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Compound Attribute Rules


The notation we will use will be of the form:

a: A, b: B, ... --> composite-expression: composite-attribute

a, b, etc. are the operands. A, B, etc. are the operand's attribute types. composite-expression is the expression involving the operands and composite-attribute is the resulting attribute type of the composite expression.

For instance:

a: A, b: B --> (a >> b): tuple<A, B>

reads as: given, a and b are parsers, and A is the type of the attribute of a, and B is the type of the attribute of b, then the type of the attribute of a >> b will be tuple<A, B>.

[Important] Important

In the attribute tables, we will use vector<A> and tuple<A, B...> as placeholders only. The notation of vector<A> stands for any __stl__ container holding elements of type A and the notation tuple<A, B...> stands for any Boost.Fusion sequence holding A, B, ... etc. elements. Finally, Unused stands for unused_type.

Compound Parser Attribute Types



a >> b (a >> b)

a: A, b: B --> (a >> b): tuple<A, B>
a: A, b: Unused --> (a >> b): A
a: Unused, b: B --> (a >> b): B
a: Unused, b: Unused --> (a >> b): Unused

a: A, b: A --> (a >> b): vector<A>
a: vector<A>, b: A --> (a >> b): vector<A>
a: A, b: vector<A> --> (a >> b): vector<A>
a: vector<A>, b: vector<A> --> (a >> b): vector<A>

a > b (a > b)

a: A, b: B --> (a > b): tuple<A, B>
a: A, b: Unused --> (a > b): A
a: Unused, b: B --> (a > b): B
a: Unused, b: Unused --> (a > b): Unused

a: A, b: A --> (a > b): vector<A>
a: vector<A>, b: A --> (a > b): vector<A>
a: A, b: vector<A> --> (a > b): vector<A>
a: vector<A>, b: vector<A> --> (a > b): vector<A>

a | b (a | b)

a: A, b: B --> (a | b): variant<A, B>
a: A, b: Unused --> (a | b): optional<A>
a: A, b: B, c: Unused --> (a | b | c): optional<variant<A, B> >
a: Unused, b: B --> (a | b): optional<B>
a: Unused, b: Unused --> (a | b): Unused
a: A, b: A --> (a | b): A

a - b (a - b)

a: A, b: B --> (a - b): A
a: Unused, b: B --> (a - b): Unused

*a (*a)

a: A --> *a: vector<A>
a: Unused --> *a: Unused

+a (+a)

a: A --> +a: vector<A>
a: Unused --> +a: Unused

a % b (a % b)

a: A, b: B --> (a % b): vector<A>
a: Unused, b: B --> (a % b): Unused


a: A --> repeat(...,...)[a]: vector<A>
a: Unused --> repeat(...,...)[a]: Unused

-a (-a)

a: A --> -a: optional<A>
a: Unused --> -a: Unused


a: A --> &a: Unused


a: A --> !a: Unused
