// Details for a templated general-case hybrid-radix string_sort.
// Copyright Steven J. Ross 2001 - 2014.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for library home page.
Some improvements suggested by:
Phil Endecott and Frank Gennari
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/constants.hpp>
#include <boost/sort/spreadsort/detail/spreadsort_common.hpp>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace sort {
namespace spreadsort {
namespace detail {
static const int max_step_size = 64;
//Offsetting on identical characters. This function works a chunk of
//characters at a time for cache efficiency and optimal worst-case
template<class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline void
update_offset(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter finish,
size_t &char_offset)
const int char_size = sizeof(Unsigned_char_type);
size_t nextOffset = char_offset;
int step_size = max_step_size / char_size;
while (true) {
RandomAccessIter curr = first;
do {
//Ignore empties, but if the nextOffset would exceed the length or
//not match, exit; we've found the last matching character
//This will reduce the step_size if the current step doesn't match.
if ((*curr).size() > char_offset) {
if((*curr).size() <= (nextOffset + step_size)) {
step_size = (*curr).size() - nextOffset - 1;
if (step_size < 1) {
char_offset = nextOffset;
const int step_byte_size = step_size * char_size;
if (memcmp(curr->data() + nextOffset, first->data() + nextOffset,
step_byte_size) != 0) {
if (step_size == 1) {
char_offset = nextOffset;
step_size = (step_size > 4) ? 4 : 1;
} while (curr != finish);
nextOffset += step_size;
//Offsetting on identical characters. This function works a character
//at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
template<class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length>
inline void
update_offset(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter finish,
size_t &char_offset, Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
size_t nextOffset = char_offset;
while (true) {
RandomAccessIter curr = first;
do {
//ignore empties, but if the nextOffset would exceed the length or
//not match, exit; we've found the last matching character
if (length(*curr) > char_offset && (length(*curr) <= (nextOffset + 1)
|| get_character((*curr), nextOffset) != get_character((*first), nextOffset))) {
char_offset = nextOffset;
} while (++curr != finish);
//This comparison functor assumes strings are identical up to char_offset
template<class Data_type, class Unsigned_char_type>
struct offset_less_than {
offset_less_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
size_t minSize = (std::min)(x.size(), y.size());
for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(x[u]) == sizeof(Unsigned_char_type));
if (static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) !=
static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u])) {
return static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) <
return x.size() < y.size();
size_t fchar_offset;
//Compares strings assuming they are identical up to char_offset
template<class Data_type, class Unsigned_char_type>
struct offset_greater_than {
offset_greater_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
size_t minSize = (std::min)(x.size(), y.size());
for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(x[u]) == sizeof(Unsigned_char_type));
if (static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) !=
static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(y[u])) {
return static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>(x[u]) >
return x.size() > y.size();
size_t fchar_offset;
//This comparison functor assumes strings are identical up to char_offset
template<class Data_type, class Get_char, class Get_length>
struct offset_char_less_than {
offset_char_less_than(size_t char_offset) : fchar_offset(char_offset){}
inline bool operator()(const Data_type &x, const Data_type &y) const
size_t minSize = (std::min)(length(x), length(y));
for (size_t u = fchar_offset; u < minSize; ++u) {
if (get_character(x, u) != get_character(y, u)) {
return get_character(x, u) < get_character(y, u);
return length(x) < length(y);
size_t fchar_offset;
Get_char get_character;
Get_length length;
//String sorting recursive implementation
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline void
string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t char_offset,
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
//This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
//with a mild average performance impact.
//Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
while ((*first).size() <= char_offset) {
if (++first == last)
RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
//Getting the last non-empty
for (;(*finish).size() <= char_offset; --finish);
//Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
//a few characters at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
update_offset<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(first, finish,
const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
//Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
unsigned cache_end;
RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
//Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
if ((*current).size() <= char_offset) {
+ 1]++;
//Assign the bin positions
bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
//Swap into place
RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
//handling empty bins
RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
//Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//empties belong in this bin
while ((*current).size() > char_offset) {
target_bin =
bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
//iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
//this saves iterations in multiple loops
unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
//This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
local_bin = bins + u;
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u + 1];
//Iterating over each element in this bin
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
for (target_bin = bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
((*current)[char_offset]); target_bin != local_bin;
target_bin = bins + static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
((*current)[char_offset])) iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
bins[last_bin] = last;
RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
//Skip this loop for empties
for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
//don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
if (count < 2)
//using boost::sort::pdqsort if its worst-case is better
if (count < max_size)
boost::sort::pdqsort(lastPos, bin_cache[u],
offset_less_than<Data_type, Unsigned_char_type>(char_offset + 1));
string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(lastPos,
bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
//Sorts strings in reverse order, with empties at the end
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline void
reverse_string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t char_offset,
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
unsigned cache_offset,
size_t *bin_sizes)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
//This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
//with a mild average performance impact.
