// Copyright 2011 John Maddock.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// This file has no include guards or namespaces - it's expanded inline inside default_ops.hpp
template <class T>
void calc_log2(T& num, unsigned digits)
using ui_type = typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<std::uint32_t, T>::type;
using si_type = typename std::tuple_element<0, typename T::signed_types>::type ;
// String value with 1100 digits:
static const char* string_val = "0."
// Check if we can just construct from string:
if (digits < 3640) // 3640 binary digits ~ 1100 decimal digits
num = string_val;
// We calculate log2 from using the formula:
// ln(2) = 3/4 SUM[n>=0] ((-1)^n * N!^2 / (2^n(2n+1)!))
// Numerator and denominator are calculated separately and then
// divided at the end, we also precalculate the terms up to n = 5
// since these fit in a 32-bit integer anyway.
// See Gourdon, X., and Sebah, P. The logarithmic constant: log 2, Jan. 2004.
// Also
num = static_cast<ui_type>(1180509120uL);
T denom, next_term, temp;
denom = static_cast<ui_type>(1277337600uL);
next_term = static_cast<ui_type>(120uL);
si_type sign = -1;
ui_type limit = digits / 3 + 1;
for (ui_type n = 6; n < limit; ++n)
temp = static_cast<ui_type>(2);
eval_multiply(temp, ui_type(2 * n));
eval_multiply(temp, ui_type(2 * n + 1));
eval_multiply(num, temp);
eval_multiply(denom, temp);
sign = -sign;
eval_multiply(next_term, n);
eval_multiply(temp, next_term, next_term);
if (sign < 0)
eval_add(num, temp);
eval_multiply(denom, ui_type(4));
eval_multiply(num, ui_type(3));
eval_divide(num, denom);
template <class T>
void calc_e(T& result, unsigned digits)
using ui_type = typename std::tuple_element<0, typename T::unsigned_types>::type;
// 1100 digits in string form:
const char* string_val = "2."
// Check if we can just construct from string:
if (digits < 3640) // 3640 binary digits ~ 1100 decimal digits
result = string_val;
T lim;
lim = ui_type(1);
eval_ldexp(lim, lim, digits);
// Standard evaluation from the definition of e:
result = ui_type(2);
T denom;
denom = ui_type(1);
ui_type i = 2;
eval_multiply(denom, i);
eval_multiply(result, i);
eval_add(result, ui_type(1));
} while ( <= 0);
eval_divide(result, denom);
template <class T>
void calc_pi(T& result, unsigned digits)
using ui_type = typename std::tuple_element<0, typename T::unsigned_types>::type;
using real_type = typename std::tuple_element<0, typename T::float_types>::type ;
// 1100 digits in string form:
const char* string_val = "3."
// Check if we can just construct from string:
if (digits < 3640) // 3640 binary digits ~ 1100 decimal digits
result = string_val;
T a;
a = ui_type(1);
T b;
T A(a);
T B;
B = real_type(0.5f);
T D;
D = real_type(0.25f);
T lim;
lim = ui_type(1);
eval_ldexp(lim, lim, -(int)digits);
// This algorithm is from:
// Schonhage, A., Grotefeld, A. F. W., and Vetter, E. Fast Algorithms: A Multitape Turing
// Machine Implementation. BI Wissenschaftverlag, 1994.
// Also described in MPFR's algorithm guide:
// Let:
// a[0] = A[0] = 1
// B[0] = 1/2
// D[0] = 1/4
// Then:
// S[k+1] = (A[k]+B[k]) / 4
// b[k] = sqrt(B[k])
// a[k+1] = a[k]^2
// B[k+1] = 2(A[k+1]-S[k+1])
// D[k+1] = D[k] - 2^k(A[k+1]-B[k+1])
// Stop when |A[k]-B[k]| <= 2^(k-p)
// and PI = B[k]/D[k]
unsigned k = 1;
eval_add(result, A, B);
eval_ldexp(result, result, -2);
eval_sqrt(b, B);
eval_add(a, b);
eval_ldexp(a, a, -1);
eval_multiply(A, a, a);
eval_subtract(B, A, result);
eval_ldexp(B, B, 1);
eval_subtract(result, A, B);
bool neg = eval_get_sign(result) < 0;
if (neg)
if ( <= 0)
if (neg)
eval_ldexp(result, result, k - 1);
eval_subtract(D, result);
eval_ldexp(lim, lim, 1);
} while (true);
eval_divide(result, B, D);
template <class T>
const T& get_constant_ln2()
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL T result;
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL long digits = 0;
if ((digits != boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value()))
calc_log2(result, boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value());
digits = boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value();
return result;
template <class T>
const T& get_constant_e()
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL T result;
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL long digits = 0;
if ((digits != boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value()))
calc_e(result, boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value());
digits = boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value();
return result;
template <class T>
const T& get_constant_pi()
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL T result;
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL long digits = 0;
if ((digits != boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value()))
calc_pi(result, boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T, et_on> >::value());
digits = boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value();
return result;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant
template <class T>
const T& get_constant_one_over_epsilon()
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL T result;
static BOOST_MP_THREAD_LOCAL long digits = 0;
if ((digits != boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value()))
using ui_type = typename std::tuple_element<0, typename T::unsigned_types>::type;
result = static_cast<ui_type>(1u);
BOOST_IF_CONSTEXPR(std::numeric_limits<number<T> >::is_specialized)
eval_divide(result, std::numeric_limits<number<T> >::epsilon().backend());
eval_ldexp(result, result, boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value() - 1);
digits = boost::multiprecision::detail::digits2<number<T> >::value();
return result;
#pragma warning(pop)