...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
If the default algorithm does not satisfy user requirements, it's easy to provide different algorithms like bitmapping or more advanced segregated lists to meet requirements. The class implementing the algorithm must be compatible with shared memory, so it shouldn't have any virtual function or virtual inheritance or any indirect base class with virtual function or inheritance.
This is the interface to be implemented:
class my_algorithm { public: //!The mutex type to be used by the rest of Interprocess framework typedef implementation_defined mutex_family; //!The pointer type to be used by the rest of Interprocess framework typedef implementation_defined void_pointer; //!Constructor. "size" is the total size of the maanged memory segment, //!"extra_hdr_bytes" indicates the extra bytes after the sizeof(my_algorithm) //!that the allocator should not use at all. my_algorithm (std::size_t size, std::size_t extra_hdr_bytes); //!Obtains the minimium size needed by the algorithm static std::size_t get_min_size (std::size_t extra_hdr_bytes); //!Allocates bytes, returns 0 if there is not more memory void* allocate (std::size_t nbytes); //!Deallocates previously allocated bytes void deallocate (void *adr); //!Returns the size of the memory segment std::size_t get_size() const; //!Increases managed memory in extra_size bytes more void grow(std::size_t extra_size); /*...*/ };
Let's see the public typedefs to define:
typedef /* . . . */ void_pointer; typedef /* . . . */ mutex_family;
The void_pointer
specifies the pointer type to be used in the Boost.Interprocess
framework that uses the algorithm. For example, if we define
typedef void * void_pointer;
all Boost.Interprocess framework using this algorithm will use raw pointers as members. But if we define:
typedef offset_ptr<void> void_pointer;
then all Boost.Interprocess framework will use relative pointers.
The mutex_family
is an structure
containing typedefs for different interprocess_mutex types to be used in
the Boost.Interprocess framework. For example
the defined
struct mutex_family { typedef boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex mutex_type; typedef boost::interprocess::interprocess_recursive_mutex recursive_mutex_type; };
defines all interprocess_mutex types using boost::interprocess interprocess_mutex types. The user can specify the desired mutex family.
typedef mutex_family mutex_family;
The new algorithm (let's call it my_algorithm) must implement all the functions that boost::interprocess::rbtree_best_fit class offers:
that my_algorithm
can't use at all. This extra bytes will be used to store additional
data that should not be overwritten. So, my_algorithm
will be placed at address XXX of the memory segment, and will manage
the [XXX + sizeof(my_algorithm) + extra_hdr_bytes,
XXX + size) range of the segment.
typename mutex_family::mutex_type
interprocess_mutex. That means, that if we define typedef
mutex_family mutex_family;
then this function should offer the same
synchronization as if it was surrounded by a interprocess_mutex lock/unlock.
Normally, this is implemented using a member of type mutex_family::mutex_type
but it could be done using atomic instructions or lock free algorithms.
That's it. Now we can create new managed shared memory that uses our new algorithm:
//Managed memory segment to allocate named (c-string) objects //using a user-defined memory allocation algorithm basic_managed_shared_memory<char, ,my_algorithm ,flat_map_index> my_managed_shared_memory;
If provided STL-like allocators don't satisfy user needs, the user can implement another STL compatible allocator using raw memory allocation and named object construction functions. The user can this way implement more suitable allocation schemes on top of basic shared memory allocation schemes, just like more complex allocators are built on top of new/delete functions.
When using a managed memory segment, get_segment_manager() function returns a pointer to the segment manager. With this pointer, the raw memory allocation and named object construction functions can be called directly:
//Create the managed shared memory and initialize resources managed_shared_memory segment (create_only ,"/MySharedMemory" //segment name ,65536); //segment size in bytes //Obtain the segment manager managed_shared_memory::segment_manager *segment_mngr = segment.get_segment_manager(); //With the segment manager, now we have access to all allocation functions segment_mngr->deallocate(segment_mngr->allocate(32)); segment_mngr->construct<int>("My_Int")[32](0); segment_mngr->destroy<int>("My_Int"); //Initialize the custom, managed memory segment compatible //allocator with the segment manager. // //MySTLAllocator uses segment_mngr->xxx functions to //implement its allocation scheme MySTLAllocator<int> stl_alloc(segment_mngr); //Alias a new vector type that uses the custom STL compatible allocator typedef std::vector<int, MySTLAllocator<int> > MyVect; //Construct the vector in shared memory with the allocator as constructor parameter segment.construct<MyVect>("MyVect_instance")(stl_alloc);
The user can create new STL compatible allocators that use the segment manager
to access to all memory management/object construction functions. All Boost.Interprocess' STL compatible allocators are
based on this approach. Remember that to
be compatible with managed memory segments, allocators should define their
pointer typedef as the same pointer family
as segment_manager::void_pointer
typedef. This means that if
is offset_ptr<void>
define pointer
as offset_ptr<int>
. The
reason for this is that allocators are members of containers, and if we want
to put the container in a managed memory segment, the allocator should be
ready for that.
