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Document number:   D????=12-????
Date: 2012-06-02
Project: Programming Language C++
Reply-to: Beman Dawes <bdawes at acm dot org>

Filesystem Library Proposal (Revision 3)

This paper proposes a filesystem library component suitable for a C++ Standard Library Technical Report or for the C++ Standard Library. The proposed library is based on Version 3 of the Boost Filesystem Library (see www.boost.org/libs/filesystem). Preliminary wording is provided. A TODO list identifies remaining work to be done.

Revision history

D????=12-???? , Filesystem Library Proposal (Revision 3). Changes include:

N3365=12-0055, Filesystem Library Proposal (Revision 2). Changes include:

N3335=12-0025, Filesystem Library for C++11/TR2 (Revision 1). Changes include:

N3239 = 11-0009, Filesystem Library Update for TR2 (Preliminary), reflected changes made to the Boost library version 3 since the previously accepted committee paper:

N1975 = 06-0045, Filesystem Library Proposal for TR2 (Revision 3), was adopted by the committee in April, 2006, at the Berlin meeting. Shortly afterward the Library Working Group set aside work on TR2 to concentrate on C++0x.

Motivation and Scope

The motivation and scope for a filesystem library were described in N1975, and are not repeated here. A minor scope reduction is that an addition to the current C++ runtime library is no longer needed.

Boost Filesystem Version 3 introduced a single path type that interoperates well with both basic_string and user defined string types. Thus the following Design alternatives paragraph is no long applicable:

Single path type which can at runtime accept narrow or wide character pathnames. Although certainly interesting, and possibly superior, such a design would not interoperate well with the current Standard Library's compile-time typed basic_string. A new runtime polymorphic string class would be the best place to experiment with this concept, not a path class.


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Proposed Wording

Gray-shaded italic text is commentary on the proposal. It is not to be added to the TR.

Add the following to the Technical Report's front matter:

The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Technical Report. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Technical Report are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO/IEC 9945:2003, with the indicated corrections, is hereinafter called POSIX.

Footnote 1: POSIX® is a registered trademark of The IEEE.

Footnote 2: UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.

Add the following to the Technical Report as a new Clause:

Filesystem Library

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End of new Clause.

Modify File streams [fstreams] as follows:

To class basic_filebuf public members add:

basic_filebuf<charT,traits>* open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode);

To class basic_ifstream public members add:

explicit basic_ifstream(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in)
void open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in);

To class basic_ofstream public members add:

explicit basic_ofstream(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::out);
void open(const path& p, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::out);

To class basic_fstream public members add:

explicit basic_fstream(const path& p,
  std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out);
void open(const path& p,
  std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out);

End of proposed wording.

Issues List

Issue 1: What is the appropriate namespace?    Status: Tentatively resolved


The N3335 proposal places the library in namespace std::tr2::files. Rationale for a sub-namespace is that the library uses several names that don't seem appropriate for namespace tr2 since full standardization would then put the names into std. The function names remove and rename are of particular concern because these functions differ in behavior from current standard library functions with those names. It also doesn't seem desirable to preempt names like equivalent and status.


Kona: Strong support for filesystem as the library's namespace. Strong support for a technical report namespace that alerts uses that contents are likely to change if and when they later get moved into the standard.

No decision yet on a TR namespace; experimental being used as a placeholder. Thus the full namespace is changed to std::experimental::filesystem.

Issue 2: Excessive use of const codecvt_type& arguments    Status: Open


Users sometimes need to do path conversions that use something other than the imbued codecvt facet. The need is particularly acute in multi-threaded applications where changing the imbued facet would introduce a data race. That said, providing an optional const codecvt_type& argument for every function where the need might possibly arise is excessive because its use is so rare and it adds considerable interface clutter.

Proposed resolution


Remove all existing class path const codecvt_type& arguments.

Beman to pursue separate encoding conversion functionality, per Thursday N3336 "Adapting standard library strings and IO to a Unicode World" discussion. See Kona wiki.

If a separate encoding conversion facility isn't possible, then some form of minimal class path encoding conversion facility will be needed. But..., the LWG would like to see use cases and clearer explanation of motivation before deciding on specifics, and be very sure that there is no way to achieve with existing std library functionality, albeit with some loss of efficiency.

Issue 3: Possible "implicit cast to native type"?     Status: Open


In Bloomington there was discussion of "implicit cast to implicit cast to native OS type to inter operate with existing iostream library and native functions instead of modifying fstream".

Proposed resolution

Kona: The Dinkumware/Microsoft implementation has added an implicit conversion to the string type, eliminating any need to modify fstream. (Discussion: might be safer to make the implicit conversion protected, then make fstream classes friends).

Action: Beman to investigate, test, as avoiding modification of existing header and classes is much desired.

Issue 4: Given move semantics, it is best not to return const strings.     Status: Resolved


The issue title pretty much says it all.

Proposed resolution

Kona: Return plain strings. Remove the permission for implementations to return const refs, since uses are not in performace critical code and subtle portability bugs may occur.

Action: Beman to apply to proposed wording.

Issue 5: Is there a way to handle characters that are illegal for particular OS?     Status: NAD


Question raised by Pablo in Bloomington.

Proposed resolution

Beman suggests NAD, Future. I've done some work on this, including looking at systems like OpenVMS that have an escape mechanism to handle otherwise unrepresentable characters. There was a comment to that effect in N3239. I believe it should be deferred to some future release since (1) it is complex enough that I'd like to see actual implementation and use experience (presumably via Boost), and (2) I can't recall a user ever requesting such a feature.

Kona: No consensus for change, since there doesn't appear to be any compelling use case.

Issue 6: Could allocator support be added to class path?     Status: Open


Question raised by a committee member in private email.

Kona: Much discussion.

Action: Alisdair to write paper, based on a real implementation, so that it is possible to assess the impact on interface, performance, etc.

Post-Kona: Alisdair will defer paper until after TR.

Issue 7: How should class path inserter and extractor be specified?       Status: Resolved


Class path currently is specified to used the Boost detail quoted stream manipulator. A path object is inserted delimited by quotes, and extracted accordingly, ensuring that paths containing spaces are round-tripped correctly.  Quotes in the path itself are escaped, and io state is saved and restored.

See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_48_0/libs/io/doc/quoted_manip.html

Since the standard can't specify behavior in terms of something in Boost, we have to change the specification. Since the quoted stream manipulator is a handy little component, the issue is raised as to whether it should go in TR2.


Kona: Specify the path inserter and extractor to have the desired behavior without reference to how it is achieved. (If someone wants to propose a quoted manipulator, that's a separate proposal for a different TR.)

Action:  Beman to apply to proposed wording.

Issue 8: Rename rename       Status: New


There are minor problems with the name of the rename() function:

Proposed resolution

Change the name of the rename() function to move().

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