_type::char_type char_type;
//! String type
typedef typename impl_type::string_type string_type;
//! Adopted actor type
typedef SubactorT subactor_type;
//! Result type definition
template< typename >
struct result;
template< typename ThisT, typename ContextT >
struct result< ThisT(ContextT) >
typedef typename remove_cv< typename remove_reference< ContextT >::type >::type context_type;
typedef typename phoenix::evaluator::impl<
typename LeftT::proto_base_expr&,
>::result_type type;
//! Left argument actor
LeftT m_left;
//! Adopted formatter actor
subactor_type m_subactor;
//! Implementation type
impl_type m_impl;
* Initializing constructor. Creates decorator of the \a fmt formatter with the specified \a decorations.
char_decorator_output_terminal(LeftT const& left, subactor_type const& sub, impl_type const& impl) :
m_left(left), m_subactor(sub), m_impl(impl)
* Copy constructor
char_decorator_output_terminal(char_decorator_output_terminal const& that) :
m_left(that.m_left), m_subactor(that.m_subactor), m_impl(that.m_impl)
* Invokation operator
template< typename ContextT >
typename result< this_type(ContextT const&) >::type operator() (ContextT const& ctx)
// Flush the stream and keep the current write position in the target string
typedef typename result< this_type(ContextT const&) >::type result_type;
result_type strm = phoenix::eval(m_left, ctx);
typename string_type::size_type const start_pos = strm.rdbuf()->storage()->size();
// Invoke the adopted formatter
phoenix::eval(m_subactor, ctx);
// Flush the buffered characters and apply decorations
m_impl(*strm.rdbuf()->storage(), start_pos);
return strm;
* Invokation operator
template< typename ContextT >
typename result< const this_type(ContextT const&) >::type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) const
// Flush the stream and keep the current write position in the target string
typedef typename result< const this_type(ContextT const&) >::type result_type;
result_type strm = phoenix::eval(m_left, ctx);
typename string_type::size_type const start_pos = strm.rdbuf()->storage()->size();
// Invoke the adopted formatter
phoenix::eval(m_subactor, ctx);
// Flush the buffered characters and apply decorations
m_impl(*strm.rdbuf()->storage(), start_pos);
return strm;
} // namespace aux
* Character decorator terminal class. This formatter allows to modify strings generated by other
* formatters on character level. The most obvious application of decorators is replacing
* a certain set of characters with decorated equivalents to satisfy requirements of
* text-based sinks.
* The \c char_decorator_terminal class aggregates the formatter being decorated, and a set
* of string pairs that are used as decorations. All decorations are applied sequentially.
* The \c char_decorator_terminal class is a formatter itself, so it can be used to construct
* more complex formatters, including nesting decorators.
template< typename SubactorT, typename ImplT >
class char_decorator_terminal
//! Self type
typedef char_decorator_terminal< SubactorT, ImplT > this_type;
//! Internal typedef for type categorization
typedef void _is_boost_log_terminal;
//! Implementation type
typedef ImplT impl_type;
//! Character type
typedef typename impl_type::char_type char_type;
//! String type
typedef typename impl_type::string_type string_type;
//! Stream type
typedef basic_formatting_ostream< char_type > stream_type;
//! Adopted actor type
typedef SubactorT subactor_type;
//! Result type definition
typedef string_type result_type;
//! Adopted formatter actor
subactor_type m_subactor;
//! Implementation
impl_type m_impl;
* Initializing constructor.
char_decorator_terminal(subactor_type const& sub, impl_type const& impl) : m_subactor(sub), m_impl(impl)
* Copy constructor
char_decorator_terminal(char_decorator_terminal const& that) : m_subactor(that.m_subactor), m_impl(that.m_impl)
* \returns Adopted subactor
subactor_type const& get_subactor() const
return m_subactor;
* \returns Implementation
impl_type const& get_impl() const
return m_impl;
* Invokation operator
template< typename ContextT >
result_type operator() (ContextT const& ctx)
string_type str;
stream_type strm(str);
// Invoke the adopted formatter
typedef phoenix::vector3<
typename fusion::result_of::at_c<
typename remove_cv<
typename remove_reference<
typename phoenix::result_of::env< ContextT const& >::type
> env_type;
env_type env = { boost::addressof(m_subactor), fusion::at_c< 0 >(phoenix::env(ctx).args()), strm };
phoenix::eval(m_subactor, phoenix::make_context(env, phoenix::actions(ctx)));
// Flush the buffered characters and apply decorations
* Invokation operator
template< typename ContextT >
result_type operator() (ContextT const& ctx) const
string_type str;
stream_type strm(str);
// Invoke the adopted formatter
typedef phoenix::vector3<
const subactor_type*,
typename fusion::result_of::at_c<
typename remove_cv<
typename remove_reference<
typename phoenix::result_of::env< ContextT const& >::type
> env_type;
env_type env = { boost::addressof(m_subactor), fusion::at_c< 0 >(phoenix::env(ctx).args()), strm };
phoenix::eval(m_subactor, phoenix::make_context(env, phoenix::actions(ctx)));
