New Features:
C++11 compliance: Allow to pass movable arguments for call_once.
Async: Add future<>.then
Synchro: Add a synchronized value class
Fixed Bugs:
MinGW 4.5.0 undefined reference to bool interruptible_wait(detail::win32::handle
handle_to_wait_for,detail::t imeout target_time).
Win32 shared_mutex does not handle timeouts correctly.
boost::call_once() is unreliable on some platforms
Boost.Thread shared_mutex.hpp:50:99: warning: dereferencing type-punned
pointer will break strict-aliasing rules Wstrict-aliasing
[Intel C++] Compile Errors with '#include <atomic>'
future boost::future_category inconsistent dll linkage
exception lock_error while intensive locking/unlocking of mutex
Thread: deadlock with shared_mutex on Windows
Build error: msvc-11.0 and BOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_DATETIME
pthread_delay_np() parm compile error on AIX
thread library fails to compile with Visual Studio 2003
prefer GetTickCount64 over GetTickCount
boost::this_thread::sleep_for() sleeps longer than it should in Windows
Boost thread compilation error on Solaris 10
fix documentation for 'thread_group'
barrier::wait() not marked as interruption_point
boost::thread::try_join_for/try_join_until may block indefinitely due to
a combination of problems in Boost.Thread and Boost.Chrono
The internal representation of "std::string(this->code()->message())"
escapes, but is destroyed when it exits scope.
C++11 once_flag enabled when constexpr is not available
Assertion in win32::WaitForSingleObject()
Header file inclusion order may cause crashes
Missing documented function 'boost::scoped_thread::joinable'
-DBOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_CHRONO in thread.obj.rsp but not explicitly set
[Coverity] Unused variable thread_handle, uninitialized variable cond_mutex
in thread/pthread/thread_data.hpp
static linking of Boost.Thread with an MFC-Dll
"sur parolle" should be "sur parole".
With C++0x enabled, boost::packaged_task stores a reference to function
objects, instead of a copy.
Reintroduce BOOST_VERIFY on pthread_mutex_destroy return type
Typo in Strict lock definition
promise: set_..._at_thread_exit
future<>::then(void()) doesn't works
Futures as local named objects can't be returned with implicit move.
Deprecated features:
![[Warning]](../../../doc/src/images/warning.png) |
Warning |
Deprecated features since boost 1.53 will be available only until boost 1.58.
C++11 compliance: packaged_task<R> is deprecated, use instead packaged_task<R()>.
deprecate Mutex::scoped_lock and scoped_try_lock and boost::condition
New Features:
c++11 compliance: Add thread constructor from movable callable and movable
arguments Provided when BOOST_THREAD_PROVIDES_VARIADIC_THREAD is defined
(Default value from Boost 1.55): See BOOST_THREAD_PROVIDES_VARIADIC_THREAD
C++11 compliance: Add noexcept in system related functions
C++11 compliance: Add promise::...at_thread_exit functions
C++11 compliance: Add ArgTypes to packaged_task template. Provided when
C++11 compliance: Add packaged_task::make_ready_at_thread_exit function
C++11 compliance: Allow to pass movable arguments for call_once
C++11 compliance: Add async from movable callable and movable arguments
are defined (Default value from Boost 1.55): See BOOST_THREAD_PROVIDES_SIGNATURE_PACKAGED_TASK
C++11 compliance: Add async when the launch policy is deferred.
C++11 compliance: future::get post-condition should be valid()==false.
Provide a condition variable with zero-overhead performance penality.
Async: Add make_future/make_shared_future.
Threads: Add a helper class that join a thread on destruction.
Threads: Add a thread wrapper class that joins on destruction.
C++11 compliance: A future created by async should "join" in
the destructor.
Synchro: Add strict_lock and nested_strict_lock.
Synchro: Split the locks.hpp in several files to limit dependencies.
Synchro: Add lockable concept checkers based on Boost.ConceptCheck.
Add lockable traits that can be used with enable_if.
Synchro: Add a null_mutex that is a no-op and that is a model of UpgardeLockable.
