Results of quaternion test.
(C) Copyright Hubert Holin 2003-2005.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Running 19 test cases...
Testing multiplication for float.
Testing multiplication for double.
Testing multiplication for long double.
Testing exp for float.
Testing exp for double.
Testing exp for long double.
Testing cos for float.
Testing cos for double.
Testing cos for long double.
Testing sin for float.
Testing sin for double.
Testing sin for long double.
Testing cosh for float.
Testing cosh for double.
Testing cosh for long double.
Testing sinh for float.
Testing sinh for double.
Testing sinh for long double.
Please input a quaternion...
You have entered the quaternion (1,2,3,4) .
For this quaternion:
the value of the real part is 1
the value of the unreal part is (0,2,3,4)
the value of the sup norm is 4
the value of the l1 norm is 10
the value of the magnitude (euclidian norm) is 5.47723
the value of the (Cayley) norm is 30
the value of the conjugate is (1,-2,-3,-4)
the value of the exponential is (1.69392,-0.78956,-1.18434,-1.57912)
the value of the cube is (-86,-52,-78,-104)
the value of the cosinus is (58.9336,-34.0862,-51.1293,-68.1724)
the value of the sinus is (91.7837,21.8865,32.8297,43.773)
the value of the tangent is (3.82105e-05,0.371397,0.557096,0.742794)
the value of the hyperbolic cosinus is (0.961585,-0.341352,-0.512028,-0.682704)
the value of the hyperbolic sinus is (0.732338,-0.448207,-0.672311,-0.896415)
the value of the hyperbolic tangent is (1.02487,-0.102296,-0.153444,-0.204591)
the value of the Sinus Cardinal (of index pi) is (13.6379,-5.38936,-8.08405,-10.7787)
the value of the Hyperbolic Sinus Cardinal (of index pi) is (-0.192222,-0.0637628,-0.0956441,-0.127526)
The value of the quaternion represented in spherical form by rho = 2.82843 , theta = 0.785398 , phi1 = 0.785398 , phi2 = 0.785398 is (1,1,1.41421,2)
The value of the quaternion represented in semipolar form by rho = 2.82843 , alpha = 0.785398 , phi1 = 0.785398 , phi2 = 0.785398 is (1.41421,1.41421,1.41421,1.41421)
The value of the quaternion represented in multipolar form by rho1 = 1 , theta1 = 0 , rho2 = 2 , theta2 = 1.5708 is (1,0,-8.74228e-08,2)
The value of the quaternion represented in cylindrospherical form by t = 5 , radius = 1.41421 , longitude = 0.785398 , latitude = 1.0472 is (5,0.5,0.5,1.22474)
The value of the quaternion represented in cylindrical form by r = 1.41421 , angle = 0.785398 , h1 = 3 , h2 = 4 is (1,1,3,4)
Real 1: 1 ; Complex 1: (1,0) ; Quaternion 1: (1,0,0,0) .
Complex i: (0,1) ; Quaternion i: (0,1,0,0) .
Quaternion j: (0,0,1,0) .
Quaternion k: (0,0,0,1) .
i*i: (-1,0,0,0) ; j*j: (-1,0,0,0) ; k*k: (-1,0,0,0) .
i*j: (0,0,0,1) ; j*i: (0,0,0,-1) .
j*k: (0,1,0,0) ; k*j: (0,-1,0,0) .
k*i: (0,0,1,0) ; i*k: (0,0,-1,0) .
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