RandomAccessIter curr = first;
//Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
while ((*curr).size() <= char_offset) {
if (++curr == last)
//Getting the last non-empty
while ((*(--last)).size() <= char_offset);
//Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
//a few characters at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
update_offset<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>(curr, last,
RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
//Equal worst-case of radix and comparison when bin_count = n*log(n).
const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
const unsigned max_bin = bin_count - 1;
unsigned cache_end;
RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
cache_end, membin_count);
RandomAccessIter * end_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + max_bin]);
//Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
if ((*current).size() <= char_offset) {
bin_sizes[max_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>
//Assign the bin positions
bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
//Swap into place
RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = last;
//handling empty bins
RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + bin_count]);
RandomAccessIter lastFull = *local_bin;
//Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//empties belong in this bin
while ((*current).size() > char_offset) {
target_bin =
end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
next_bin_start = first;
//iterate backwards to find the last non-empty bin
//this saves iterations in multiple loops
unsigned last_bin = max_bin;
for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin]; --last_bin);
//This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
local_bin = bins + u;
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u];
//Iterating over each element in this bin
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
for (target_bin =
end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]);
target_bin != local_bin;
target_bin =
end_bin - static_cast<Unsigned_char_type>((*current)[char_offset]))
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
bins[last_bin] = lastFull;
RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
//Skip this loop for empties
for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u <= cache_offset + last_bin;
lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
//don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
if (count < 2)
//using boost::sort::pdqsort if its worst-case is better
if (count < max_size)
boost::sort::pdqsort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], offset_greater_than<Data_type,
Unsigned_char_type>(char_offset + 1));
reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
(lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end, bin_sizes);
//String sorting recursive implementation
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
class Get_length>
inline void
string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
//This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
//with a mild average performance impact.
//Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
while (length(*first) <= char_offset) {
if (++first == last)
RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
//Getting the last non-empty
for (;length(*finish) <= char_offset; --finish);
update_offset(first, finish, char_offset, get_character, length);
const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
//Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
unsigned cache_end;
RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
//Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
bin_sizes[get_character((*current), char_offset) + 1]++;
//Assign the bin positions
bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
//Swap into place
RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
//handling empty bins
RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
//Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//empties belong in this bin
while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
//iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
//this saves iterations in multiple loops
unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
//This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < last_bin; ++ii) {
local_bin = bins + ii;
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[ii + 1];
//Iterating over each element in this bin
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
for (target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
target_bin != local_bin;
target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset))
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
bins[last_bin] = last;
RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
//Skip this loop for empties
for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
//don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
if (count < 2)
//using boost::sort::pdqsort if its worst-case is better
if (count < max_size)
boost::sort::pdqsort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], offset_char_less_than<Data_type,
Get_char, Get_length>(char_offset + 1));
string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
Get_length>(lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache,
cache_end, bin_sizes, get_character, length);
//String sorting recursive implementation
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
class Get_length, class Compare>
inline void
string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
//This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
//with a mild average performance impact.
//Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
while (length(*first) <= char_offset) {
if (++first == last)
RandomAccessIter finish = last - 1;
//Getting the last non-empty
for (;length(*finish) <= char_offset; --finish);
update_offset(first, finish, char_offset, get_character, length);
const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
//Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
unsigned cache_end;
RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
cache_end, membin_count) + 1;
//Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
bin_sizes[get_character((*current), char_offset) + 1]++;
//Assign the bin positions
bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
//Swap into place
RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = first;
//handling empty bins
RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset]);
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[0];
RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
//Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//empties belong in this bin
while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
//iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
//this saves iterations in multiple loops
unsigned last_bin = bin_count - 1;
for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin + 1]; --last_bin);
//This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
local_bin = bins + u;
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u + 1];
//Iterating over each element in this bin
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
for (target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset);
target_bin != local_bin;
target_bin = bins + get_character((*current), char_offset))
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
bins[last_bin] = last;
RandomAccessIter lastPos = bin_cache[cache_offset];
//Skip this loop for empties
for (unsigned u = cache_offset + 1; u < cache_offset + last_bin + 2;
lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
//don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
if (count < 2)
//using boost::sort::pdqsort if its worst-case is better
if (count < max_size)
boost::sort::pdqsort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
Get_length, Compare>
(lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end,
bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
//Sorts strings in reverse order, with empties at the end
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type, class Get_char,
class Get_length, class Compare>
inline void
reverse_string_sort_rec(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t char_offset, std::vector<RandomAccessIter> &bin_cache,
unsigned cache_offset, size_t *bin_sizes,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp)
//This section makes handling of long identical substrings much faster
//with a mild average performance impact.