Synchro: Add a externally_locked class.
Threads: Allow to disable thread interruptions.
Fixed Bugs:
boost::call_once() is unreliable on some platforms
BOOST_TEST(n_alive == 1); fails due to race condition in a regression test
Serious performance and memory consumption hit if condition_variable methods
condition notify_one or notify_all is used repeatedly.
this_thread::sleep_for no longer uses steady_clock in thread.
thread_group::join_all() should check whether its threads are joinable.
thread_group::join_all() should catch resource_deadlock_would_occur.
Error including boost/thread.hpp header on iOS.
lockable_traits.hpp syntax error: "defined" token misspelled.
boost::future set_wait_callback thread safety issues.
Incorrect description of effects for this_thread::sleep_for and this_thread::sleep_until.
Returns: cv_status::no_timeout if the call is returning because the time
period specified by rel_time has elapsed, cv_status::timeout otherwise.
compile warning: thread.hpp:342: warning: type attributes are honored only
at type definition.
by default.
wrong exception text from condition_variable::wait(unique_lock<mutex>&).
thread::do_try_join_until() is missing a return type.
Deprecated Features:
Deprecated features since boost 1.50 available only until boost 1.55:
These deprecated features will be provided by default up to boost 1.52. If
you don't want to include the deprecated features you could define BOOST_THREAD_DONT_PROVIDE_DEPRECATED_FEATURES_SINCE_V3_0_0.
Since 1.53 these features will not be included any more by default. Since this
version, if you want to include the deprecated features yet you could define
will be only available until boost 1.55, that is you have yet 1 year to move
to the new features.
Time related functions don't using the Boost.Chrono library, use the chrono
overloads instead.
Breaking changes when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==3 (Default value since Boost 1.53):
There are some new features which share the same interface but with different
behavior. These breaking features are provided by default when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION
is 3, but the user can however choose the version 2 behavior by defining the
corresponding macro. As for the deprecated features, these broken features
will be only available until boost 1.55.
Rename the unique_future to future following the c++11.
Breaking change: thread destructor should call terminate if joinable.
Breaking change: thread move assignment should call terminate if joinable.
New Features:
thread_specific_ptr: document nature of the key, complexity and rationale.
C++11 compliance: Missing async().
C++11 compliance: Add notify_all_at_thread_exit.
C++11 compliance: Add noexcept to recursive mutex try_lock.
Fixed Bugs:
Two problems with thread_specific_ptr.
failed to compile future.hpp with stlport 5.1.5 under msvc8.1, because
of undefined class.
compile error in Windows CE 6.0(interlocked).
win32 detail::set_tss_data does nothing when tss_cleanup_function is NULL.
mutex waits forwever with Intel C++ Compiler XE Build 20120612
Thread library does not automatically compile date_time.
wrong function name interrupt_point().
Unable to build boost.thread modularized.
gcc 4.6.2 warns about inline+dllimport functions.
this_thread::sleep_for() does not respond to interrupt().
Minor typos on documentation related to version 3.
win32/thread_primitives.hpp: (Unneccessary) Warning.
Clarify that there is no access priority between lock and shared_lock on
shared mutex.
boost/thread/future.hpp does not compile on HPUX.
packaged_task holds reference to temporary.
allocator_destructor does not destroy object
Memory leak in pthread implementation of boost::thread_specific_ptr
Boost.Thread documentation
Segmentation fault in test_once regression test in group.join_all();
detail::win32::ReleaseSemaphore may be called with count_to_release equal
to 0
call_once doesn't call even once
Deprecated Features:
Deprecated features since boost 1.50 available only until boost 1.55:
These deprecated features will be provided by default up to boost 1.52. If
you don't want to include the deprecated features you could define BOOST_THREAD_DONT_PROVIDE_DEPRECATED_FEATURES_SINCE_V3_0_0.
Since 1.53 these features will not be included any more by default. Since this
version, if you want to include the deprecated features yet you could define
will be only available until boost 1.55, that is you have 1 year and a half
to move to the new features.
Time related functions don't using the Boost.Chrono library, use the chrono
overloads instead.
