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boost::numeric::odeint::default_error_checker — The default error checker to be used with Runge-Kutta error steppers.
// In header: <boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/controlled_runge_kutta.hpp> template<typename Value, typename Algebra, typename Operations> class default_error_checker { public: // types typedef Value value_type; typedef Algebra algebra_type; typedef Operations operations_type; // construct/copy/destruct default_error_checker(value_type = static_cast< value_type >(1.0e-6), value_type = static_cast< value_type >(1.0e-6), value_type = static_cast< value_type >(1), value_type = static_cast< value_type >(1)); // public member functions template<typename State, typename Deriv, typename Err, typename Time> value_type error(const State &, const Deriv &, Err &, Time) const; template<typename State, typename Deriv, typename Err, typename Time> value_type error(algebra_type &, const State &, const Deriv &, Err &, Time) const; };
This class provides the default mechanism to compare the error estimates reported by Runge-Kutta error steppers with user defined error bounds. It is used by the controlled_runge_kutta steppers.
typename Value
The value type.
typename Algebra
The algebra type.
typename Operations
The operations type.
public member functionstemplate<typename State, typename Deriv, typename Err, typename Time> value_type error(const State & x_old, const Deriv & dxdt_old, Err & x_err, Time dt) const;
template<typename State, typename Deriv, typename Err, typename Time> value_type error(algebra_type & algebra, const State & x_old, const Deriv & dxdt_old, Err & x_err, Time dt) const;