RandomAccessIter curr = first;
//Iterate to the end of the empties. If all empty, return
while (length(*curr) <= char_offset) {
if (++curr == last)
//Getting the last non-empty
while (length(*(--last)) <= char_offset);
//Offsetting on identical characters. This section works
//a character at a time for optimal worst-case performance.
update_offset(curr, last, char_offset, get_character, length);
const unsigned bin_count = (1 << (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type)*8));
//Equal worst-case of radix and comparison is when bin_count = n*log(n).
const unsigned max_size = bin_count;
const unsigned membin_count = bin_count + 1;
const unsigned max_bin = bin_count - 1;
unsigned cache_end;
RandomAccessIter * bins = size_bins(bin_sizes, bin_cache, cache_offset,
cache_end, membin_count);
RandomAccessIter *end_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + max_bin]);
//Calculating the size of each bin; this takes roughly 10% of runtime
for (RandomAccessIter current = first; current != last; ++current) {
if (length(*current) <= char_offset) {
bin_sizes[max_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset)]++;
//Assign the bin positions
bin_cache[cache_offset] = first;
for (unsigned u = 0; u < membin_count - 1; u++)
bin_cache[cache_offset + u + 1] =
bin_cache[cache_offset + u] + bin_sizes[u];
//Swap into place
RandomAccessIter next_bin_start = last;
//handling empty bins
RandomAccessIter * local_bin = &(bin_cache[cache_offset + bin_count]);
RandomAccessIter lastFull = *local_bin;
RandomAccessIter * target_bin;
//Iterating over each element in the bin of empties
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//empties belong in this bin
while (length(*current) > char_offset) {
target_bin = end_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset);
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
next_bin_start = first;
//iterate backwards to find the last bin with elements in it
//this saves iterations in multiple loops
unsigned last_bin = max_bin;
for (; last_bin && !bin_sizes[last_bin]; --last_bin);
//This dominates runtime, mostly in the swap and bin lookups
for (unsigned u = 0; u < last_bin; ++u) {
local_bin = bins + u;
next_bin_start += bin_sizes[u];
//Iterating over each element in this bin
for (RandomAccessIter current = *local_bin; current < next_bin_start;
++current) {
//Swapping into place until the correct element has been swapped in
for (target_bin = end_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset);
target_bin != local_bin;
target_bin = end_bin - get_character((*current), char_offset))
iter_swap(current, (*target_bin)++);
*local_bin = next_bin_start;
bins[last_bin] = lastFull;
RandomAccessIter lastPos = first;
//Skip this loop for empties
for (unsigned u = cache_offset; u <= cache_offset + last_bin;
lastPos = bin_cache[u], ++u) {
size_t count = bin_cache[u] - lastPos;
//don't sort unless there are at least two items to Compare
if (count < 2)
//using boost::sort::pdqsort if its worst-case is better
if (count < max_size)
boost::sort::pdqsort(lastPos, bin_cache[u], comp);
reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type,
Get_char, Get_length, Compare>
(lastPos, bin_cache[u], char_offset + 1, bin_cache, cache_end,
bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
//Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
//Warning that we're using boost::sort::pdqsort, even though string_sort was called
BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
boost::sort::pdqsort(first, last);
//Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type>
(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes);
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type
//Warning that we're using boost::sort::pdqsort, even though string_sort was called
BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
boost::sort::pdqsort(first, last, std::greater<Data_type>());
//Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Unsigned_char_type)
size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
Get_length>(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, get_character, length);
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Unsigned_char_type)
//Warning that we're using boost::sort::pdqsort, even though string_sort was called
BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
boost::sort::pdqsort(first, last);
//Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char
, Get_length, Compare>
(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
//disable_if_c was refusing to compile, so rewrote to use enable_if_c
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c< (sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) > 2), void
string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
//Warning that we're using boost::sort::pdqsort, even though string_sort was called
BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
boost::sort::pdqsort(first, last, comp);
//Holds the bin vector and makes the initial recursive call
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::enable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
size_t bin_sizes[(1 << (8 * sizeof(Unsigned_char_type))) + 1];
std::vector<RandomAccessIter> bin_cache;
reverse_string_sort_rec<RandomAccessIter, Unsigned_char_type, Get_char,
Get_length, Compare>
(first, last, 0, bin_cache, 0, bin_sizes, get_character, length, comp);
template <class RandomAccessIter, class Get_char, class Get_length,
class Compare, class Unsigned_char_type>
inline typename boost::disable_if_c< sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2, void
reverse_string_sort(RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last,
Get_char get_character, Get_length length, Compare comp, Unsigned_char_type)
//Warning that we're using boost::sort::pdqsort, even though string_sort was called
BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( sizeof(Unsigned_char_type) <= 2 );
boost::sort::pdqsort(first, last, comp);