Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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Class template any



// In header: <boost/type_erasure/any.hpp>

template<typename Concept, typename T = _self> 
class any {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  template<typename U> any(U &&);
  template<typename U, typename Map> any(U &&, const static_binding< Map > &);
  any(const any &);
  template<typename Concept2, typename Tag2> 
    any(const any< Concept2, Tag2 > &);
  template<typename Concept2, typename Tag2, typename Map> 
    any(const any< Concept2, Tag2 > &, const static_binding< Map > &);
  template<typename Concept2, typename Tag2> 
    any(const any< Concept2, Tag2 > &, const binding< Concept > &);
  template<class... U> explicit any(U &&...);
  template<class... U> explicit any(const binding< Concept > &, U &&...);
  template<typename U> any & operator=(U &&);


The class template any can store any object that models a specific Concept. It dispatches all the functions defined by the Concept to the contained type at runtime.

See Also:

concept_of, placeholder_of, any_cast, is_empty, binding_of, typeid_of

Template Parameters

  1. typename Concept

    The Concept that the stored type should model.

  2. typename T = _self

    A placeholder specifying which type this is.

any public construct/copy/destruct

  1. any();

    Constructs an empty any.

    Except as otherwise noted, all operations on an empty any result in a bad_function_call exception. The copy-constructor of an empty any creates another null any. The destructor of an empty any is a no-op. Comparison operators treat all empty anys as equal. typeid_of applied to an empty any returns typeid(void).

    An any which does not include relaxed in its Concept can never be null.

    See Also:



    relaxed must be in Concept.


  2. template<typename U> any(U && data);

    Constructs an any to hold a copy of data. The Concept will be instantiated with the placeholder T bound to U.

    [Note] Note

    This constructor never matches if the argument is an any, binding, or static_binding.



    The object to store in the any.


    U is a model of Concept.

    U must be CopyConstructible.

    Concept must not refer to any non-deduced placeholder besides T.


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the copy constructor of U throws.
  3. template<typename U, typename Map> 
      any(U && data, const static_binding< Map > & binding);

    Constructs an any to hold a copy of data with explicitly specified placeholder bindings.

    [Note] Note

    This constructor never matches if the argument is an any.



    Specifies the types that all the placeholders should bind to.


    The object to store in the any.


    U is a model of Concept.

    U must be CopyConstructible.

    Map is an MPL map with an entry for every non-deduced placeholder referred to by Concept.

    T must map to U in Map.


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the copy constructor of U throws.
  4. any(const any & other);

    Copies an any.



    The object to make a copy of.


    Concept must contain constructible<T(const T&)>. (This is included in copy_constructible<T>)


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the copy constructor of the contained type throws.
  5. template<typename Concept2, typename Tag2> 
      any(const any< Concept2, Tag2 > & other);

    Upcasts from an any with stricter requirements to an any with weaker requirements.



    The object to make a copy of.


    Concept must contain constructible<T(const T&)>.

    Concept must not refer to any non-deduced placeholder besides T.

    After substituting T for Tag2, the requirements of Concept2 must be a superset of the requirements of Concept.


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the copy constructor of the contained type throws.
  6. template<typename Concept2, typename Tag2, typename Map> 
      any(const any< Concept2, Tag2 > & other, 
          const static_binding< Map > & binding);

    Constructs an any from another any.



    Specifies the mapping between the placeholders used by the two concepts.


    The object to make a copy of.


    Concept must contain constructible<T(const T&)>.

    Map must be an MPL map with keys for all the non-deduced placeholders used by Concept and values for the corresponding placeholders in Concept2.

    After substituting placeholders according to Map, the requirements of Concept2 must be a superset of the requirements of Concept.


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the copy constructor of the contained type throws.
  7. template<typename Concept2, typename Tag2> 
      any(const any< Concept2, Tag2 > & other, const binding< Concept > & binding);

    Constructs an any from another any.

    [Warning] Warning

    This constructor is potentially dangerous, as it cannot check at compile time whether the arguments match.



    Specifies the bindings of placeholders to actual types.


    The object to make a copy of.


    Concept must contain constructible<T(const T&)>.

    The type stored in other must match the type expected by binding.


    binding_of(*this) == binding


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the copy constructor of the contained type throws.
  8. template<class... U> explicit any(U &&... arg);

    Calls a constructor of the contained type. The bindings will be deduced from the arguments.

    [Note] Note

    This constructor is never chosen if any other constructor can be called instead.



    The arguments to be passed to the underlying constructor.


    Concept must contain an instance of constructible which can be called with these arguments.

    At least one of the arguments must by an any with the same Concept as this.

    The bindings of all the arguments that are any's, must be the same.


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the constructor of the contained type throws.
  9. template<class... U> 
      explicit any(const binding< Concept > & binding, U &&... arg);

    Calls a constructor of the contained type.



    The arguments to be passed to the underlying constructor.


    Specifies the bindings of placeholders to actual types.


    Concept must contain a matching instance of constructible.

    The contained type of every argument that is an any, must be the same as that specified by binding.


    binding_of(*this) == binding


    std::bad_alloc or whatever that the constructor of the contained type throws.
  10. template<typename U> any & operator=(U && other);

    Assigns to an any.

    If an appropriate overload of assignable is not available and relaxed is in Concept, falls back on constructing from other.

    [Note] Note

    If U is an any, then this can decide dynamically whether to use construction based on the type stored in other.


    Whatever the assignment operator of the contained type throws. When falling back on construction, throws std::bad_alloc or whatever the move (or copy) constructor of the contained type throws. In this case move assignment provides the strong exception guarantee. When calling a (move) assignment operator of the contained type, the exception guarantee is whatever the contained type provides.
  11. ~any();


    Concept includes destructible<T>.
