Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Boost.Pointer Container
//  Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2005. Use, modification and
//  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
//  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// For more information, see


#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
# pragma once

#include <boost/ptr_container/detail/reversible_ptr_container.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/detail/ptr_container_disable_deprecated.hpp>

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"

namespace boost

namespace ptr_container_detail
        class Config,
        class CloneAllocator
    class associative_ptr_container :
        public reversible_ptr_container<Config,CloneAllocator>
        typedef reversible_ptr_container<Config,CloneAllocator>

        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::scoped_deleter

        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::container_type
    public: // typedefs
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::key_type
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::key_compare
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::value_compare
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::hasher
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::key_equal
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::iterator
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::const_iterator
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::local_iterator
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Config::const_local_iterator
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::size_type
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::reference
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::const_reference

    public: // foundation
        { }

        template< class SizeType >
        associative_ptr_container( SizeType n, unordered_associative_container_tag tag )
          : base_type( n, tag )
        { }

        template< class Compare, class Allocator >
        associative_ptr_container( const Compare& comp,
                                   const Allocator& a )
         : base_type( comp, a, container_type() )
        { }
        template< class Hash, class Pred, class Allocator >
        associative_ptr_container( const Hash& hash,
                                   const Pred& pred,
                                   const Allocator& a )
         : base_type( hash, pred, a )
        { }

        template< class InputIterator, class Compare, class Allocator >
        associative_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                   const Compare& comp,
                                   const Allocator& a )
         : base_type( first, last, comp, a, container_type() )
        { }
        template< class InputIterator, class Hash, class Pred, class Allocator >
        associative_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                   const Hash& hash,
                                   const Pred& pred,
                                   const Allocator& a )
         : base_type( first, last, hash, pred, a )
        { }
        template< class PtrContainer >
        explicit associative_ptr_container( std::auto_ptr<PtrContainer> r )
         : base_type( r )
        { }
        template< class PtrContainer >
        explicit associative_ptr_container( std::unique_ptr<PtrContainer> r )
         : base_type( std::move( r ) )
        { }

        associative_ptr_container( const associative_ptr_container& r )
         : base_type( r.begin(), r.end(), container_type() )
        { }
        template< class C, class V >
        associative_ptr_container( const associative_ptr_container<C,V>& r )
         : base_type( r.begin(), r.end(), container_type() )
        { }
        template< class PtrContainer >
        associative_ptr_container& operator=( std::auto_ptr<PtrContainer> r ) // nothrow
           base_type::operator=( r );
           return *this;
        template< class PtrContainer >
        associative_ptr_container& operator=( std::unique_ptr<PtrContainer> r ) // nothrow
           base_type::operator=( std::move( r ) );
           return *this;
        associative_ptr_container& operator=( associative_ptr_container r ) // strong
           this->swap( r );
           return *this;   

    public: // associative container interface
        key_compare key_comp() const
            return this->base().key_comp();

        value_compare value_comp() const
            return this->base().value_comp();

        iterator erase( iterator before ) // nothrow
            BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() );
            BOOST_ASSERT( before != this->end() );

            this->remove( before );                      // nothrow
            iterator res( before );                      // nothrow
            ++res;                                       // nothrow
            this->base().erase( before.base() );         // nothrow
            return res;                                  // nothrow

        size_type erase( const key_type& x ) // nothrow
            iterator i( this->base().find( x ) );       
                                                        // nothrow
            if( i == this->end() )                      // nothrow
                return 0u;                              // nothrow
            this->remove( i );                          // nothrow
            return this->base().erase( x );             // nothrow 

        iterator erase( iterator first,
                        iterator last ) // nothrow
            iterator res( last );                                // nothrow
            if( res != this->end() )
                ++res;                                           // nothrow

            this->remove( first, last );                         // nothrow
            this->base().erase( first.base(), last.base() );     // nothrow
            return res;                                          // nothrow

