...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T, typename Concept, typename Tag> T any_cast(any< Concept, Tag > &); template<typename T, typename Concept, typename Tag> T any_cast(const any< Concept, Tag > &); template<typename T, typename Concept, typename Tag> T any_cast(any< Concept, Tag > *); template<typename T, typename Concept, typename Tag> T any_cast(const any< Concept, Tag > *); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename T> const binding< Concept > & binding_of(const any< Concept, T > &); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T = _self> struct destructible; template<typename T = _self> struct copy_constructible; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct assignable; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename Op, class... U> unspecified call(const binding< Concept > &, const Op &, U &&...); template<typename Op, class... U> unspecified call(const Op &, U &&...); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Sig, typename F = _self> struct callable; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T> struct typeid_; template<typename Concept, typename Op, class... U> bool check_match(const binding< Concept > &, const Op &, U &&...); template<typename Op, class... U> bool check_match(const Op &, U &&...); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename Base, typename ID, typename Enable = void> struct concept_interface; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T> struct concept_of; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Sig> struct constructible; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Metafunction> struct deduced; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T> struct derived; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename R, typename Any> R dynamic_any_cast(Any &&); template<typename R, typename Any, typename Map> R dynamic_any_cast(Any &&, const static_binding< Map > &); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename PlaceholderList> class dynamic_binding; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { class bad_function_call; class bad_any_cast; } }
BOOST_TYPE_ERASURE_FREE(qualified_name, function_name, N)
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T> bool is_empty(const T &); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T> struct is_placeholder; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Sub, typename Super, typename PlaceholderMap = void> struct is_subconcept; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Traversal, typename T = _self, typename Reference = ::boost::use_default, typename DifferenceType = ::std::ptrdiff_t, typename ValueType = typename deduced<iterator_value_type<T> >::type> struct iterator; template<typename T = _self, typename Reference = boost::use_default, typename DifferenceType = std::ptrdiff_t> struct forward_iterator; template<typename T = _self, typename Reference = boost::use_default, typename DifferenceType = std::ptrdiff_t> struct bidirectional_iterator; template<typename T = _self, typename Reference = boost::use_default, typename DifferenceType = std::ptrdiff_t> struct random_access_iterator; } }
BOOST_TYPE_ERASURE_MEMBER(qualified_name, member, N)
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T = _self> struct incrementable; template<typename T = _self> struct decrementable; template<typename T = _self, typename R = T> struct complementable; template<typename T = _self, typename R = T> struct negatable; template<typename R, typename T = _self> struct dereferenceable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct addable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct subtractable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct multipliable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct dividable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct modable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct left_shiftable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct right_shiftable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct bitandable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct bitorable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T, typename R = T> struct bitxorable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct add_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct subtract_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct multiply_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct divide_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct mod_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct left_shift_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct right_shift_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct bitand_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct bitor_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct bitxor_assignable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct equality_comparable; template<typename T = _self, typename U = T> struct less_than_comparable; template<typename R, typename T = _self, typename N = std::ptrdiff_t> struct subscriptable; template<typename Os = std::ostream, typename T = _self> struct ostreamable; template<typename Is = std::istream, typename T = _self> struct istreamable; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Any, typename T> struct as_param; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { struct placeholder; struct _a; struct _b; struct _c; struct _d; struct _e; struct _f; struct _g; struct _self; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename T> class param; template<typename T> struct placeholder_of; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename T> class any; template<typename Any, typename T> struct rebind_any; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename Map> void register_binding(const static_binding< Map > &); template<typename Concept, typename T> void register_binding(); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T> struct is_relaxed; struct relaxed; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept> class binding; template<typename Concept, typename Op, class... U> void require_match(const binding< Concept > &, const Op &, U &&...); template<typename Op, class... U> void require_match(const Op &, U &&...); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename T, typename U> struct same_type; } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Map> struct static_binding; template<typename Map> static_binding< Map > make_binding(); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, class... T> class tuple; template<int N, typename Concept, class... T> any< Concept, TN > & get(tuple< Concept, T...> &); template<int N, typename Concept, class... T> const any< Concept, TN > & get(const tuple< Concept, T...> &); } }
namespace boost { namespace type_erasure { template<typename Concept, typename T> const std::type_info & typeid_of(const any< Concept, T > &); template<typename T, typename Concept> const std::type_info & typeid_of(const binding< Concept > &); } }