...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
#include "boost/concept/assert.hpp" BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((concept checking class template specialization));
Effects: causes a compilation failure if the concept is
not satisfied.
Note: this macro can be used at global, class, or function
#include "boost/concept/requires.hpp" template <…template parameters…> BOOST_CONCEPT_REQUIRES( ((concept checking class template specialization1)) ((concept checking class template specialization2))… ((concept checking class template specializationn)), (function return type) ) function_template_name(…function parameters…)
Effects: causes a compilation failure if the
given concepts are not satisfied.
Note: this macro is intended to be used in place of
a function template's return type.
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp" template <class T> struct Integer; // Is T a built-in integer type? template <class T> struct SignedInteger; // Is T a built-in signed integer type? template <class T> struct UnsignedInteger; // Is T a built-in unsigned integer type? template <class X, class Y> struct Convertible; // Is X convertible to Y? template <class T> struct Assignable; // Standard ref 23.1 template <class T> struct SGIAssignable; template <class T> struct DefaultConstructible; template <class T> struct CopyConstructible; // Standard ref 20.1.3 template <class T> struct EqualityComparable; // Standard ref 20.1.1 template <class T> struct LessThanComparable; // Standard ref 20.1.2 template <class T> struct Comparable; // The SGI STL LessThanComparable concept
template <class Iter> struct InputIterator; // Standard ref 24.1.1 Table 72 template <class Iter, class T> struct OutputIterator; // Standard ref 24.1.2 Table 73 template <class Iter> struct ForwardIterator; // Standard ref 24.1.3 Table 74 template <class Iter> struct Mutable_ForwardIterator; template <class Iter> struct BidirectionalIterator; // Standard ref 24.1.4 Table 75 template <class Iter> struct Mutable_BidirectionalIterator; template <class Iter> struct RandomAccessIterator; // Standard ref 24.1.5 Table 76 template <class Iter> struct Mutable_RandomAccessIterator;
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp" template <class Func, class Return> struct Generator; template <class Func, class Return, class Arg> struct UnaryFunction; template <class Func, class Return, class First, class Second> struct BinaryFunction; template <class Func, class Arg> struct UnaryPredicate; template <class Func, class First, class Second> struct BinaryPredicate; template <class Func, class First, class Second> struct Const_BinaryPredicate; template <class Func, class Return> struct AdaptableGenerator; template <class Func, class Return, class Arg> struct AdaptableUnaryFunction; template <class Func, class First, class Second> struct AdaptableBinaryFunction; template <class Func, class Arg> struct AdaptablePredicate; template <class Func, class First, class Second> struct AdaptableBinaryPredicate;
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp" template <class C> struct Container; // Standard ref 23.1 Table 65 template <class C> struct Mutable_Container; template <class C> struct ForwardContainer; template <class C> struct Mutable_ForwardContainer; template <class C> struct ReversibleContainer; // Standard ref 23.1 Table 66 template <class C> struct Mutable_ReversibleContainer; template <class C> struct RandomAccessContainer; template <class C> struct Mutable_RandomAccessContainer; template <class C> struct Sequence; // Standard ref 23.1.1 template <class C> struct FrontInsertionSequence; template <class C> struct BackInsertionSequence; template <class C> struct AssociativeContainer; // Standard ref 23.1.2 Table 69 template <class C> struct UniqueAssociativeContainer; template <class C> struct MultipleAssociativeContainer; template <class C> struct SimpleAssociativeContainer; template <class C> struct PairAssociativeContainer; template <class C> struct SortedAssociativeContainer;
#include "boost/concept_archetype.hpp" template <class T = int> class null_archetype; // A type that models no concepts. template <class Base = null_archetype> class default_constructible_archetype; template <class Base = null_archetype> class assignable_archetype; template <class Base = null_archetype> class copy_constructible_archetype; template <class Base = null_archetype> class equality_comparable_archetype; template <class T, class Base = null_archetype> class convertible_to_archetype;
#include "boost/concept_archetype.hpp" template <class ValueType> class trivial_iterator_archetype; template <class ValueType> class mutable_trivial_iterator_archetype; template <class ValueType> class input_iterator_archetype; template <class ValueType> class forward_iterator_archetype; template <class ValueType> class bidirectional_iterator_archetype; template <class ValueType> class random_access_iterator_archetype;
#include "boost/concept_archetype.hpp" template <class Arg, class Return> class unary_function_archetype; template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Return> class binary_function_archetype; template <class Arg> class predicate_archetype; template <class Arg1, class Arg2> class binary_predicate_archetype;
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp" template <class Concept> void function_requires();
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp" // Apply concept checks in class definitions. BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE(type, namespace-of-concept, concept); BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE2(type1, type2, namespace-of-concept, concept); BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE3(type1, type2, type3, namespace-of-concept, concept); BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE4(type1, type2, type3, type4, namespace-of-concept, concept); // Apply concept checks in class definitions. BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES(type, concept); BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES2(type1, type2, concept); BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES3(type1, type2, type3, concept); BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES4(type1, type2, type3, type4, concept);
For each of the concepts documented here, the library includes an
identical concept checking class whose name ends in
” For example, in
addition to RandomAccessIterator
, the library defines a
class template.
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Copyright © 2000 | Jeremy Siek(jsiek@osl.iu.edu) Andrew Lumsdaine(lums@osl.iu.edu), 2007 David Abrahams. |