...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
This section lists the mathematical constants, their use(s) (and sometimes rationale for their inclusion).
Table 4.1. Mathematical Constants
name |
formula |
Value (6 decimals) |
Uses and Rationale |
Rational fractions |
half |
1/2 |
0.5 |
third |
1/3 |
0.333333 |
two_thirds |
2/3 |
0.66667 |
three_quarters |
3/4 |
0.75 |
two and related |
root_two |
√2 |
1.41421 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_SQRT2 |
root_three |
√3 |
1.73205 |
half_root_two |
√2 /2 |
0.707106 |
ln_two |
ln(2) |
0.693147 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_LN2 |
ln_ten |
ln(10) |
2.30258 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_LN10 |
ln_ln_two |
ln(ln(2)) |
-0.366512 |
Gumbel distribution median |
root_ln_four |
√ln(4) |
1.177410 |
one_div_root_two |
1/√2 |
0.707106 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_SQRT1_2 |
π and related |
pi |
pi |
3.14159 |
Ubiquitous. Archimedes constant π. Equivalent to POSIX constant M_PI |
half_pi |
π/2 |
1.570796 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_PI2 |
third_pi |
π/3 |
1.04719 |
quarter_pi |
π/4 |
0.78539816 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_PI_4 |
sixth_pi |
π/6 |
0.523598 |
two_pi |
2π |
6.28318 |
Many uses, most simply, circumference of a circle |
two_thirds_pi |
2/3 π |
2.09439 |
volume of a hemi-sphere = 4/3 π r³ |
three_quarters_pi |
3/4 π |
2.35619 |
= 3/4 π |
four_thirds_pi |
4/3 π |
4.18879 |
volume of a sphere = 4/3 π r³ |
one_div_two_pi |
1/(2π) |
1.59155 |
Widely used |
root_pi |
√π |
1.77245 |
Widely used |
root_half_pi |
√ π/2 |
1.25331 |
Widely used |
root_two_pi |
√ π*2 |
2.50662 |
Widely used |
one_div_pi |
1/π |
0.31830988 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_1_PI |
two_div_pi |
2/π |
0.63661977 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_2_PI |
one_div_root_pi |
1/√π |
0.564189 |
two_div_root_pi |
2/√π |
1.128379 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_2_SQRTPI |
one_div_root_two_pi |
1/√(2π) |
0.398942 |
root_one_div_pi |
√(1/π |
0.564189 |
pi_minus_three |
π-3 |
0.141593 |
four_minus_pi |
4 -π |
0.858407 |
pi_pow_e |
πe |
22.4591 |
pi_sqr |
π2 |
9.86960 |
pi_sqr_div_six |
π2/6 |
1.64493 |
pi_cubed |
π3 |
31.00627 |
cbrt_pi |
√3 π |
1.46459 |
one_div_cbrt_pi |
1/√3 π |
0.682784 |
Euler's e and related |
e |
e |
2.71828 |
Euler's constant e, equivalent to POSIX constant M_E |
exp_minus_half |
e -1/2 |
0.606530 |
e_pow_pi |
e π |
23.14069 |
root_e |
√ e |
1.64872 |
log10_e |
log10(e) |
0.434294 |
Equivalent to POSIX constant M_LOG10E |
one_div_log10_e |
1/log10(e) |
2.30258 |
log2_e |
log2(e) |
1.442695 |
This is the same as 1/ln(2) and is equivalent to POSIX constant M_LOG2E |
Trigonometric |
degree |
radians = π / 180 |
0.017453 |
radian |
degrees = 180 / π |
57.2957 |
sin_one |
sin(1) |
0.841470 |
cos_one |
cos(1) |
0.54030 |
sinh_one |
sinh(1) |
1.17520 |
cosh_one |
cosh(1) |
1.54308 |
Phi |
Phidias golden ratio |
phi |
(1 + √5) /2 |
1.61803 |
finance |
ln_phi |
ln(φ) |
0.48121 |
one_div_ln_phi |
1/ln(φ) |
2.07808 |
Euler's Gamma |
euler |
euler |
0.577215 |
one_div_euler |
1/euler |
1.73245 |
euler_sqr |
euler2 |
0.333177 |
Misc |
zeta_two |
ζ(2) |
1.64493 |
zeta_three |
ζ(3) |
1.20205 |
catalan |
K |
0.915965 |
glaisher |
A |
1.28242 |
khinchin |
k |
2.685452 |
extreme_value_skewness |
12√6 ζ(3)/ π3 |
1.139547 |
Extreme value distribution |
rayleigh_skewness |
2√π(π-3)/(4 - π)3/2 |
0.631110 |
Rayleigh distribution skewness |
rayleigh_kurtosis_excess |
-(6π2-24π+16)/(4-π)2 |
0.245089 |
rayleigh_kurtosis |
3+(6π2-24π+16)/(4-π)2 |
3.245089 |
Rayleigh distribution kurtosis |
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Note |
Integer values are not included in this
list of math constants, however interesting, because they can be so easily
and exactly constructed, even for UDT, for example: |
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Tip |
If you know the approximate value of the constant, you can search for the value to find Boost.Math chosen name in this table. |
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Tip |
Bernoulli numbers are available at Bernoulli numbers. |
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Tip |
Factorials are available at factorial. |