Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Lutz <>
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for more information.


#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>

#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>

#include <boost/compute/buffer.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/buffer_value.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/is_buffer_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/meta_kernel.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/read_write_single_value.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/type_traits/is_device_iterator.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace compute {

// forward declaration for buffer_iterator<T>
template<class T> class buffer_iterator;

namespace detail {

// helper class which defines the iterator_facade super-class
// type for buffer_iterator<T>
template<class T>
class buffer_iterator_base
    typedef ::boost::iterator_facade<
    > type;

template<class T, class IndexExpr>
struct buffer_iterator_index_expr
    typedef T result_type;

    buffer_iterator_index_expr(const buffer &buffer,
                               size_t index,
                               const memory_object::address_space address_space,
                               const IndexExpr &expr)
        : m_buffer(buffer.get(), false),

        // set buffer to null so that its reference count will
        // not be decremented when its destructor is called
        m_buffer.get() = 0;

    operator T() const
                                "Index expression must be integral");

        return buffer_value<T>(m_buffer, size_t(m_expr) * sizeof(T));

    const buffer m_buffer;
    const size_t m_index;
    const memory_object::address_space m_address_space;
    const IndexExpr m_expr;

template<class T, class IndexExpr>
inline meta_kernel& operator<<(meta_kernel &kernel,
                               const buffer_iterator_index_expr<T, IndexExpr> &expr)
    if(expr.m_index == 0){
        return kernel <<
                   kernel.get_buffer_identifier<T>(expr.m_buffer, expr.m_address_space) <<
                   '[' << expr.m_expr << ']';
    else {
        return kernel <<
                   kernel.get_buffer_identifier<T>(expr.m_buffer, expr.m_address_space) <<
                   '[' << uint_(expr.m_index) << "+(" << expr.m_expr << ")]";

} // end detail namespace

/// \class buffer_iterator
/// \brief An iterator for values in a buffer.
/// The buffer_iterator class iterates over values in a memory buffer on a
/// compute device. It is the most commonly used iterator in Boost.Compute
/// and is used by the \ref vector "vector<T>" and \ref array "array<T, N>"
/// container classes.
/// Buffer iterators store a reference to a memory buffer along with an index
/// into that memory buffer.
/// The buffer_iterator class allows for arbitrary OpenCL memory objects
/// (including those created outside of Boost.Compute) to be used with the
/// Boost.Compute algorithms (such as transform() and sort()). For example,
/// to reverse the contents of an OpenCL memory buffer containing a set of
/// integers:
/// \snippet test/test_buffer_iterator.cpp reverse_external_buffer
/// \see buffer, make_buffer_iterator()
template<class T>
class buffer_iterator : public detail::buffer_iterator_base<T>::type
    typedef typename detail::buffer_iterator_base<T>::type super_type;
    typedef typename super_type::reference reference;
    typedef typename super_type::difference_type difference_type;

        : m_index(0)

    buffer_iterator(const buffer &buffer, size_t index)
        : m_buffer(buffer.get(), false),

    buffer_iterator(const buffer_iterator<T> &other)
        : m_buffer(other.m_buffer.get(), false),

    buffer_iterator<T>& operator=(const buffer_iterator<T> &other)
        if(this != &other){
            m_buffer.get() = other.m_buffer.get();
            m_index = other.m_index;

        return *this;

        // set buffer to null so that its reference count will
        // not be decremented when its destructor is called
        m_buffer.get() = 0;

    const buffer& get_buffer() const
        return m_buffer;

    size_t get_index() const
        return m_index;

    T read(command_queue &queue) const
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_index < m_buffer.size() / sizeof(T));

        return detail::read_single_value<T>(m_buffer, m_index, queue);

    void write(const T &value, command_queue &queue)
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_index < m_buffer.size() / sizeof(T));

        detail::write_single_value<T>(value, m_buffer, m_index, queue);

    /// \internal_
    template<class Expr>
    detail::buffer_iterator_index_expr<T, Expr>
    operator[](const Expr &expr) const

        return detail::buffer_iterator_index_expr<T, Expr>(
            m_buffer, m_index, memory_object::global_memory, expr

    friend class ::boost::iterator_core_access;

    /// \internal_
    reference dereference() const
        return detail::buffer_value<T>(m_buffer, m_index * sizeof(T));

    /// \internal_
    bool equal(const buffer_iterator<T> &other) const
        return m_buffer.get() == other.m_buffer.get() &&
               m_index == other.m_index;

    /// \internal_
    void increment()

    /// \internal_
    void decrement()

    /// \internal_
    void advance(difference_type n)
        m_index = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<difference_type>(m_index) + n);

    /// \internal_
    difference_type distance_to(const buffer_iterator<T> &other) const
        return static_cast<difference_type>(other.m_index - m_index);

    const buffer m_buffer;
    size_t m_index;

/// Creates a new \ref buffer_iterator for \p buffer at \p index.
/// \param buffer the \ref buffer object
/// \param index the index in the buffer
/// \return a \c buffer_iterator for \p buffer at \p index
template<class T>
inline buffer_iterator<T>
make_buffer_iterator(const buffer &buffer, size_t index = 0)
    return buffer_iterator<T>(buffer, index);

/// \internal_ (is_device_iterator specialization for buffer_iterator)
template<class T>
struct is_device_iterator<buffer_iterator<T> > : boost::true_type {};

namespace detail {

// is_buffer_iterator specialization for buffer_iterator
template<class Iterator>
struct is_buffer_iterator<
    typename boost::enable_if<
            buffer_iterator<typename Iterator::value_type>,
            typename boost::remove_const<Iterator>::type
> : public boost::true_type {};

} // end detail namespace
} // end compute namespace
} // end boost namespace