...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
// In Header: <
boost/optional/optional.hpp> namespace boost { template<class T> class optional { public : // (If T is of reference type, the parameters and results by reference are by value) optional () noexcept ;optional ( none_t ) noexcept ;
optional ( T const& v ) ;
optional ( T&& v ) ;
// [new in 1.34] optional ( bool condition, T const& v ) ;
optional ( optional const& rhs ) ;
optional ( optional&& rhs ) noexcept(see below) ;
template<class U> explicit optional ( optional<U> const& rhs ) ;
template<class U> explicit optional ( optional<U>&& rhs ) ;
template<class InPlaceFactory> explicit optional ( InPlaceFactory const& f ) ;
template<class TypedInPlaceFactory> explicit optional ( TypedInPlaceFactory const& f ) ;
optional& operator = ( none_t ) noexcept ;
optional& operator = ( T const& v ) ;
optional& operator = ( T&& v ) ;
optional& operator = ( optional const& rhs ) ;
optional& operator = ( optional&& rhs ) noexcept(see below) ;
template<class U> optional& operator = ( optional<U> const& rhs ) ;
template<class U> optional& operator = ( optional<U>&& rhs ) ;
template<class... Args> void emplace ( Args...&& args ) ;
template<class InPlaceFactory> optional& operator = ( InPlaceFactory const& f ) ;
template<class TypedInPlaceFactory> optional& operator = ( TypedInPlaceFactory const& f ) ;
T const& get() const ;
T& get() ;
T const* operator ->() const ;
T* operator ->() ;
T const& operator *() const& ;
T& operator *() & ;
T&& operator *() && ;
T const& value() const& ;
T& value() & ;
T&& value() && ;
template<class U> T value_or( U && v ) const& ;
template<class U> T value_or( U && v ) && ;
template<class F> T value_or_eval( F f ) const& ;
template<class F> T value_or_eval( F f ) && ;
T const* get_ptr() const ;
T* get_ptr() ;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept ;
bool operator!() const noexcept ;
// deprecated methods // (deprecated) void reset() noexcept ;
// (deprecated) void reset ( T const& ) ;
// (deprecated) bool is_initialized() const ;
// (deprecated) T const& get_value_or( T const& default ) const ;
}; template<class T> inline bool operator == ( optional<T> const& x, optional<T> const& y ) ;
template<class T> inline bool operator != ( optional<T> const& x, optional<T> const& y ) ;
template<class T> inline bool operator < ( optional<T> const& x, optional<T> const& y ) ;
template<class T> inline bool operator > ( optional<T> const& x, optional<T> const& y ) ;
template<class T> inline bool operator <= ( optional<T> const& x, optional<T> const& y ) ;
template<class T> inline bool operator >= ( optional<T> const& x, optional<T> const& y ) ;
template<class T> inline bool operator == ( optional<T> const& x, none_t ) noexcept ;
template<class T> inline bool operator != ( optional<T> const& x, none_t ) noexcept ;
template<class T> inline optional<T> make_optional ( T const& v ) ;
template<class T> inline optional<T> make_optional ( bool condition, T const& v ) ;
template<class T> inline T const& get_optional_value_or ( optional<T> const& opt, T const& default ) ;
template<class T> inline T const& get ( optional<T> const& opt ) ;
template<class T> inline T& get ( optional<T> & opt ) ;
template<class T> inline T const* get ( optional<T> const* opt ) ;
template<class T> inline T* get ( optional<T>* opt ) ;
template<class T> inline T const* get_pointer ( optional<T> const& opt ) ;
template<class T> inline T* get_pointer ( optional<T> & opt ) ;
template<class T> inline void swap( optional<T>& x, optional<T>& y ) ;
} // namespace boost