Breaking changes when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==3:
There are some new features which share the same interface but with different
behavior. These breaking features are provided by default when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION
is 3, but the user can however choose the version 2 behavior by defining the
corresponding macro. As for the deprecated features, these broken features
will be only available until boost 1.55.
Rename the unique_future to future following the c++11.
Breaking change: thread destructor should call terminate if joinable.
Breaking change: thread move assignment should call terminate if joinable.
Fixed Bugs:
Linking with boost thread does not work on mingw/gcc 4.5.
Access violation in set_tss_data at process exit due to invalid assumption
about TlsAlloc.
mutex waits forwever with Intel Compiler and /debug:parallel
boost 1.50.0 header missing.
thread::operator==, thread::operator!= forward declarations, not definitions.
An attempt to fix current_thread_tls_key static initialization order.
Multiply defined symbol boost::allocator_arg.
Trivial 64-bit warning fix on Windows for thread attribute stack size
BOOST_THREAD_WAIT_BUG limits functionality without solving anything
Breaking changes when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==3:
Breaking change: Rename the unique_future to future following the c++11.
Breaking change: thread destructor should call terminate if joinable.
Breaking change: thread move assignment should call terminate if joinable.
New Features:
Request for unlock_guard to compliment lock_guard.
Request for shared_mutex duration timed_lock and timed_lock_shared.
Proposal to manage portable and non portable thread attributes.
Request for shared_lock_guard.
Adapt to Boost.Move.
c++11 compliance: Provide the standard time related interface using Boost.Chrono.
Enhance Boost.Thread shared mutex interface following Howard Hinnant proposal.
c++11 compliance: Add the use of standard noexcept on compilers supporting
Add the use of standard =delete defaulted operations on compilers supporting
c++11 compliance: Add explicit bool conversion from locks.
Add promise constructor with allocator following the standard c++11.
c++11 compliance: Follows the exception reporting mechanism as defined
in the c++11.
Add BasicLockable requirements in the documentation to follow c++11.
c++11 compliance: Add thread::id hash specialization.
c++11 compliance: Add cv_status enum class and use it on the conditions
wait functions.
c++11 compliance: Adapt the one_flag to the c++11 interface.
upgrade_lock: missing mutex and release functions.
upgrade_lock:: missing constructors from time related types.
upgrade_lock:: missing non-member swap.
lock conversion should be explicit.
Added missing packaged_task::result_type and packaged_task:: constructor
with allocator.
Added packaged_task::reset()
Fixed Bugs:
boost::move from lvalue does not work with gcc.
shared_mutex for win32 doesn't have timed_lock_upgrade.
Bug- Boost 1.36.0 on Itanium platform.
Duplicate tutorial code in boost::thread.
thread::id and joining problem with cascade of threads.
Error using boost::move on packaged_task (MSVC 10).
Must use implementation details to return move-only types.
BOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL and BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB are crucial and need to be
documentation: boost::thread: pthreas_exit causes terminate().
boost::this_thread::get_id is very slow.
interrupt a future get boost::unknown_exception.
Upgrade lock is not acquired when previous upgrade lock releases if another
read lock is present.
shared_future<T>::get() has wrong return type.
packaged_task doesn't correctly handle moving results.
Compile error with SunStudio: unique_future move.
PGI: Compiler threading support is not turned on.
shared_lock: move assign doesn't works with c++11.
shared_mutex: try_lock_upgrade_until doesn't works.
Compile error due to unprotected definitions of _WIN32_WINNT and WINVER.
TIME_UTC is a macro in C11.
call of abs is ambiguous.
Fix issue signaled on the ML with task_object(task_object const&) in
presence of task_object(task_object &&)
Fixed Bugs:
Lack of g++ symbol visibility support in Boost.Thread.
documentation should be extended(defer_lock, try_to_lock, ...).
Boost.Thread doesn't build with Sun-5.9 on Linux.
Thread can't be compiled with winscw (Codewarrior by Nokia).
document about mix usage of boost.thread and native thread api.
