// fstream_test.cpp --------------------------------------------------------//
// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002.
// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See library home page at
// VC++ 8.0 warns on various less-than-safe practices.
// See
// But at least in VC++ 8.0 betas, their own libraries use the problem
// practices. So turn off the warnings.
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio> // for std::remove
#include "../src/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp"
# include "lpath.hpp"
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
#include <boost/config.hpp>
namespace std { using ::remove; }
#include <boost/test/minimal.hpp>
bool cleanup = true;
template< class Path >
void test( const Path & p )
# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle open
std::cout << " in test 1\n";
fs::filebuf fb; p, std::ios_base::in );
BOOST_CHECK( fb.is_open() == fs::exists( p ) );
std::cout << " in test 2\n";
fs::filebuf fb1; p, std::ios_base::out );
BOOST_CHECK( fb1.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 3\n";
fs::filebuf fb2; p, std::ios_base::in );
BOOST_CHECK( fb2.is_open() );
# else
std::cout << "<note>\n";
std::cout <<
"VC++6.0 does not support boost::filesystem open()\n";
# endif
std::cout << " in test 4\n";
fs::ifstream tfs( p );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 4.1\n";
fs::ifstream tfs( p / p.leaf() ); // should fail
BOOST_CHECK( !tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 5\n";
fs::ifstream tfs( p, std::ios_base::in );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle open
std::cout << " in test 6\n";
fs::ifstream tfs; p );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 7\n";
fs::ifstream tfs; p, std::ios_base::in );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
# endif
std::cout << " in test 8\n";
fs::ofstream tfs( p );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 9\n";
fs::ofstream tfs( p, std::ios_base::out );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle open
std::cout << " in test 10\n";
fs::ofstream tfs; p );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 11\n";
fs::ofstream tfs; p, std::ios_base::out );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
# endif
std::cout << " in test 12\n";
fs::fstream tfs( p );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 13\n";
fs::fstream tfs( p, std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
# if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle open
std::cout << " in test 14\n";
fs::fstream tfs; p );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
std::cout << " in test 15\n";
fs::fstream tfs; p, std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::out );
BOOST_CHECK( tfs.is_open() );
# endif
if ( cleanup ) fs::remove( p );
} // test
} // unnamed namespace
int test_main( int argc, char*[] )
if ( argc > 1 ) cleanup = false;
// test fs::path
std::cout << "path tests:\n";
test( fs::path( "fstream_test_foo" ) );
// So that tests are run with known encoding, use Boost UTF-8 codecvt
std::locale global_loc = std::locale();
std::locale loc( global_loc, new fs::detail::utf8_codecvt_facet );
fs::wpath_traits::imbue( loc );
// test fs::wpath
// x2780 is circled 1 against white background == e2 9e 80 in UTF-8
// x2781 is circled 2 against white background == e2 9e 81 in UTF-8
std::cout << "\nwpath tests:\n";
test( fs::wpath( L"fstream_test_\x2780" ) );
// test user supplied basic_path
const long lname[] = { 'f', 's', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm', '_', 't', 'e', 's',
't', '_', 'l', 'p', 'a', 't', 'h', 0 };
std::cout << "\nlpath tests:\n";
test( user::lpath( lname ) );
return 0;