The managed memory segment uses a name/object index to speed up object searching
and creation. Default specializations of managed memory segments (managed_shared_memory
for example), use
as index.
However, the index type can be chosen via template parameter, so that the user can define its own index type if he needs that. To construct a new index type, the user must create a class with the following guidelines:
typedef can be of type:
std::pair<key_type, mapped_type>
std::pair<const key_type, mapped_type>
so that ordered arrays or deques can be used as index types. Some known classes
following this basic interface are boost::unordered_map
and boost::interprocess::map
struct index_traits { typedef /*...*/ key_type; typedef /*...*/ mapped_type; typedef /*...*/ segment_manager; };
template <class IndexTraits> class my_index_type;
The key_type
typedef of the
passed index_traits
be a specialization of the following class:
//!The key of the the named allocation information index. Stores a to //!a null string and the length of the string to speed up sorting template<...> struct index_key { typedef /*...*/ char_type; typedef /*...*/ const_char_ptr_t; //Pointer to the object's name (null terminated) const_char_ptr_t mp_str; //Length of the name buffer (null NOT included) std::size_t m_len; //!Constructor of the key index_key (const CharT *name, std::size_t length); //!Less than function for index ordering bool operator < (const index_key & right) const; //!Equal to function for index ordering bool operator == (const index_key & right) const; };
The mapped_type
is not directly
modified by the customized index but it is needed to define the index type.
The segment_manager will be the type of
the segment manager that will manage the index. segment_manager
will define interesting internal types like void_pointer
or mutex_family
constructor(segment_manager *segment_mngr);
void reserve(std::size_t n);
For example, the index type flat_map_index
based in boost::interprocess::flat_map
is just defined as:
namespace boost { namespace interprocess { //!Helper class to define typedefs from IndexTraits template <class MapConfig> struct flat_map_index_aux { typedef typename MapConfig::key_type key_type; typedef typename MapConfig::mapped_type mapped_type; typedef typename MapConfig:: segment_manager_base segment_manager_base; typedef std::less<key_type> key_less; typedef std::pair<key_type, mapped_type> value_type; typedef allocator<value_type ,segment_manager_base> allocator_type; typedef flat_map<key_type, mapped_type, key_less, allocator_type> index_t; }; //!Index type based in flat_map. Just derives from flat_map and //!defines the interface needed by managed memory segments. template <class MapConfig> class flat_map_index //Derive class from flat_map specialization : public flat_map_index_aux<MapConfig>::index_t { /// @cond typedef flat_map_index_aux<MapConfig> index_aux; typedef typename index_aux::index_t base_type; typedef typename index_aux:: segment_manager_base segment_manager_base; /// @endcond public: //!Constructor. Takes a pointer to the segment manager. Can throw flat_map_index(segment_manager_base *segment_mngr) : base_type(typename index_aux::key_less(), typename index_aux::allocator_type(segment_mngr)) {} //!This reserves memory to optimize the insertion of n elements in the index void reserve(std::size_t n) { base_type::reserve(n); } //!This frees all unnecessary memory void shrink_to_fit() { base_type::shrink_to_fit(); } }; }} //namespace boost { namespace interprocess
If the user is defining a node container based index (a container whose iterators
are not invalidated when inserting or erasing other elements), Boost.Interprocess can optimize named object destruction
when destructing via pointer. Boost.Interprocess
can store an iterator next to the object and instead of using the name of
the object to erase the index entry, it uses the iterator, which is a faster
operation. So if you are creating a new node container based index (for example,
a tree), you should define an specialization of boost::interprocess::is_node_index<...>
defined in <boost/interprocess/detail/utilities.hpp>
//!Trait classes to detect if an index is a node //!index. This allows more efficient operations //!when deallocating named objects. template<class MapConfig> struct is_node_index <my_index<MapConfig> > { enum { value = true }; };
Interprocess also defines other index types:
Defining a new managed memory segment that uses the new index is easy. For example, a new managed shared memory that uses the new index:
//!Defines a managed shared memory with a c-strings as //!a keys, the red-black tree best fit algorithm (with process-shared mutexes //!and offset_ptr pointers) as raw shared memory management algorithm //!and a custom index typedef basic_managed_shared_memory < char, rbtree_best_fit<mutex_family>, my_index_type > my_managed_shared_memory;