Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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exception_ptr_rethrow<T, EC, EP>

Note: This policy class specialisation can only be used with basic_outcome, not basic_result. Use exception_ptr_rethrow<T, EC, void> with basic_result.

Policy class defining that the ADL discovered free function rethrow_exception(impl.assume_exception()) if possible, followed by rethrow_exception(impl.assume_error()) should be called on incorrect wide value observation. Generally this will ADL discover std::rethrow_exception() or boost::rethrow_exception() depending on the EC type.

Incorrect wide error observation performs:

BOOST_OUTCOME_THROW_EXCEPTION(bad_outcome_access("no error"));

Incorrect wide exception observation performs:

BOOST_OUTCOME_THROW_EXCEPTION(bad_outcome_access("no exception"));

Inherits publicly from base , and its narrow value, error and exception observer policies are inherited from there.

Requires: Nothing.


Header: <boost/outcome/policy/outcome_exception_ptr_rethrow.hpp>

Last revised: February 01, 2019 at 23:42:52 UTC

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