Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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Class named_scope_list

boost::log::attributes::named_scope_list — The class implements the list of scopes.


// In header: <boost/log/attributes/named_scope.hpp>

class named_scope_list {
  // types
  typedef std::allocator< named_scope_entry > allocator_type;          // Allocator type. 
  typedef unspecified                         value_type;            
  typedef unspecified                         size_type;             
  typedef unspecified                         difference_type;       
  typedef unspecified                         pointer;               
  typedef unspecified                         const_pointer;         
  typedef value_type &                        reference;             
  typedef value_type const  &                 const_reference;       
  typedef implementation_defined              const_iterator;        
  typedef implementation_defined              iterator;              
  typedef implementation_defined              const_reverse_iterator;
  typedef implementation_defined              reverse_iterator;      

  // construct/copy/destruct
  named_scope_list(named_scope_list const &);
  named_scope_list & operator=(named_scope_list const &);

  // public member functions
  const_iterator begin() const;
  const_iterator end() const;
  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
  const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
  size_type size() const;
  bool empty() const;
  void swap(named_scope_list &);
  const_reference back() const;
  const_reference front() const;


The scope list provides a read-only access to a doubly-linked list of scopes.

named_scope_list public types

  1. typedef implementation_defined const_iterator;

    A constant iterator to the sequence of scopes. Complies to bidirectional iterator requirements.

  2. typedef implementation_defined iterator;

    An iterator to the sequence of scopes. Complies to bidirectional iterator requirements.

  3. typedef implementation_defined const_reverse_iterator;

    A constant reverse iterator to the sequence of scopes. Complies to bidirectional iterator requirements.

  4. typedef implementation_defined reverse_iterator;

    A reverse iterator to the sequence of scopes. Complies to bidirectional iterator requirements.

named_scope_list public construct/copy/destruct

  1. named_scope_list();

    Default constructor


    empty() == true

  2. named_scope_list(named_scope_list const & that);

    Copy constructor


    std::equal(begin(), end(), that.begin()) == true

  3. named_scope_list & operator=(named_scope_list const & that);

    Assignment operator


    std::equal(begin(), end(), that.begin()) == true

  4. ~named_scope_list();

    Destructor. Destroys the stored entries.

named_scope_list public member functions

  1. const_iterator begin() const;


    Constant iterator to the first element of the container.

  2. const_iterator end() const;


    Constant iterator to the after-the-last element of the container.

  3. const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;


    Constant iterator to the last element of the container.

  4. const_reverse_iterator rend() const;


    Constant iterator to the before-the-first element of the container.

  5. size_type size() const;


    The number of elements in the container

  6. bool empty() const;


    true if the container is empty and false otherwise

  7. void swap(named_scope_list & that);

    Swaps two instances of the container

  8. const_reference back() const;


    Last pushed scope entry

  9. const_reference front() const;


    First pushed scope entry