Incorrect precondition for promise::set_wait_callback().
thread::id formatting involves locale
gcc 4.4 Warning: inline ... declared as dllimport: attribute ignored.
OpenVMS patches for compiler issues workarounds.
boost.thread's documentation misprints.
thread issues with C++0x.
boost::thread::id copy ctor.
set-but-not-used warnings with gcc-4.6.
threads.cpp: resource leak on threads creation failure.
thread.cpp: ThreadProxy leaks on exceptions.
win32 shared_mutex constructor leaks on exceptions.
Compute hardware_concurrency() using get_nprocs() on GLIBC systems.
recursive_mutex is using wrong config symbol (possible typo).
Compile error with SunStudio.
patch to have condition_variable and mutex error better handle EINTR.
shared_lock swap compiler error on clang 3.0 c++11.
try_lock_wrapper swap compiler error on clang 3.0 c++11.
The 1.41.0 release of Boost adds futures to the thread library. There are also
a few minor changes.
The 1.36.0 release of Boost includes a few new features in the thread library:
New generic
and try_lock()
functions for locking multiple mutexes at once.
Rvalue reference support for move semantics where the compilers supports
A few bugs fixed and missing functions added (including the serious win32
condition variable bug).
types are
now backwards-compatible with Boost 1.34.0 and previous releases.
Support for passing function arguments to the thread function by supplying
additional arguments to the
Backwards-compatibility overloads added for
and timed_wait
to allow use of xtime
Almost every line of code in Boost.Thread
has been changed since the 1.34 release of boost. However, most of the interface
changes have been extensions, so the new code is largely backwards-compatible
with the old code. The new features and breaking changes are described below.
Instances of
and of the various lock
types are now movable.
Threads can be interrupted at interruption
Condition variables can now be used with any type that implements the
concept, through the
use of boost::condition_variable_any
is a typedef
to boost::condition_variable_any
, provided for
backwards compatibility). boost::condition_variable
is provided as an optimization, and will only work with boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>
Thread IDs are separated from
, so a thread can obtain
it's own ID (using boost::this_thread::get_id()
), and IDs can be used as keys in associative
containers, as they have the full set of comparison operators.
Timeouts are now implemented using the Boost DateTime library, through
a typedef
for absolute timeouts, and
with support for relative timeouts in many cases. boost::xtime
is supported for backwards compatibility only.
Locks are implemented as publicly accessible templates
, boost::shared_lock
and boost::upgrade_lock
, which are templated on
the type of the mutex. The Lockable
concept has been extended
to include publicly available lock()
and unlock()
member functions, which are used by the lock types.
The list below should cover all changes to the public interface which break
backwards compatibility.
has been removed, and
the functionality subsumed into boost::mutex
. boost::try_mutex
is left as a typedef
, but is no longer a separate class.
has been removed,
and the functionality subsumed into boost::recursive_mutex
. boost::recursive_try_mutex
is left as
a typedef
, but is no longer
a separate class.
has been removed. Code that
relies on the lock_ops
implementation detail will no longer work, as this has been removed, as
it is no longer necessary now that mutex types now have public lock()
and unlock()
member functions.
with a second parameter of type bool
are no longer provided. With previous boost releases,
boost::mutex::scoped_lock some_lock(some_mutex,false);
could be used to create a lock object that was associated with a mutex,
but did not lock it on construction. This facility has now been replaced
with the constructor that takes a boost::defer_lock_type
as the second parameter:
boost::mutex::scoped_lock some_lock(some_mutex,boost::defer_lock);
member function of the scoped_lock
types has been renamed to owns_lock()
You can no longer obtain a
instance representing the
current thread: a default-constructed boost::thread
object is not associated
with any thread. The only use for such a thread object was to support the
comparison operators: this functionality has been moved to boost::thread::id
The broken
has been replaced with
is now never recursive.
For Boost releases prior to 1.35 boost::mutex
was recursive on Windows
and not on POSIX platforms.
When using a
with a call to
the mutex is only unlocked one level, and not completely. This prior behaviour
was not guaranteed and did not feature in the tests.