Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of boost. Click here for the latest Boost documentation.


// Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jeremy B. Maitin-Shepard.
// Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Daniel James
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered/detail/extract_key.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace unordered_detail {

    // Equality

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    bool hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>
        ::equals(hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K> const& other) const
        if(this->size_ != other.size_) return false;
        if(!this->size_) return true;

        bucket_ptr end = this->get_bucket(this->bucket_count_);
        for(bucket_ptr i = this->cached_begin_bucket_; i != end; ++i)
            node_ptr it1 = i->next_;
                node_ptr it2 = other.find_iterator(this->get_key_from_ptr(it1));
                if(!BOOST_UNORDERED_BORLAND_BOOL(it2)) return false;
                    node::get_value(it1), node::get_value(it2)))
                    return false;
                it1 = it1->next_;

        return true;

    // A convenience method for adding nodes.

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::node_ptr
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::add_node(node_constructor& a,
            bucket_ptr bucket)
        node_ptr n = a.release();
        node::add_to_bucket(n, *bucket);
        if(bucket < this->cached_begin_bucket_)
            this->cached_begin_bucket_ = bucket;
        return n;
    // Insert methods

    // if hash function throws, basic exception safety
    // strong otherwise
    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::value_type&
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::operator[](key_type const& k)
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME value_type::second_type mapped_type;

        std::size_t hash_value = this->hash_function()(k);
        bucket_ptr bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);
        if(!this->buckets_) {
            node_constructor a(*this);
            a.construct_pair(k, (mapped_type*) 0);
            return *this->emplace_empty_impl_with_node(a, 1);

        node_ptr pos = this->find_iterator(bucket, k);

            return node::get_value(pos);
        else {
            // Side effects only in this block.

            // Create the node before rehashing in case it throws an
            // exception (need strong safety in such a case).
            node_constructor a(*this);
            a.construct_pair(k, (mapped_type*) 0);

            // reserve has basic exception safety if the hash function
            // throws, strong otherwise.
            if(this->reserve_for_insert(this->size_ + 1))
                bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);

            // Nothing after this point can throw.

            return node::get_value(add_node(a, bucket));

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return
    hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_impl_with_node(node_constructor& a)
        // No side effects in this initial code
        key_type const& k = this->get_key(a.value());
        std::size_t hash_value = this->hash_function()(k);
        bucket_ptr bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);
        node_ptr pos = this->find_iterator(bucket, k);
            // Found an existing key, return it (no throw).
            return emplace_return(iterator_base(bucket, pos), false);
        } else {
            // reserve has basic exception safety if the hash function
            // throws, strong otherwise.
            if(this->reserve_for_insert(this->size_ + 1))
                bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);

            // Nothing after this point can throw.

            return emplace_return(
                iterator_base(bucket, add_node(a, bucket)),


    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template<class... Args>
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_impl(key_type const& k,
            Args&&... args)
        // No side effects in this initial code
        std::size_t hash_value = this->hash_function()(k);
        bucket_ptr bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);
        node_ptr pos = this->find_iterator(bucket, k);

            // Found an existing key, return it (no throw).
            return emplace_return(iterator_base(bucket, pos), false);

        } else {
            // Doesn't already exist, add to bucket.
            // Side effects only in this block.

            // Create the node before rehashing in case it throws an
            // exception (need strong safety in such a case).
            node_constructor a(*this);

            // reserve has basic exception safety if the hash function
            // throws, strong otherwise.
            if(this->reserve_for_insert(this->size_ + 1))
                bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);

            // Nothing after this point can throw.

            return emplace_return(
                iterator_base(bucket, add_node(a, bucket)),

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template<class... Args>
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_impl(no_key, Args&&... args)
        // Construct the node regardless - in order to get the key.
        // It will be discarded if it isn't used
        node_constructor a(*this);
        return emplace_impl_with_node(a);

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template<class... Args>
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_empty_impl(Args&&... args)
        node_constructor a(*this);
        return emplace_return(this->emplace_empty_impl_with_node(a, 1), true);


