...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
// In header: <boost/date_time/posix_time/time_serialize.hpp> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_FREE(boost::posix_time::ptime);
Function to save posix_time::time_duration objects using serialization lib
time_duration objects are broken down into 4 parts for serialization: types are hour_type, min_type, sec_type, and fractional_seconds_type as defined in the time_duration class
Function to load posix_time::time_duration objects using serialization lib
time_duration objects are broken down into 4 parts for serialization: types are hour_type, min_type, sec_type, and fractional_seconds_type as defined in the time_duration class
Function to save posix_time::ptime objects using serialization lib
ptime objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization: a date object and a time_duration onject
Function to load posix_time::ptime objects using serialization lib
ptime objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization: a date object and a time_duration onject
override needed b/c no default constructor
Function to save posix_time::time_period objects using serialization lib
time_period objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization: a begining ptime object and an ending ptime object
Function to load posix_time::time_period objects using serialization lib
time_period objects are broken down into 2 parts for serialization: a begining ptime object and an ending ptime object
override needed b/c no default constructor