        template< class Range >
        BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::disable_if< boost::is_convertible<Range&,key_type&>, 
                                                  iterator >::type
        erase( const Range& r )
            return erase( boost::begin(r), boost::end(r) );



        template< class AssociatePtrCont >
        void multi_transfer( BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator object,
                             AssociatePtrCont& from ) // strong
            BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );
            BOOST_ASSERT( !from.empty() && "Cannot transfer from empty container" );

            this->base().insert( *object.base() );     // strong
            from.base().erase( object.base() );        // nothrow

        template< class AssociatePtrCont >
        size_type multi_transfer( BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator first,
                                  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator last,
                                  AssociatePtrCont& from ) // basic
            BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );
            size_type res = 0;
            for( ; first != last; )
                BOOST_ASSERT( first != from.end() );
                this->base().insert( *first.base() );     // strong
                BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator 
                    to_delete( first );
                from.base().erase( to_delete.base() );    // nothrow

            return res;

        template< class AssociatePtrCont >
        bool single_transfer( BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator object,
                              AssociatePtrCont& from ) // strong
            BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );
            BOOST_ASSERT( !from.empty() && "Cannot transfer from empty container" );

            std::pair<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::ptr_iterator,bool> p =
                this->base().insert( *object.base() );     // strong
            if( p.second )
                from.base().erase( object.base() );        // nothrow

            return p.second;

        template< class AssociatePtrCont >
        size_type single_transfer( BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator first,
                                   BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator last,
                                   AssociatePtrCont& from ) // basic
            BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );

            size_type res = 0;
            for( ; first != last; )
                BOOST_ASSERT( first != from.end() );
                std::pair<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::ptr_iterator,bool> p =
                    this->base().insert( *first.base() );     // strong
                BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AssociatePtrCont::iterator 
                    to_delete( first );
                if( p.second )
                    from.base().erase( to_delete.base() );   // nothrow
            return res;
        reference front()
            BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() );
            BOOST_ASSERT( *this->begin().base() != 0 );
            return *this->begin(); 

        const_reference front() const
            return const_cast<associative_ptr_container*>(this)->front();

        reference back()
            BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() );
            BOOST_ASSERT( *(--this->end()).base() != 0 );
            return *--this->end(); 

        const_reference back() const
            return const_cast<associative_ptr_container*>(this)->back();

    protected: // unordered interface
        hasher hash_function() const
            return this->base().hash_function();

        key_equal key_eq() const
            return this->base().key_eq();
        size_type bucket_count() const
            return this->base().bucket_count();
        size_type max_bucket_count() const
            return this->base().max_bucket_count();
        size_type bucket_size( size_type n ) const
            return this->base().bucket_size( n );
        float load_factor() const
            return this->base().load_factor();
        float max_load_factor() const
            return this->base().max_load_factor();
        void max_load_factor( float factor )
            return this->base().max_load_factor( factor );
        void rehash( size_type n )
            this->base().rehash( n );

        iterator begin()
            return base_type::begin();

        const_iterator begin() const
            return base_type::begin();

        iterator end()
            return base_type::end();

        const_iterator end() const
            return base_type::end();

        const_iterator cbegin() const
            return base_type::cbegin();

        const_iterator cend() const
            return base_type::cend();
         using base_type::begin;
         using base_type::end;
         using base_type::cbegin;
         using base_type::cend;

        local_iterator begin( size_type n )
            return local_iterator( this->base().begin( n ) );
        const_local_iterator begin( size_type n ) const
            return const_local_iterator( this->base().begin( n ) );
        local_iterator end( size_type n )
            return local_iterator( this->base().end( n ) );
        const_local_iterator end( size_type n ) const
            return const_local_iterator( this->base().end( n ) );
        const_local_iterator cbegin( size_type n ) const
            return const_local_iterator( this->base().cbegin( n ) );
        const_local_iterator cend( size_type n )
            return const_local_iterator( this->base().cend( n ) );

     }; // class 'associative_ptr_container'
} // namespace 'ptr_container_detail'
} // namespace 'boost'

#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
