...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
#include <boost/exception/info.hpp>
template <class Tag,class T>
typedef T value_type;
error_info( value_type const & v );
value_type const & value() const;
T must have accessible copy constructor and must not be a reference (there is no requirement that T's copy constructor does not throw.)
This class template is used to associate a Tag type with a value type T. Objects of type error_info<Tag,T> can be passed to operator<< to be stored in objects of type boost::exception.
The header <boost/exception/error_info.hpp> provides a declaration of the error_info template, which is sufficient for the purpose of typedefing an instance for specific Tag and T, for example:
#include <boost/exception/error_info.hpp> struct tag_errno; typedef boost::error_info<tag_errno,int> errno_info;
Or, the shorter equivalent:
#include <boost/exception/error_info.hpp> typedef boost::error_info<struct tag_errno,int> errno_info;
This errno_info typedef can be passed to operator<< (#include <boost/exception/info.hpp> first) to store an int named tag_errno in exceptions of types that derive from boost::exception:
throw file_read_error() << errno_info(errno);
It can also be passed to get_error_info (#include <boost/exception/get_error_info.hpp> first) to retrieve the tag_errno int from a boost::exception:
catch( boost::exception & x ) { if( int const * e=boost::get_error_info<errno_info>(x) ) .... }