// Flush the buffered characters and apply decorations
* Character decorator actor
template< typename SubactorT, typename ImplT, template< typename > class ActorT = phoenix::actor >
class char_decorator_actor :
public ActorT< char_decorator_terminal< SubactorT, ImplT > >
//! Base terminal type
typedef char_decorator_terminal< SubactorT, ImplT > terminal_type;
//! Character type
typedef typename terminal_type::char_type char_type;
//! Base actor type
typedef ActorT< terminal_type > base_type;
//! Initializing constructor
explicit char_decorator_actor(base_type const& act) : base_type(act)
//! Returns reference to the terminal
terminal_type const& get_terminal() const
return this->proto_expr_.child0;
#define BOOST_LOG_AUX_OVERLOAD(left_ref, right_ref)\
template< typename LeftExprT, typename SubactorT, typename ImplT, template< typename > class ActorT >\
BOOST_FORCEINLINE phoenix::actor< aux::char_decorator_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, SubactorT, ImplT > >\
operator<< (phoenix::actor< LeftExprT > left_ref left, char_decorator_actor< SubactorT, ImplT, ActorT > right_ref right)\
typedef aux::char_decorator_output_terminal< phoenix::actor< LeftExprT >, SubactorT, ImplT > terminal_type;\
phoenix::actor< terminal_type > actor = {{ terminal_type(left, right.get_terminal().get_subactor(), right.get_terminal().get_impl()) }};\
return actor;\
#include <boost/log/detail/generate_overloads.hpp>
namespace aux {
template< typename RangeT >
class char_decorator_gen1
RangeT const& m_decorations;
typedef typename boost::log::aux::deduce_char_type< typename range_value< RangeT >::type::first_type >::type char_type;
explicit char_decorator_gen1(RangeT const& decorations) : m_decorations(decorations)
template< typename SubactorT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE char_decorator_actor< SubactorT, pattern_replacer< char_type > > operator[] (SubactorT const& subactor) const
typedef pattern_replacer< char_type > replacer_type;
typedef char_decorator_actor< SubactorT, replacer_type > result_type;
typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(subactor, replacer_type(m_decorations)) }};
return result_type(act);
template< typename FromRangeT, typename ToRangeT >
class char_decorator_gen2
FromRangeT const& m_from;
ToRangeT const& m_to;
typedef typename boost::log::aux::deduce_char_type< typename range_value< FromRangeT >::type >::type from_char_type;
typedef typename boost::log::aux::deduce_char_type< typename range_value< ToRangeT >::type >::type to_char_type;
static_assert(is_same< from_char_type, to_char_type >::value, "Boost.Log: character decorator cannot be instantiated with different character types for source and replacement strings");
char_decorator_gen2(FromRangeT const& from, ToRangeT const& to) : m_from(from), m_to(to)
template< typename SubactorT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE char_decorator_actor< SubactorT, pattern_replacer< from_char_type > > operator[] (SubactorT const& subactor) const
typedef pattern_replacer< from_char_type > replacer_type;
typedef char_decorator_actor< SubactorT, replacer_type > result_type;
typedef typename result_type::terminal_type terminal_type;
typename result_type::base_type act = {{ terminal_type(subactor, replacer_type(m_from, m_to)) }};
return result_type(act);
} // namespace aux
* The function returns a decorator generator object. The generator provides <tt>operator[]</tt> that can be used
* to construct the actual decorator.
* \param decorations A sequence of string pairs that will be used as decorations. Every <tt>decorations[i].first</tt>
* substring occurrence in the output will be replaced with <tt>decorations[i].second</tt>.
template< typename RangeT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE aux::char_decorator_gen1< RangeT > char_decor(RangeT const& decorations)
return aux::char_decorator_gen1< RangeT >(decorations);
* The function returns a decorator generator object. The generator provides <tt>operator[]</tt> that can be used
* to construct the actual decorator.
* \param from A sequence of strings that will be sought in the output.
* \param to A sequence of strings that will be used as replacements.
* \note The \a from and \a to sequences mush be of the same size. Every <tt>from[i]</tt>
* substring occurrence in the output will be replaced with <tt>to[i]</tt>.
template< typename FromRangeT, typename ToRangeT >
BOOST_FORCEINLINE aux::char_decorator_gen2< FromRangeT, ToRangeT > char_decor(FromRangeT const& from, ToRangeT const& to)
return aux::char_decorator_gen2< FromRangeT, ToRangeT >(from, to);
} // namespace expressions
namespace phoenix {
namespace result_of {
template< typename SubactorT, typename ImplT >
struct is_nullary< custom_terminal< boost::log::expressions::char_decorator_terminal< SubactorT, ImplT > > > :
public mpl::false_
template< typename LeftT, typename SubactorT, typename ImplT >
struct is_nullary< custom_terminal< boost::log::expressions::aux::char_decorator_output_terminal< LeftT, SubactorT, ImplT > > > :
public mpl::false_
} // namespace result_of
} // namespace phoenix
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>