Home > The Unit Test Framework > User's guide > Fixtures > Per test case

Per test case fixture

To automate the task of assigning a fixture for the test case, for test case creation use the macro BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE in place of the macro BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE:

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(test_case_name, fixure_name)

The only difference from the macro BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE is the presence of an extra argument - fixture name. Unlike the pure C++ solution you have direct access to the public and protected members of the fixture, though you still need to refer to the fixture name in every test case.

[Note] Note

You can't access private members of fixture, but then why would you make anything private?

Example 23. Per test case fixture

In this example only test_case1 and test_case2 have fixture F assigned. In the next section you going to see what can be done if all test cases in a test suite require the same fixture.

#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE example
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>

struct F {
    F() : i( 0 ) { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "setup fixture" ); }
    ~F()         { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "teardown fixture" ); }

    int i;

    BOOST_CHECK( i == 1 );

    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( i, 1 );

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_case3 )
    BOOST_CHECK( true );
Source code | Show output
> example --log_level=message
Running 3 test cases...
setup fixture
test.cpp(13): error in "test_case1": check i == 1 failed
teardown fixture
setup fixture
test.cpp(19): error in "test_case2": check i == 1 failed [0 != 1]
teardown fixture

*** 2 failures detected in test suite "example"