#define BOOST_UNORDERED_INSERT_IMPL(z, num_params, _)                          \
    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>                              \
    template <BOOST_UNORDERED_TEMPLATE_ARGS(z, num_params)>                    \
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME                                              \
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return                          \
            hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_impl(                       \
                key_type const& k,                                             \
                BOOST_UNORDERED_FUNCTION_PARAMS(z, num_params))                \
    {                                                                          \
        std::size_t hash_value = this->hash_function()(k);                     \
        bucket_ptr bucket                                                      \
            = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);                          \
        node_ptr pos = this->find_iterator(bucket, k);                         \
        if (BOOST_UNORDERED_BORLAND_BOOL(pos)) {                               \
            return emplace_return(iterator_base(bucket, pos), false);          \
        } else {                                                               \
            node_constructor a(*this);                                         \
            a.construct(BOOST_UNORDERED_CALL_PARAMS(z, num_params));           \
            if(this->reserve_for_insert(this->size_ + 1))                      \
                bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);               \
            return emplace_return(iterator_base(bucket,                        \
                add_node(a, bucket)), true);                                   \
        }                                                                      \
    }                                                                          \
    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>                              \
    template <BOOST_UNORDERED_TEMPLATE_ARGS(z, num_params)>                    \
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME                                              \
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return                          \
            hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::                                    \
                emplace_impl(no_key,                                           \
                    BOOST_UNORDERED_FUNCTION_PARAMS(z, num_params))            \
    {                                                                          \
        node_constructor a(*this);                                             \
        a.construct(BOOST_UNORDERED_CALL_PARAMS(z, num_params));               \
        return emplace_impl_with_node(a);                                      \
    }                                                                          \
    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>                              \
    template <BOOST_UNORDERED_TEMPLATE_ARGS(z, num_params)>                    \
    inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME                                              \
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return                          \
            hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::                                    \
                emplace_empty_impl(                                            \
                    BOOST_UNORDERED_FUNCTION_PARAMS(z, num_params))            \
    {                                                                          \
        node_constructor a(*this);                                             \
        a.construct(BOOST_UNORDERED_CALL_PARAMS(z, num_params));               \
        return emplace_return(this->emplace_empty_impl_with_node(a, 1), true);  \





    // Emplace (unique keys)
    // (I'm using an overloaded emplace for both 'insert' and 'emplace')

    // if hash function throws, basic exception safety
    // strong otherwise

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template<class... Args>
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace(Args&&... args)
        return this->size_ ?
                std::forward<Args>(args)...) :


    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template <class Arg0>
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace(Arg0 const& arg0)
        return this->size_ ?
            emplace_impl(extractor::extract(arg0), arg0) :

#define BOOST_UNORDERED_INSERT_IMPL(z, num_params, _)                          \
    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>                              \
    template <BOOST_UNORDERED_TEMPLATE_ARGS(z, num_params)>                    \
    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace_return       \
        hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::emplace(                                \
            BOOST_UNORDERED_FUNCTION_PARAMS(z, num_params))                    \
    {                                                                          \
        return this->size_ ?                                                   \
            emplace_impl(extractor::extract(arg0, arg1),                       \
                BOOST_UNORDERED_CALL_PARAMS(z, num_params)) :                  \
            emplace_empty_impl(                                                \
                BOOST_UNORDERED_CALL_PARAMS(z, num_params));                   \



    // Insert range methods

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template <class InputIt>
    inline void hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::insert_range_impl(
        key_type const&, InputIt i, InputIt j)
        node_constructor a(*this);

        if(!this->size_) {
            this->emplace_empty_impl_with_node(a, 1);
            if(i == j) return;

        do {
            // No side effects in this initial code
            // Note: can't use get_key as '*i' might not be value_type - it could
            // be a pair with first_types as key_type without const or a
            // different second_type.
            key_type const& k = extractor::extract(*i);
            std::size_t hash_value = this->hash_function()(k);
            bucket_ptr bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);
            node_ptr pos = this->find_iterator(bucket, k);

            if (!BOOST_UNORDERED_BORLAND_BOOL(pos)) {
                // Doesn't already exist, add to bucket.
                // Side effects only in this block.

                // Create the node before rehashing in case it throws an
                // exception (need strong safety in such a case).

                // reserve has basic exception safety if the hash function
                // throws, strong otherwise.
                if(this->size_ + 1 >= this->max_load_) {
                    this->reserve_for_insert(this->size_ + insert_size(i, j));
                    bucket = this->bucket_ptr_from_hash(hash_value);

                // Nothing after this point can throw.
                add_node(a, bucket);
        } while(++i != j);

    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template <class InputIt>
    inline void hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::insert_range_impl(
        no_key, InputIt i, InputIt j)
        node_constructor a(*this);

        if(!this->size_) {
            this->emplace_empty_impl_with_node(a, 1);
            if(i == j) return;

        do {
            // No side effects in this initial code
        } while(++i != j);

    // if hash function throws, or inserting > 1 element, basic exception safety
    // strong otherwise
    template <class H, class P, class A, class K>
    template <class InputIt>
    void hash_unique_table<H, P, A, K>::insert_range(InputIt i, InputIt j)
        if(i != j)
            return insert_range_impl(extractor::extract(*i), i, j);
