Copyright (c) 2014 Glen Joseph Fernandes
glenfe at live dot com
Distributed under the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
or copy at
Class template aligned_allocator_adaptor.
@author Glen Fernandes
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/align/align.hpp>
#include <boost/align/aligned_allocator_adaptor_forward.hpp>
#include <boost/align/alignment_of.hpp>
#include <boost/align/detail/addressof.hpp>
#include <boost/align/detail/is_alignment_const.hpp>
#include <boost/align/detail/max_align.hpp>
#include <new>
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR)
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
Boost namespace.
namespace boost {
Alignment namespace.
namespace alignment {
Class template aligned_allocator_adaptor.
@tparam Alignment Is the minimum alignment to specify
for allocations, if it is larger than the alignment
of the value type. The value of `Alignment` shall be
a fundamental alignment value or an extended alignment
value, and shall be a power of two.
@note This adaptor can be used with a C++11 allocator
whose pointer type is a smart pointer but the adaptor
will expose only raw pointers.
template<class Allocator, std::size_t Alignment>
class aligned_allocator_adaptor
: public Allocator {
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR)
Exposition only.
typedef std::allocator_traits<Allocator> Traits;
typedef typename Traits::
template rebind_alloc<char> CharAlloc;
typedef typename Traits::
template rebind_traits<char> CharTraits;
typedef typename CharTraits::pointer CharPtr;
typedef typename Allocator::
template rebind<char>::other CharAlloc;
typedef typename CharAlloc::pointer CharPtr;
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR)
typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Traits::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Allocator::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Allocator::size_type size_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef void* void_pointer;
typedef const void* const_void_pointer;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
enum {
TypeAlign = alignment_of<value_type>::value,
PtrAlign = alignment_of<CharPtr>::value,
BlockAlign = detail::
max_align<PtrAlign, TypeAlign>::value,
MaxAlign = detail::
max_align<Alignment, BlockAlign>::value
Rebind allocator.
template<class U>
struct rebind {
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR)
typedef aligned_allocator_adaptor<typename Traits::
template rebind_alloc<U>, Alignment> other;
typedef aligned_allocator_adaptor<typename Allocator::
template rebind<U>::other, Alignment> other;
Value-initializes the `Allocator`
base class.
aligned_allocator_adaptor() = default;
Value-initializes the `Allocator`
base class.
: Allocator() {
Initializes the `Allocator` base class with
@remark **Require:** `Allocator` shall be
constructible from `A`.
template<class A>
explicit aligned_allocator_adaptor(A&& alloc)
: Allocator(std::forward<A>(alloc)) {
Initializes the `Allocator` base class with
@remark **Require:** `Allocator` shall be
constructible from `A`.
template<class A>
explicit aligned_allocator_adaptor(const A& alloc)
: Allocator(alloc) {
Initializes the `Allocator` base class with the
base from other.
template<class U>
aligned_allocator_adaptor<U, Alignment>& other)
: Allocator(other.base()) {
@return `static_cast<Allocator&>(*this)`.
Allocator& base()
return static_cast<Allocator&>(*this);
@return `static_cast<const Allocator&>(*this)`.
const Allocator& base() const
return static_cast<const Allocator&>(*this);
@param size The size of the value type object to
@return A pointer to the initial element of an
array of storage of size `n * sizeof(value_type)`,
aligned on the maximum of the minimum alignment
specified and the alignment of objects of type
@remark **Throw:** Throws an exception thrown from
`A2::allocate` if the storage cannot be obtained.
@remark **Note:** The storage is obtained by calling
`A2::allocate` on an object `a2`, where `a2` of
type `A2` is a rebound copy of `base()` where its
`value_type` is unspecified.
pointer allocate(size_type size) {
std::size_t n1 = size * sizeof(value_type);
std::size_t n2 = n1 + MaxAlign - 1;
CharAlloc a(base());
CharPtr p1 = a.allocate(sizeof p1 + n2);
void* p2 = detail::addressof(*p1) + sizeof p1;
(void)align(MaxAlign, n1, p2, n2);
void* p3 = static_cast<CharPtr*>(p2) - 1;
::new(p3) CharPtr(p1);
return static_cast<pointer>(p2);
@param hint is a value obtained by calling
`allocate()` on any equivalent aligned allocator
adaptor object, or else `nullptr`.
@param size The size of the value type object to
@return A pointer to the initial element of an
array of storage of size `n * sizeof(value_type)`,
aligned on the maximum of the minimum alignment
specified and the alignment of objects of type
@remark **Throw:** Throws an exception thrown from
`A2::allocate` if the storage cannot be obtained.
@remark **Note:** The storage is obtained by calling
`A2::allocate` on an object `a2`, where `a2` of
type `A2` is a rebound copy of `base()` where its
`value_type` is unspecified.
pointer allocate(size_type size, const_void_pointer hint) {
std::size_t n1 = size * sizeof(value_type);
std::size_t n2 = n1 + MaxAlign - 1;
CharPtr h = CharPtr();
if (hint) {
h = *(static_cast<const CharPtr*>(hint) - 1);
CharAlloc a(base());
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_ALLOCATOR)
CharPtr p1 = CharTraits::allocate(a, sizeof p1 +
n2, h);
CharPtr p1 = a.allocate(sizeof p1 + n2, h);
void* p2 = detail::addressof(*p1) + sizeof p1;
(void)align(MaxAlign, n1, p2, n2);
void* p3 = static_cast<CharPtr*>(p2) - 1;
::new(p3) CharPtr(p1);
return static_cast<pointer>(p2);
Deallocates the storage referenced by `ptr`.
@param ptr Shall be a pointer value obtained from
@param size Shall equal the value passed as the
first argument to the invocation of `allocate`
which returned `ptr`.
@remark **Note:** Uses `A2::deallocate` on an object
`a2`, where `a2` of type `A2` is a rebound copy of
`base()` where its `value_type` is unspecified.
void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type size) {
CharPtr* p1 = reinterpret_cast<CharPtr*>(ptr) - 1;
CharPtr p2 = *p1;
CharAlloc a(base());
a.deallocate(p2, size * sizeof(value_type) +
MaxAlign + sizeof p2);
@return `a.base() == b.base()`.
template<class A1, class A2, std::size_t Alignment>
inline bool operator==(const aligned_allocator_adaptor<A1,
Alignment>& a, const aligned_allocator_adaptor<A2,
Alignment>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
return a.base() == b.base();
@return `!(a == b)`.
template<class A1, class A2, std::size_t Alignment>
inline bool operator!=(const aligned_allocator_adaptor<A1,
Alignment>& a, const aligned_allocator_adaptor<A2,
Alignment>& b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
return !(a == b);